Joshua Chamberlain

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Born September 8, 1828
in Brewer, Maine
Oldest of five children
Parents – Joshua and
Sarah Dupee Chamberlain
Was raised a Puritan
(urged good manners,
cheerfulness, mortality,
and education)
Family Cont.
Father (Joshua) - Was the
county commissioner
and a former Lieutenant
in the military
Mother (Sarah Dupee) A very religious woman;
her religion always came
Early Life
Fond of outdoor
Horseback riding,
swimming, sailing, and
animal and flower
Always working on the
Learned much through
his father
Attended Bowdoin
College in Brunswick
• Met his future bride
Attended Bangor
Theological Seminary for
about three years
Returned to Bowdoin to
become a professor of
• Soon taught every
subject except
mathematics and
Before the War
 He wanted to enlist, but Bowdoin thought he was too
valuable to the teaching program
 He was granted a leave of absence, supposedly to
study for 2 years in Europe, but instead he enlisted into
the army
 Liar!
“We have to go in places no body would ever
think of going into were it not for the
necessities of war.”
-Joshua Chamberlain
The Civil War
• Joshua was fighting
for the Union
– Also known as the
Army of the Potomac
• Colonel of the 20th
– His brother, Thomas,
was under his
Battle of Gettysburg
Most famous at the
Battle on Little Round
Fought with the
83rd Pennsylvania
44th New York
16th Michigan
Battle of Gettysburg (cont.)
• William C. Oates was
trying to flank the
– General of the 15th
Alabama Regiment
• The Confederates
more than doubled
Chamberlain’s troops
in this battle
Battle of Gettysburg (cont.)
The 15th Alabama was
killing many of Joshua’s
troops, but he made one
of the boldest army tactic
– Chamberlain ordered all of
his troops to charge,
making the enemy believe
they were outnumbered
and were forced to
“We pass now quickly from each other's sight;
but I know full well that where beyond these
passing scenes you shall be, there will be
-Joshua Chamberlain
Siege of Petersburg
Promoted to a
Brigade Commander
In charge of the 1st
Brigade of the 1st
Division of V Corps
Was shot and ruined
in this fight, but
returned to fight
After the War
 Joshua became one of the most popular people
who fought in the war
 The 20th Maine became famous, and years later,
Joshua received the Medal of Honor
• Joshua Chamberlain died February 24, 1914 of old age
at 86
• 3,000 people attended Chamberlain’s funeral at the
City Hall in Portland.
"The death of General Joshua L. Chamberlain will be
felt as a personal loss to every citizen of Maine.”
- Ex-Governor Frederick W. Plaisted