Transcript Document

Understand the causes and consequences of the civil war
The Kansas-Nebraska Act concerned which issue?
A. the right of Northerners to own slaves
B. the sale of federal lands to slave owners
C. the expansion of slavery into new territories
D. the return of slaves who had escaped from the South
SS.912.A.2.1 Review causes and
consequences of the Civil War.
 Students will identify and/or evaluate the causes and consequences of
the Civil War.
 Students will identify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the
Civil War.
 Students will identify varying points of view regarding the main causes
of the Civil War.
 Students will evaluate the constitutional issues relevant to the Civil War
and Reconstruction.
Causes of the civil war: economic
North was much larger, controlled the majority of
Cotton was king in the south, did not want to give up slavery
South resisted taxation from the north and eventually seceded
from the union
Causes of the civil war: political
 Entry of new states, the slavery question
 Southern states believed heavily in states rights over the federal
 Lincoln was anti-slavery
 Dred Scott decision by Supreme Court said federal government could
not keep states from becoming slave states
Causes of the civil war: social
Growth of the abolition movement, uncle toms cabin and john
browns raid on harpers ferry
Southern culture vs northern culture
SS.912.A.2.2 Assess the influence of
significant people or groups on
 Students will identify the economic, political, and/or social
consequences of Reconstruction.
 Students will identify and/or categorize the influence of significant
people or groups on Reconstruction
 Freedmen’s Bureau (created in 1865 by Congress)
 Headed by Gen. Oliver O. Howard (later founded and served as
president of Howard University in Washington D.C.)
 Members included many Northerners including former abolitionists who
risked their lives to help the freedmen in the South; one of several northern
groups called "carpetbaggers" by white southern Democrats.
 Purpose: To help unskilled, uneducated, poverty-stricken ex-slaves to
Freedmen’s Bureau
 Authorized to provide "40 acres and a mule" from confiscated or
abandoned land to black settlers.
 In certain areas, the Bureau distributed no land.
 Sometimes collaborated with planters in expelling blacks from towns
and forcing them to sign labor contracts to work for their former
Andrew Johnson Plan
 A. Andrew Johnson Plan
 Part 1 (individual’s part)
 any individual who lived in the South, President Johnson was willing to pardon
them if they gave a loyalty oath to the Union. Except for men who had over
$20,000 in taxable property. They had to go to President Johnson in person.
 Part 2 (state’s part)
 if ten percent of the individuals of a seceded state to the loyalty oath then that state
could reenter the United States. But if the seceded state did not meet the ten
percent needed, then that statecould write a new state constitution which abolishes
slavery then they could reenter the United States.
SS.912.A.2.4 Distinguish the
freedoms guaranteed to African
Americans and other groups with the
13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to
the Constitution.
 Students will identify the significance and/or impact of the Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution on African
Americans and other groups.
 Students will explain how Jim Crow laws circumvented the intent and
meaning of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.
Reconstruction Amendments
 13th- Abolished slavery and indentured servitude
 14th- Gave citizenship to blacks; prohibited former confederates from holding office
 15th- Voting Rights
 Poll taxes, literacy tests, and property requirements not addressed
 Literacy tests administered unfairly to favor illiterate whites.
 "grandfather clauses" aimed to reduce number of black voters
 If your grandfather could vote in 1860, you are eligible to vote.
Lynching's, a practice done to intimidate black voters.
Women were excluded from voting
Female leaders opposed the 15th Amendment.
Poor whites also disenfranchised (prevented to vote)
SS.912.A.2.5 Assess how Jim Crow
Laws influenced life for African
Americans and other racial/ethnic
minority groups.
 Students will analyze and/or explain the various components of Jim
Crow legislation and their effects on Southern minorities.
Jim Crow Laws
 Laws segregating whites and blacks in the south
 Blacks were not allowed the same rights as whites in the south
 Separate schools, rail cars, etc.
 Would last until the 1960s
 Effect: Led to poor living conditions for blacks and generations of
SS.912.A.2.6 Compare the effects of
the Black Codes and the Nadir on
freed people,
and analyze the
sharecropping system and debt
peonage as practiced in the United
 Items referring to Jim Crow laws may include the Black Codes, the
Nadir, sharecropping, debt peonage, and the loss of suffrage.
Black Codes
 Nadir- Period after reconstruction with the worse race relations in our
 Black Codes- Laws that essentially put Blacks back into slavery. Blacks
forced to work for former owners for little pay
 Sharecropping- System in which landowners would lease out land and
essentials to workers
 Debt Patronage- by putting the workers in debt they were forced to stay
 Loss of suffrage- Many blacks lost the right to vote due to black codes
SS.912.A.2.7 Review the Native
American experience.
 Students will identify settlement patterns in the American West, the
reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans
from 1865–90.
Native American Relations
 Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 (Allotment Act) -- during President
Cleveland’s first term
 Ended many tribes as legal entities
 Wiped out tribal ownership of land.
 If American Indians "behaved" like "good white settlers they could leave
the reservation.
 SS.912.A.2.1
 Which of these was a direct consequence of the Civil War?
 A. the disintegration of the Whig Party
 B. the addition of new states to the Union
 C. the use of popular sovereignty to decidethe issue of slavery
 D. the extension of voting rights to African American men
 SS.912.A.2.2
 What was the main accomplishment of the Freedmen's Bureau?
 A. providing aid and education to emancipated slaves
 B. helping Confederate states get readmitted to the Union
 C. securing protections for African Americans‘ voting rights
 D. preventing violence against African Americans in the South
 SS.912.A.2.6
 What was the main effect of the system of debt peonage that emerged in the
South during the late 19th century?
 A. African Americans were unable to afford to work agricultural jobs.
 B. African Americans left the South in large numbers to escape their debts.
 C. African Americans labored in a system that was nearly the same as
 D. African Americans had to work for low wages to pay off their
emancipation costs.