Transcript Slide 1

Programvací jazyky F# a OCaml
Introduction to F# and
functional programming
O této přednášce...
» Vznikla minulý rok (Milan Straka)
Rozsáhlý přehled jazyků OCaml a F#
... včetně poměrně pokročilých vlastností
» Tento rok trochu jiný obsah...
Spíše úvod do funkcionálního programování a F#
Jak FP souvisí s ostatními předměty na MFF?
… pokud bude čas tak i více 
» Webové stránky:
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Za co bude zápočet?
» Alternativní metody
Zajímavější cesta pro ty, které to zajímá :-)
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Nějaký projekt (něco zajímavého vymyslíme!)
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Domácí úkoly budou na webových stránkách
Budou strašně těžké (viz. alternativní metody)
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Functional Programming
Functional programming
» 1930s – Lambda calculus
Theoretical foundation of functional languages
Attempt to formalize all mathematics
» 1958 – LISP
First functional (computer) programming language
» 1978 – ML (meta-language)
Originally used in theorem proving systems
Useful as a general purpose language too!
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
OCaml and F#
» 1990 – Haskell
Strict and lazy language, many advanced features
» 1996 – OCaml (based on ML)
Combines functional and object-oriented features
» 2002 – F# (based on OCaml)
Microsoft Research functional language for .NET
Now official part of Visual Studio 2010
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Why functional programming?
» Functional abstractions hide how the code executes
and specify what result we’re trying to get
» Functional code is easier to understand, modify and
reason about (assuming mathematical thinking)
» Code is more easily composable and testable
» Makes it easier to avoid repetitive patterns
» Big topic today: Parallel and asynchronous code
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Programvací jazyky F# a OCaml
Chapter 1.
Expression as a basic building block
Functional programming
Functional programming is a style of programming that
emphasizes the evaluation of expressions, rather than
execution of commands. The expressions in these languages
are formed by using functions to combine basic values.
[Hutton ed. 2002]
» Evaluation of expressions
This is exactly how mathematics works!
For example:
𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛:
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
−𝑏 ±
𝑏 2 − 4𝑎𝑐
Tomáš Petříček,
Program as an expression
» Writing equation as a single expression
Equations can get long and hard to read
How to break long equations into pieces?
» Another idea from mathematics:
𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑫 𝑏𝑒: 𝑏 2 − 4𝑎𝑐
𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛:
−𝑏 ± 𝐷
…called let binding in functional languages
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Expressions at a small scale…
» Calculating: 2x2 – 5x + 3 for x = 2:
> 2*(2*2) - 5*2 + 3;;
val it : int = 1
“;;” specifies the end of the input
F# interactive prints the result
» Using let binding to declare value x:
> let x = 2;;
val x : int = 2
Declared symbol with its value
> 2*(x*x) - 5*x + 3;;
val it : int = 1
We can re-use the symbol
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Expressions at a larger scale…
» Writing real programs as expressions
Example: describing drawings and animations
Declares two
circle drawings
let greenCircle = circle Brushes.OliveDrab 100.0f
let blueCircle = circle Brushes.SteelBlue 100.0f
let drawing =
compose (translate -35.0f 35.0f greenCircle)
(translate 35.0f -35.0f blueCircle)
af.Animation <- forever drawing;;
Exception: Modifies state of some object
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
complex drawing
from circles
Animation that
doesn’t move
Tomáš Petříček,
Expressions at a larger scale…
» Example continued: composing animations
Declare “animated” solar system objects
sun = circle (forever Brushes.Goldenrod) 100.0f.forever
earth = circle (forever Brushes.SteelBlue) 50.0f.forever
mars = circle (forever Brushes.Chocolate) 40.0f.forever
moon = circle (forever Brushes.DimGray) 10.0f.forever
let planets =
sun -- (rotate 160.0f 1.0f
(earth -- (rotate 40.0f 12.0f moon)))
-- (rotate 250.0f 0.7f mars)
Compose solar
system from objects
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Solar system animation
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček
Program as an expression
» The examples so far were single expressions!
» Declarative programming
The program describes the results we want to get
…not steps that should be performed to get it
» Composability
Build complex programs from simpler pieces
…without unexpected interactions
» Easy to reason about
Calculating the result of an expression is easy
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Calculating with expressions
Calculating with numbers
» Unary and binary operators:
> -5 + 10;;
val it : int = 5
> -5 + 10 * 2;;
val it : int = 15
> (-5 + 10) * 2;;
val it : int = 10
– unary “–”, binary “+”
– standard precedence
– specifying precedence
» Calculating with floating point numbers:
> 1.5 * (12.2 + 7.8);;
val it : float = 30.0
> 1.5 * (12 + 8);;
error FS0001: The type 'int'
does not match the type 'float'
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
– works as expected
– oops! what happened?
Tomáš Petříček,
Expressions have a type…
» Each expression has a type
Compiler forbids expressions with wrong types
// The most important types
> 42;;
val it : int = 42
> 42.0;;
val it : float = 42.0
> 42.0f;;
val it : float32 = 42.0f
// Other interesting types
> 42uy;;
val it : byte = 42uy
> 42.0UL;;
val it : uint64 = 42UL
> 42I;;
val it : BigInteger = 42I
» Type of binary numeric operators
// Overloaded
val (+) : int -> int -> int
val (+) : float -> float -> float
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Converting numeric values
» No conversions happen automatically
> int 10.0;;
val it : int = 10
> int 10.0f;;
val it : int = 10
> float 10;;
val it : float = 10.0
Calling a function
Different type of the parameter
» Conversion functions are overloaded too:
val int : float -> int
val int : float32 -> int
Actually, it is generic – works with any type
Any type that satisfies some conditions…
val int : 'T -> int
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
// Where 'T supports conversion to int
Tomáš Petříček,
Calling operators and functions
» Reading the type of a function
val pown : float -> int -> float
first parameter
second parameter
Why we always use the “->” symbol?
» Calculating square roots of: 2x2 – 5x + 3
> (-(-5.0) + sqrt ((pown -5.0 2) - 4.0*2.0*3.0)) / 2.0*2.0;;
val it : float = 6.0
> (-(-5.0) - sqrt ((pown -5.0 2) - 4.0*2.0*3.0)) / 2.0*2.0;;
val it : float = 4.0
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Value bindings
» Calculating square roots – again!
let a, b, c = 2.0, -5.0, 3.0
(-b + sqrt ((pown b 2) - 4.0*a*c)) / 2.0*a
(-b - sqrt ((pown b 2) - 4.0*a*c)) / 2.0*a
» Even better – using discriminant:
let a, b, c = 2.0, -5.0, 3.0
let d = (pown b 2) - 4.0*a*c
(-b + sqrt d) / 2.0*a
(-b - sqrt d) / 2.0*a
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Value binding as an expression
» Value binding is also an expression
> let n = 2 * 3 in 100*n + n;;
val it : int = 606
> 10 + (let n = 2 * 3 in 100*n + n) + 20;;
val it : int = 636
» If we use line-break in F#, we don’t need “in”
White-space sensitive
10 + (let n = 2 * 3
100 * n + n) + 20;;
val it : int = 636
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
We can still do the
same thing!
Tomáš Petříček,
Printing to console & unit type
Printing to the console
» This doesn’t look like an expression:
printfn "Hello world!"
Side-effect: Evaluation of an expression modifies the
state of the world (e.g. global variables or console)
Avoided where possible, but sometimes needed…
» …but, how can this be an expression?
Introducing the “unit” type…
> printfn "Hello world!";;
val it : unit = ()
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Introducing the “unit” type
» Unit type represents no information
It has exactly one value written as “()”
» Functions without result return unit value
> let unitValue = ();;
val unitValue : unit = ()
> let unitValue = printfn "Hello world!";;
Hello world!
val unitValue : unit = ()
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Calculating with unit values
» Sequencing expressions using semicolon:
> let n = (printfn "calculating"; 10 + 4);;
val n : int = 14
» In F# we can use new-line instead of “;”
let n = (printfn "calculating"
10 + 4);;
» Ignored value should be unit
> let n = (10 + 2; 10 + 4);;
warning FS0020: This expression should
have type 'unit', but has type 'int'.
val n : int = 14
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Ignoring values
» Generic function ignore:
val ignore : 'T -> unit
Ignores any value and returns unit instead
» The example from the previous slide:
> let n = (ignore (10 + 2); 10 + 4);;
val n : int = 14
Useful especially when working with .NET
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Conditions and Booleans
Calculating with Booleans
» Another useful type – values true and false
> let b1, b2 = true, false;;
> b1 && b2;;
val it : bool = false
> b1 || b2;;
val it : bool = true
» Operators have short-circuiting behavior
> true || (printfn "test"; true);;
Second argument
val it : bool = true
not evaluated
> true && (printfn "test"; true);;
Needs second argument too!
val it : bool = true
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Writing conditions using “if”
if d = 0.0 then printfn "one solution"
elif d < 0.0 then printfn "no solutions"
else printfn "two solutions"
» This is also an expression!
> let n = (if d=0.0 then 1 elif d<0.0 then 0 else 2)
val n : int = 2
The “else” branch may be missing Returns
in any case
> if d < 0.0 then printfn "yay!";;
val it : unit = ()
What can this return?
> let n = (if (d = 0.0) then 1)
error FS0001: This expression was expected
to have type ‘unit’ but here has type ‘int’
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Conditions using “match”
» Test value against multiple cases (patterns)
match d with
Constant pattern
| 0.0 ->
printfn "one solution"
Binding with condition
| discr when discr < 0.0 ->
printfn "no solutions"
“match-all” pattern
| _ ->
printfn "two solutions"
» We’ll talk about patterns in detail later
Patterns decompose complex data types
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Evaluating expressions
Evaluation is a reduction
» Example:
let d = (pown -5.0 2) - 4.0*2.0*3.0 in
(5.0 + sqrt d) / 2.0*2.0
» We can follow one of the two rules:
Rule 1: Evaluate value of symbols first:
⤳ let d = 1.0 in (5.0 + sqrt d) / 2.0*2.0
⤳ (5.0 + sqrt 1.0) / 2.0*2.0
⤳ ... ⤳ 6.0
Rule 2: Replace symbols with expression
⤳ (5.0 + sqrt ((pown -5.0 2) - 4.0*2.0*3.0)) / 2.0*2.0
⤳ ... ⤳ 6.0
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
» Analyze the evaluation tree of an expression:
Step-by-step application of the two rules
let num = (let ten = 5 + 1 in ten + ten + 1) in
num * 2
» What is the shortest path?
Which path will the F# compiler follow?
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Homework #1
» Find an expression where evaluating the
value of symbols first is better and another
expression where replacing symbols with
expressions is better .
Better means smaller number of reduction
steps (no unnecessary calculations).
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,
Homework #2
» Write expression that prints “yes” if the value
of n is less than 10 and “no” otherwise.
Without using if and match construct.
NPRG049— Programovací jazyky OCaml a F#
Tomáš Petříček,