Transcript Willy Ronis

Willy Ronis
August 14, 1910 – September 12, 2009
Early life
Ronis was born in Paris; his father was a Jewish refugee from Odessa, and his mother was
a refugee from Lithuania, both escaped from the pogroms. His father opened a photography
studio in Montmartre, and his mother gave piano lessons. The boy's early interest was music
and he hoped to become a composer. Returning from compulsory military service in 1932,
his violin studies were put on hold because his father's cancer required Ronis to take over
the family portrait business; Ronis' passion for music has been observed in his photographs.
After his father's death, in 1936, Ronis closed the studio and joined the photo
agency Rapho, with Brassaï, Robert Doisneauand.
Ronis became the first French photographer to work for “Life”.
Ronis began teaching in the 1950s, and taught at the School of Fine Arts in
Avignon, Aix-en-Provence and Saint Charles, Marseilles.
Amoureux de la
ColonneBastille, Paris, 1957
Paris, 1959
Venise, 1959
Carrefour Sèvres-Babylone,
Paris, 1959
Café de France, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, 1979
Amoureux de la ColonneBastille, Paris, 1957
• The lighting in this picture is used right around the peoples face to draw attention.
•The direction the light is coming from the left corner.
•The main subject of this photo is that there is two people having a romantic moment in paris.
•Rule of thirds is being used in this photo and its because the photographer wanted to include the background and
the two people.
•I Chose this photograph because its cute and I like the scene.
Carrefour Sèvres-Babylone, Paris, 1959
 The lighting in this picture is coming
from the moon or the sun in the middle
of the picture. I can’t tell if its daytime
or nighttime.
 I think the main subject of this
photograph is the lady crossing the
 The composition of this photo is all the
people and how everything is places. It
all adds to the story of the picture.
 From my opinion the picture looks like
the photographer is trying to show that
the lady is running across the street for
some reason and its really gloomy.
 I picked this photograph because it
was different and interesting.
Venise, 1959
The light parts in this picture is the
The main subject in this photo is the
little girl crossing the water on a little
bridge. I can tell because it is the
focus of the picture.
This photo kind of has rule of thirds
because the focal point is not directly
in the middle
I think the photographer is trying to
explain the life by the river for some of
the people and how the little girl does
dangerous things.
I selected this photo because I
thought it was unique and cute.
Café de France, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, 1979
The lighting is coming from the left side of the picture.
The main subject of the photo is the lady coming out of the café and it
looks like its mostly men outside not paying attention to her.
There is nothing really that striking in this picture I don’t think, its just a
photograph that tells all the points.
i think what the photographer is trying to say is just that this café is a
popular place to be, and maybe its is favorite.
I selected this photo because it looked simple.
Ménilmontant, Paris, 1959
The lighting is coming from the left hand of
the picture sinning down. The lighting is
used to show the main point in the picture.
I think this picture has lost of points. Its
showing the little boys doing something at
the bottom of the picture and then how the
road is up at the top and the stairs in the
middle of the page. I think this shows how
this place of the world is different then
The photographer is showing the weird
structure of this building.
I selected this picture because it looked
was interesting