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Transcript Medieval5WrapUpDay

Unit 1:
Medieval Music
500 A.D – 1400 A.D
(6th-15th centuries)
Timeline Preview
Guillaume de Machaut
The Hundred Years War
The Black Death
Perotinus the Great
King Richard I (The Lionheart)
and the Crusades
Hildegard von Bingen
Guido of Arezzo
Hildegard von Bingen
Influential Female
 Nun, writer, philosopher,
composer, herbologist…
 “Divine Visions”
 Combined LITURGY
with POETRY and
Example: Ordo Virtutum
“Play of the Virtues”
King Richard I (The Lionheart)
Kind of England (but
preferred Duchy of
Aquitaine, France)
 Christian commander
in the Third Crusade.
 Troubadours wrote
songs of him in war.
 Composed “Ja nus
hons pris” to express
feeling of abandonment
Perotinus the Great
French teacher
(“Perotin Magister”)
First to compose
music for four voices.
(Early polyphony)
Used intervals, not chords
Wrote a book on HOW to
compose polyphonic music
(Magnus Liber Organi)
The Black Death
The Hundred Years War
Originated in fleas
carried by rats from
China (silk road)
 Killed 30-60% of
Europe’s Population
 World’s population
from 450 million to
350 million.
 Swelling lymph nodes
(“boils”) – death in 2
to 7 days.
A term used for a group of
mostly dynastic conflicts:
Edwardian War (1337-1360),
Caroline War (1369-1389),
Lancastrian War (1415-1429), Breton
War of Succession, Castilian Civil
War, War of the Two Peters, 13831385 Crisis.
Sparked French and English
Led to revolution in
Warfare and strategy
Peasant involvement, less
importance placed on
expensive calvary.
Guillaume de Machaut
French poet and
 Important part of the
Ars Nova movement
(distinct rhythms,
“courtly love” songs)
 Known for being the
first to write a full
Mass by himself