Antebellum - Progressives

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Unit 4: Antebellum
Economic, social & cultural differences
• North – industry and finance
• South – agriculture
• West – new resources
2nd great awakening
Abolitionist movement
Demand for women's rights – Seneca falls
States rights vs federal authority
Issues – Kansas Nebraska act, tariff of abominations,
nullification crisis…
• Lincoln Douglass debates
• Birth of Republican Party
• Popular Soverignty
Unit 4: Antebellum
-Key People:
-Andrew Jackson
-John Q. Adams
-Abraham Lincoln
-Stephen Douglass
-John C Calhoun
-Harriet Tubman
-Harriet Beecher Stowe
-Frederick Douglas
-William Lloyd Garrison
-Grimke Sisters
-John Brown
-David Walker
-Tariff of 1828
-SC Exposition & Protest
-Wilmot Proviso
-Uncle Tom’s Cabin
--The Liberator
-Colored Citizens of the World
-Compromise of 1850
-Dred Scott vs Sanford (1857)
Unit 5: Civil War
African American units
Emancipation Proclamation
Advantages: geographic, political and
economic factors
• Copperheads & habeas corpus
States that did NOT secede
Anaconda Plan –
1. Navy would block ports
2. Boats went down the MS River to
separate the Confederacy
3. Capture the capital Richmond, VA
1. More people
2. More factories
3. More Food Production
4. Railroad System
5. Lincoln was a good president
Abraham Lincoln – USA
Ulysses S Grant – USA General
William Sherman – USA
commander – marched to Sea
11 States WILL secede & start the
Confederate States of America
TX, LA, AK, TN, AL, Miss, FL, GA,
1. War of Attrition – Play defense
1. Money from Cotton
2. Great Generals
3. Motivation
Jefferson Davis – CSA
Robert E Lee – CSA General
Stonewall Jackson –
Confederate general – right
hand man
Unit 5: Reconstruction
• effects of Reconstruction on the southern
• Carpetbaggers & scalawags
• 13, 14, 15 amendments
• Lincoln, Johnson, Congress plan
• the Freedmen’s Bureau
• gains in educational & political opportunity
• Anti–African American factions/legislation
– KKK, poll tax, literacy test, grandfather
clause, Jim Crow laws
Unit 5: Civil War &
-Key People:
-Abraham Lincoln
-Jefferson Davis
-Robert E Lee
-Ulysses S Grant
-Stonewall Jackson
-William Sherman
-Andrew Johnson
-Rutherford B Hayes
-Samuel Tilden
-Emancipation Proclamation
-Gettysburg Address
-13,14,15 amendments
-Freedmen's Bureau
-10% plan
-Reconstruction Act of 1867
-Jim Crow
-Grandfather Clause
-Literacy Tests
-Poll Taxes
-Compromise of 1877
Unit 6: Gilded Age
New Industries : Agrarian to an industrial economy
Industrial Revolution
Robber Barons – Rockefeller, Carnegie….
the influence of business ideologies,
increase availability of consumer goods
rising standard of living
American farmers in facing economic problems
mechanized farming
rise of the Populist movement
labor movement
working conditions for men, women, and children
Union protests & strikes
government’s reactions labor unions
urbanization causes & effects
African Americans Move north and west
Women Continue to ask for suffrage
Increase in immigration – ethnic neighborhoods – restrictions
immigrants’ responses to the urban political machines
Unit 6: Gilded Age
-Key People:
-Andrew Carnegie
-John D Rockefeller
-JP Morgan
-Cornelius Vanderbilt
-William Jennings Bryan
-Ida B Wells
-Booker T Washington
-WEB Dubois
Interstate Commerce Act
Gospel of Wealth
Sherman AntiTrust
Omaha platform
Gross of Gold Speech
Chinese Exclusion Act
Unit 7 : Progressive Period
• Domestic tensions – women, African Americans, housing,
• Expansionism (change from isolationism to intervention)
• Reasons for imperialism - Social Darwinism and expanding
• McKinley –
– Spanish-American War
– Open Door Policy and Boxer Rebellion
• Theodore Roosevelt
– Square Deal
– Corollary Diplomacy, Panama Canal, Naval World Tour
• Taft
– Dollar Diplomacy
– Payne Aldrich Tariff
• Wilson
– Missionary “moral” Diplomacy
Unit 7: Progressive Period
-Key People:
-Carrie Nation
-Susan B Anthony
-Carrie Chapman Catt
-Alice Paul
-Jacob Riis
-Jane Addams
-Frederick Jackson Turner
-Theodore Roosevelt
-William Taft
-Woodrow Wilson
-Upton Sinclair
-Ida Tarbell
-Plessy vs Ferguson
-Open Door Policy
-Yellow journalism
-Treaty of Paris – teller and platt amendment
-16 amendment
17 amendment
18 amendment
19 amendment
Multiple Choice
Antebellum - Progressives
What agency was created by the United States
Congress in 1865 to set up schools and
churches, supply food and clothing, and solve
employment issues for the former slaves?
A) the Ku Klux Klan
B) the Freedmen's Bureau
C) the American Missionary Association
D) the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People
B) the Freedmen's Bureau
In 1865 the United States Congress
established an agency known as the
Freedmen's Bureau. This agency worked
to build schools and churches as well as
supply basic needs to the former slaves.
The Bureau also helped to solve
employment issues and secure labor
contracts for the freedmen.
Antebellum - Progressives
The constitutional amendment that
prohibited denying voting rights to people
based on race or color is the
A) Twelfth Amendment.
B) Fifteenth Amendment.
C) Thirteenth Amendment.
D) Fourteenth Amendment
B) Fifteenth Amendment
The Fifteenth Amendment prohibits
denying voting rights to people based on
race or color. The Twelfth Amendment
relates to presidential elections. The
Thirteenth Amendment abolished and
prohibited slavery. The Fourteenth
Amendment gave former slaves
citizenship rights.
Antebellum - Progressives
Which of these was the BIGGEST economic
disadvantage of the Southern States
during the Civil War?
A) sea port availability
B) industrial production
C) agricultural production
D) availability of resources
B) industrial production
Southern states had very low industrial
production during the Civil War. Their
inability to make weapons and materiel for
war was a major factor that contributed to
their loss. The Confederacy did have a
huge coastline with many good ports,
though the Union was able to blockade
most of them for a good
Antebellum - Progressives
"Jim Crow" laws can BEST be described as
laws that
A) restricted the rights of blacks.
B) helped poor blacks attain citizenship.
C) caused blacks to move from the north to
the south.
D) allowed blacks and whites to live and
work together.
A) restricted the rights of blacks.
The Jim Crow laws restricted the rights of
blacks. This was the unconstitutional
way of life in the south through the first
half of the 20th Century
Antebellum - Progressives
Northerners who relocated to the South after
the Civil War were called
A) Carpetbaggers.
B) Copperheads.
C) Interlopers.
D) Scalawags.
A) Carpetbaggers.
Northerners who came South after the Civil
War were called Carpetbaggers.
Scalawags were southerners who aided
the Carpetbaggers.
Antebellum - Progressives
Vigorous political debate accompanied territorial
expansion of the United States before the Civil
War because
A) the Texas territory was still under Mexican
B) most people in the United States opposed
westward expansion.
C) southern states refused to provided the troops
necessary for such expansion.
D) any new states admitted to the Union might
upset the sectional balance in Congress.
D) any new states admitted to the Union might
upset the sectional balance in Congress.
Vigorous political debate accompanied territorial
expansion of the United States before the Civil
War because any new states admitted to the
Union might upset the sectional balance in
Congress. This "balance" was centered around
the number of states that had slavery compared
to the number of states that did not allow slavery
Antebellum - Progressives
The secession of South Carolina from the Union in
1860 was prompted by
A) the election of Abraham Lincoln as President.
B) the threat of the Congress to abolish slavery.
C) refusal of Congress to pass the Fugitive Slave
D) the invasion of South Carolina by Union forces
at Ft. Sumter.
A) the election of Abraham Lincoln as President.
The secession of South Carolina from the Union in
1860 was prompted by the election of
Abraham Lincoln as President. No southern
state had been won by him due to his stance
on preserving the Union rather than giving
individual states more rights than they
Constitutionally were allowed.
Antebellum - Progressives
Businessmen such as John D. Rockefeller,
Andrew Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan were
often called
A) ‘Scalawags’.
B) ‘Greenbacks’.
C) ‘Robber Barons’.
D) ‘Yellow Journalists’.
• Answer: C
Explanation: While the men accumulated
massive fortunes and expanded American
industry around the turn of the century
(20th), many people thought them to be
merely ’Robber Barons.’ This meant that
they were criticized for making such a
huge fortune off of the labor of poorly-paid
Antebellum - Progressives
In the decades following the Civil War, industrial
technology progressed to such an extent that
A) a more educated workforce was needed to
run the machines.
B) most manufacturers found that they no
longer needed human labor power.
C) traditional craft workers were able to
maintain their share of the marketplace.
D) manufacturers were able to hire cheap labor
to cut costs and maximize profits.
Answer: D
Explanation: In the decades following the
Civil War, manufacturers were able to
hire cheap labor to cut costs and
maximize profits. Much of this labor
consisted of former slaves who were now
being hired for labor in factories.
Antebellum - Progressives
One of the main reasons John D.
Rockefeller was able to succeed in the oil
industry was because he
A) encouraged competition.
B) treated his competitors fairly.
C) combined vertical and horizontal
D) urged government regulation of the oil
Answer: C
Explanation: Before he was the primary
inspiration for The Simpsons character “C.
Montgomery Burns, Rockefeller was the
founder of Standard Oil. To solidify his grip
on the oil industry, he combined vertical
and horizontal integration, buying out
businesses that supplied his company and
businesses that competed against him.
Antebellum - Progressives
How did the invention of electricity impact
A) The costs of production increased
B) Production methods began to
decrease efficiency.
C) Manufacturers were forced to locate
plants nearer to sources of power.
D) Manufacturers were able to build
manufacturing plants where they wanted.
Answer: D
Explanation: Manufacturers were able to
build plants manufacturing where they
wanted as a result of electricity. Prior to
the invention and use of electric power,
manufacturers had to locate plants near
sources of power.
Antebellum - Progressives
In the late nineteenth century, American
manufacturers and workers demanded the
maintenance of a high tariff on goods imported
into the United States. They supported this
policy because
A) they hoped the lower the price of imports.
B) it would result in the lowering of domestic
C) they believed that their jobs and goods
would be protected from foreign competition.
D) it would improve trade relations with foreign
countries with which they hoped to do business.
Answer: C
Explanation: Many people desired high
tariffs because they believed that their
jobs and goods would be protected
from foreign competition. Manufacturers
hoped to protect their markets and
workers hoped to protect their jobs.
Antebellum - Progressives
The ending of the Pullman Strike is significant
because it
A) demonstrated unions’ superiority and
B) demonstrated the US government’s probusiness alliances.
C) showed that the US government was
unwilling to get involved in business matters.
D) showed that unions and management could
work together for the benefit of each other.
Answer: B
Explanation: The end of the Pullman Strike
demonstrated the US government’s
pro-business alliances. Government and
media outlets joined together to criticize
the workers who were asking for an end to
pay cuts at a time when the Pullman
company was making steady profits.
Antebellum - Progressives
The majority of the reforms advocated by
the Populist Party were
A) forgotten as the party declined.
B) undesirable in a democratic country.
C) merely campaign promises that were
soon forgotten.
D) incorporated into laws by either the
state or federal government.
• Answer: D
Explanation: The majority of the reforms
advocated by the Populist Party were
incorporated into laws by either the
state or federal government. Their goals
were definitely NOT forgotten, for the
Progressive politicians (both Democrats
and Republicans) were able to get done
what the Populists could not (electoral
reform and poor/urban issues).
Antebellum - Progressives
Late 19th-century technological advances in farm
production meant that less farm laborers were needed.
Many of the farmers who lost their jobs were African
Americans. Which statement describes what happened
to the displaced farmers?
A) African Americans were easily able to find jobs in the
B) Many went on to establish their own farms and
provide competition.
C) Many African Americans moved to the north and
west to cities such as Chicago and Detroit.
D) A few farmers migrated but the majority stayed in
the South to wait for other types of employment.
• Answer: C
Explanation: Many African Americans
moved to the north and west to cities
such as Chicago and Detroit as a result
of losing jobs in the South. However, they
faced competition from the immigrant
workers and found that the conditions
were only somewhat better than those
they had left.
Antebellum - Progressives
What group of immigrants arrived in large
numbers on the U.S. west coast for the
primary purpose of working on the
Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th
A) Chinese
B) Irish
C) Japanese
D) Mexican
Answer: A
Explanation: Chinese laborers were vital
in constructing the First Transcontinental
Railroad. They worked on the Central
Pacific line, which started in Sacramento,
California, and worked to the east. It was
believed that the immigrants were more
willing to tolerate the horrible conditions
during the construction.
Antebellum - Progressives
Critics of the ‘New Immigration’ of the latenineteenth and early-twentieth centuries
opposed a minimum wage because
A) factories would refuse to hire immigrant
B) the immigrants were generally wealthier
than American citizens.
C) they believed immigrants took farmland from
native-born Americans.
D) immigrants generally would work for less
money than American citizens.
Answer: D
Explanation: Since it was not uncommon
for many to live in one dwelling,
immigrants generally would work for
less money than American citizens.
Therefore, employers were more than
willing to give them jobs over nonimmigrants.
Antebellum - Progressives
Which group was founded by W.E.B.
DuBois and others in 1909 to promote
equal treatment of Blacks in America?
A) The Black Panthers
B) The Congress of Racial Equality
C) The Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (SCLC)
D) The National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Answer: D
Explanation: The National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) was founded by W.E.B. DuBois
and others in 1909. The founding
members consisted of a multiracial group
who believed in racial equality.
Antebellum - Progressives
• The White Man's Burden
-By Rudyard Kipling, 1899
Take up the White Man's burden
Send forth the best ye breed
Go, bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait, in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild
Your new-caught sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
• This poem would seem to be supporting
A) free trade.
B) prison reform.
C) Social Darwinism.
D) the anti-abolition movement.
• Answer: C
Explanation: This poem was popularized
in magazines and books at a time when
Social Darwinism was a driving force in
US and European foreign policy. While
supporters of Kipling (author of The Jungle
Book, maintain his good intentions, history
supports the claim that he was NOT being
Antebellum - Progressives
The most important result of the SpanishAmerican War was that it
A) spread democracy to Latin America.
B) secured a safe source of raw
materials for US industry.
C) set up a colonial empire for the U.S.
and set the U.S. on the road to empire.
D) created the Monroe Doctrine and
spread U.S. influence across the
• Answer: C
Explanation: The most important result of
the Spanish-American War was that it set
up a colonial empire for the U.S. and
set the U.S. on the road to empire. The
U.S. won influence &/or control in Cuba,
the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam,
and then increased its influence over
sovereign states in the region.
Antebellum - Progressives
The term ‘dollar diplomacy’ primarily referred to
A) making new trade agreements with
countries in Latin America.
B) the use of political power to advance and
protect US economic interests.
C) helping Latin American governments raise
the standard of living for its people.
D) establishing diplomatic recognition of the
new governments throughout Latin America.
Answer: B
Explanation: The term ‘dollar diplomacy’
primarily referred to the use of political
power to advance and protect US
economic interests. This was the
philosophy of President Taft in the early
1900s and was an attempt to exert control
over Latin America.
Antebellum - Progressives
The Open Door Policy, proposed by the
United States in 1899, called for open
trade with
A) Cuba.
B) China.
C) Russia.
D) Philippines.
• Answer: B
Explanation: The Open Door Policy,
proposed by the United States in 1899,
called for open trade with China. This
belief, held by President McKinley, said
that all countries should have equal
access to trade with China, rather than the
"spheres of influence" held by certain
nations of Europe.
Political Cartoon # 1
• Identify the time
• Significant
or documents.
• Explain the
Political Cartoon # 2
• Identify the time
• Significant
people/person or
• Explain the