Why did Mugabe take over from Ian Smith in Zimbabwe?

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Why did Mugabe take over from Ian Smith in Zimbabwe?
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse why Mugabe took over from Smith
B/A aim – to analyse why Mugabe took over from Smith
What can you work out has happened to
Zimbabwe in 1980 from this newspaper
front page? Explain it as fully as you can.
Ext. What do you know about Mugabe
and Zimbabwe today?
Read your handout and highlight in one colour
things which suggest that Rhodesia will remain
ruled by the white minority through the
Rhodesian Front led by Ian Smith and in another
colour anything which shows that Rhodesia will
It looks likely that it
will stay the same
It looks likely it will
Why did Mugabe take over from Ian
Smith in Zimbabwe?
Can you think of four
factors for why Mugabe
may takeover from Ian
Personality of Ian
British actions
Why did Mugabe take over from Ian
Smith in Zimbabwe?
Events elsewhere in
Black nationalist groups in
The Rhodesian Bush War 1964-1970
Attacks began on white settlers in 1961 and black Africans
who identified with them.
In 1963 the ZAPU went underground and the ZANU split off
from them. They also wanted black majority rule but they
wanted it through armed confrontation, whereas ZAPU
wanted international intervention. These two groups
fought each other and competed for support from
indigenous Zimbabweans. This prevented them from
forming a strong united front.
Zimbabwe African People’s Union – ZAPU. Nkomo
Zimbabwe African National Union – ZANU – more inward
looking, leftist, pan-Africanist, included Mugabe.
Both of these had military wings who went into hiding and
got training in Zambia.
Guerrilla warfare. Anthraz.
In 1974 they joined together to make the ‘patriotic front’
A white soldier interrogates
Rhodesian villagers about
terrorist activity in late 1977.
This photograph would
become one of the most
enduring images of the bush
Create two fact files…
14 How far do you agree that Rhodesian
white minority rule was able to last so
long primarily because of divisions
amongst African nationalists?
14 To what extent was South Africa’s
withdrawal of support responsible for the
Rhodesian government’s decision to
negotiate black majority rule in the years
14 How far do you agree that white
minority rule persisted in Southern
Rhodesia in the years to 1980 mainly
because of the influence of the
apartheid regime in South Africa?
13 How far do you agree that the presence
of white settlers was the most important
influence on the speed with which
independence was gained by African
colonies in the years 1957–80?
Why did Mugabe take over from Ian Smith in Zimbabwe?
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse why Mugabe took over from Smith
B/A aim – to analyse why Mugabe took over from Smith
Design your own front page. It can be from
the time or after. You must include
• An explanation of how Mugabe took over
from Smith
• An analysis (saying what factor there were
and which ones were most important) for
how Mugabe took over
The Republic of South Africa
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse how South Africa gained
independence and how apartheid came about
B/A aim – to analyse how South Africa gained independence and why
apartheid endured as long as it did
Same country… different names….
When was this area called the Union
of South Africa?
When and why did it change its
name to the Republic of South
Super – why is South West Africa
shaded in orange?
The Republic of South Africa
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse how South Africa gained
independence and how apartheid came about
B/A aim – to analyse how South Africa gained independence and why
apartheid endured as long as it did
• The Union of South Africa came into being in
1910 when the four previously separate
British colonies of the Cape Colony, Natal
colony, Transvaal Colony and the Orange River
Colony were unified. It gained German SouthWest Africa after WWI. It was constitutional
monarchy with the British monarch
represented by a governor general.
The Republic of South Africa
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse how South Africa gained
independence and how apartheid came about
B/A aim – to analyse how South Africa gained independence and why
apartheid endured as long as it did
• 1931 Statue of Westminster led to effective independence from the
• 1961 referendum where white voters voted in favour of the country
becoming a republic. The Queen was no longer the Queen of South
Africa and the last governor-general became the state president.
• Despite opposition within and outside the country the government
continued apartheid and harshly oppressed resistance movements
– anti-apartheid activists in return went on strike, marches, protests
and bombed. The African National Congress became a major
resistance movement.
• How did South Africa gain independence?
The Republic of South Africa
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse how South Africa gained
independence and how apartheid came about
B/A aim – to analyse how South Africa gained independence and why
apartheid endured as long as it did
• Natives Land Act of 1913 restricted how much land
black Africans could own – only 7%
• 1948 – National Party elected to power – they had
English speaking ‘whites’ and Afrikaners as their
supporters. They strengthened racial segregation and
classified people into three races with rights and
limitations for each. This became known as the
apartheid. The white minority enjoyed the highest
standard in living in Africa, whilst the black majority
were disadvantaged in every area.
The Republic of South Africa
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse how South Africa gained
independence and how apartheid came about
B/A aim – to analyse how South Africa gained independence and why
apartheid endured as long as it did
• Some Western nations began a boycott with businesses in South
Africa because of their racial policies and oppression of Civil Rights.
• A decree was signed in 1974 saying that power should transfer
peacefully and there should be equality for all. It wasn’t until 1990
that the National Party lifted the ban on the African National
Congress and other political organisations and released Nelson
Mandela from jail after he had been imprisoned for 27 years.
• The government repealed apartheid legislation, met with Mandela
in 1992 and 1993 to organise the transition of policies and
government. In the first universal elections in 1994 the ANC won by
an overwhelming majority.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfNNaW1bR_Q 3 mins
The Republic of South Africa
C aim – to explain and begin to analyse how South Africa gained
independence and how apartheid came about
B/A aim – to analyse how South Africa gained independence and why
apartheid endured as long as it did
How did South Africa gain independence?
How did apartheid come about and why did it
last for so long?