The Civil War

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Transcript The Civil War

The Verge of War
I. North and South Try to Compromise
•A. The Slavery Issue in the West
– 1. Win in Mexican War made conflict worse.
– 2. 1820 population favored the North
• More seats in the House of Representatives
15 slave states
3. 1849 there were 15 free and ___
* Debate over status of new western territories as
slave states.
B. Congressional Debate Begins
• 1. Wilmot’s __________
(condition added to a bill)
proposed a ban on slavery in
all former Mexican
2. Calhoun’s debate called
the “Platform of the South”
said that Congress couldn’t ban
3. Stephen Douglas proposed
popular sovereignty – allowing
each state to vote and decide.
C. Issues Affect Election Results
• 1. The (anti-slavery)
Free Soil Party was
formed – its campaign slogan
stating “Free soil, free speech,
free labor, and free men.”
• 2. 1848 – “Old Rough and
Ready” _______________
Zachary Taylor
wins the election – but took no
position on slavery.
• 3. CA and NM wanted to ban
(deny) slavery.
D. Compromise of 1850
• 1. Proposed by Henry Clay
• 2. Included 5 new laws:
– A. CA - _________
free state
– B. NM organized with
– C. UT organized with
Popular sovereignty
slave trade must
– D. The _______
end in Washington, DC.
– E. Federal government would
provide aid in the ________
of runaway slaves.
• 3. Congressional debate over
– A. Calhoun asked, “How
can the Union be
– B. Daniel Webster replied,
1844 Political Cartoon showing
“I speak today for the
presidential candidates Polk and
of the Union
Clay. (Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster,
Martin Van Buren look on)
4. In 1850, after President
Taylor’s death, President
What if Clay had won? Could
slavery have continued and
Clay’s compromise.
would there have been a Civil
E. All Southern States Accepted the
Compromise of 1850 With Certain
• 1. Fugitive Slave Law
must be obeyed.
• 2. Congress cannot
abolish slavery in
Washington, DC.
• 3. Congress cannot
deny new slave
F. Conflict Arises • 1. Many Northerners refused
to obey the
Slave Law of 1850.
• 2. Southern leaders were again
claiming state sovereignty.
G. Election of 1852 – Franklin Pierce
Supported The Compromise And
Won By A Landslide.
II. Compromises Fail
A. Compromise of 1850
Only Lasts 2 Years
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
 Story about slaves & their owners in
 Stirred up strong feelings:
 North – Masterpiece, South - Lie
  Stowe is from the North
- minister’s daughter
  History of helping
fugitive slaves
– A gifted writer - many
began to think about
B. Kansas-Nebraska Act
 Bill introduced by Senator Stephen Douglas
  To organize these territories - proposes
popular sovereignty
  Conflicts with earlier MO Compromise
  Would allow a transcontinental RR
  E. Coast - Chicago to the W. Coast
  Southerners wanted RR to cross TX
• Purpose of the Gadsden Purchase
  1854 Kansas-Nebraska
Act passes
  Stirs northern emotions
- Whig party splits
  South - Democratic
  North - Free-Soil joins
  “Bleeding Kansas”
bloodshed over slave vote
May 1856 – While sitting at his
desk in the Senate chamber,
Senator Charles Sumner is
savagely beaten with a cane
by Congressman Preston
Brooks of South Carolina
C. Election of 1856
 John C. Fremont
(Republican) vs.
  Winner - James
Buchanan (Democrat)
  Buchanan carries
Southern vote
D. Dred Scott Case
  A black slave in
  Travels (with
owner) to (free)
Illinois & Wisconsin,
but returns to MO
  Abolitionists
support suing for
Supreme Court Decision:
  Where a slave lives does not
  Slaves have no Constitutional
  They are property of owners
and Congress cannot deny
movement of property
– 1. Missouri Compromise
– 2. Slavery is protected under the
– 3. Amendment required to abolish
III. The South Leaves the Union
A. Election of 1860
• 1. Abraham Lincoln
becomes 16th President
  Carries the N & W,
40% of popular vote
• 2. Secession Feared
  Not favored by every
slave state
• - Lincoln pledges not to
touch existing slave states
B. Inauguration March 1861 –
7 States Already Seceded
C. Confederate States of America
  Jefferson Davis –
President (former
Mississippi senator)
  New constitution
based on idea of states
rights within the
D. Lincoln Refuses to Recognize
the Confederacy
  Believed – states have no right to secede
• * Strategy:
• If war – Confederates will fire first
IV. War Begins – Union vs.
A. Fort Sumter (Charleston, SC) April 1861
  Union troops occupied –
low on supplies
  Confederate orders –
Attack if re-supplied
  Ships arrive, negotiation
  Confederate troops
bombard for 36 hours
* Union surrenders – No battle deaths
B. Battle Sparks
Union Patriotism –
Support For War
C. Border States –
MO, KY, DE, MD –
Stay In Union
D. West Virginia
(Union) – Breaks
From Virginia
E. Sides Are Chosen – Families,
Friends, Military Officers, States
• Robert E. Lee –
Initially loyal to
Union, but
ultimately to VA
• Gifted military
F. Northern (Federal) Plan:
• 1. Gain control of Confederacy’s vast lands
• 2. Defeat southern armies
• 3. Destroy Confederacy’s desire & ability to fight
– Goals:
– a. Capture (Confederate) Capital – Richmond, VA
– b. Control the Mississippi River (separates E & W)
– c. Stop Confederate trade abroad:
 Export: Cotton
 Import: Military supplies
• Slow start – lacked military strength
G. Confederate Plan – Defend
Home Cause
•Has skilled military
H. First Major Fighting
 Battle of Bull Run (Manassas, VA) July 1861
 Confederate General Thomas “Stone
Wall” Jackson blocks Northern advance
 Union troops retreat to Washington, DC
Dec. 1862 Battle of Fredericksburg, VA
The Turning Point –
Summer 1863
A. Gettysburg, PA - July 1-3
  Union Commander George Meade
knows Lee’s intention
  Confederate Commander Robert
E. Lee – needed surprise attack
– 1. Battle lasted 3 days
 Day 1 – Only partial fighting
 Union troops retreat
to Cemetery Ridge
Gettysburg - Days 2 & 3 – Intense
  Pickett’s Charge –
final Confederate
charge (15K soldiers)
  Forced to retreat &
return to VA
• 2. Union Victory
- heavy casualties
(both sides)
B. Lincoln’s
Gettysburg Address
(Nov. 1863)
• Speech for
dedication of
C. Vicksburg, Miss. – 3 Months
Fighting Ends July 4th
  City heavily
defended by
  Protects the
Mississippi River
– Union victory
separates SE
from SW
D. Chattanooga, TN – Fall 1863
• Union Victory – Gains major
communication & transportation center
E. Confederate Army Struggles –
Union Victory Seems Evident
•*Grant now Commander of Union forces
*General William Tecumseh Sherman in
charge of West
F. Grant Sends Sherman to
Attack Atlanta, GA
• a. Orders: Destroy
Confederates’ ability to
– 1. Occupies Atlanta – Sept.
– 2. Moves east & destroys 60 mi.
wide path – Atlanta to Savannah
– 3. Destroyed all supplies for
Confederate army
• b. Sherman enforces
the Emancipation
  Plantations raided
(owners at war)
c. Savannah to
Columbia, SC –
destroys all supply
lines in-between
G. Naval Battles
• 1. North imposes
a blockade of all
southern ports
  Strategy – cut off
supply lines
* South used fast
ships “blockade
• 2. Modern naval warfare
begins (1862)
  The ship Merrimac is
captured early –
Confederates rename it
Virginia – it becomes an
ironclad battleship
  Union Monitor –
ironclad battleship – fights
the Virginia
  Battle ends in standoff
3. (1865) Union Navy
stronger – blocks most
Confederate supply ships
H. Richmond Becomes Focus
  Grant advances south – meets
Lee’s forces
  Battle of the Wilderness (northern
  Spotsylvania
  Cold Harbor (10 mi. from
  Richmond, VA (Confederate
capital) – Grant uses siege warfare
  Lee’s troops outnumbered 2:1, fight
trench warfare
• 9 month siege – Grant captures
VI. The War Ends - Appomattox
Court House, Virginia
A. Richmond falls
to Union troops –
April 1, 1865
B. Grant pursues
Lee to Appomattox
C. Lee Surrenders
April 9
•D. Confederate President Jefferson
Davis captured May 10
* May 26 – Last Confederate Army
Study Guide – Civil War Unit
Directions: Write the term that
best fits each description.
1. Plan proposed by Henry Clay
to keep the number of slave and
free states equal ___________________
Missouri Compromise
2. Proposed law to ban slavery in lands won from Mexico
Wilmot Proviso
3. Loyalty to a state or section rather than to the country as
a whole ____________
4. Policy that would allow the people of a territory to
decide for themselves whether to allow slavery
Popular sovereignty
5. War between people of the same country ___________
civil war
6. Antislavery author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Beecher Stowe
7. President who supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Franklin Pierce
8. Slave who sued for his freedom because he had lived
Dred Scott
in free territory__________
9. Law proposed by Stephen Douglas of Illinois that
allowed territories to organize and choose whether they
would become free or slave states Kansas-Nebraska
10.They rejoiced at the Dred Scott decision___________
11.Democratic candidate that was elected President in
James Buchanan
12.Proposal by Henry Clay that involved five new laws
on the issue of slavery, it was negotiated between
North & South before it became law
of 1850
13. Law that caused great conflict in the North because it
required escaped slaves to be returned to their owners
Fugitive Slave Law
14. Former slave and abolitionist, he had two sons
fighting with the Massachusetts 54th, the all black
regiment that attacked Fort Wagner____________
Frederick Douglass
15. Slave state that chose to remain in the Union during
the Civil War _________
William Tecumseh Sherman was the Union general
who led the “march to the sea” after capturing Atlanta,
destroying the Confederacy’s ability to fight.
17.The Battle of _________
Gettysburg was seen as being a turning
point in the Civil War.
18.The Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, when Lee
Appomattox Court House
surrendered to Grant at _______________________.
19.Location where the first shots of the Civil War were
Fort Sumter
fired was ____________.
20.Part of the __________
plan was to gain control of the
enemy’s vast lands and destroy their desire to fight.
21.President Lincoln appointed _______________
Ulysses S. Grant as
commander of the Union forces in 1864.
Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederate States
of America (CSA).
23.The ____________
Confederacy had an early advantage because they
possessed many skilled military officers.
Vicksburg, Mississippi was located along the
Mississippi River and a key battle location, where
fighting lasted three months.
Richmond, Virginia became the
25.At the end of the war, __________________
focus of the Union’s advances because it was the capital
of the Confederacy.