Transcript Chapter 9

Academic Survival
Staying On Course to Your
Presentation based on:
On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in
College and Life, 3rd Ed., Skip Downing, author.
Staying On Course
Successful Students
Struggling Students
Gain self-awareness,
consciously employing
behaviors, beliefs, and
attitudes that keep
them on course.
Make important
choices unconsciously,
being directed by selfsabotaging habits and
outdated life scripts.
Staying On Course
Successful Students
Struggling Students
Adopt lifelong learning,
finding valuable
lessons and wisdom in
nearly every
experience they have.
Resist learning new
ideas and skills,
viewing learning as
fearful or boring rather
than as mental play.
Staying On Course
Successful Students
Struggling Students
Develop emotional
intelligence, effectively
managing their emotions
in support of their goals
and dreams.
Live at the mercy of
strong emotions such
as anger, or a need for
instant gratification.
Staying On Course
Successful Students
Unsuccessful Students
Believe in themselves,
seeing themselves as
capable, lovable, and
unconditionally worthy
human beings.
Doubt their competence
and personal value,
feeling inadequate to
create their desired
outcomes and experiences.
Staying On Course
Seven Tenets of Success
1) Personal Responsibility – the ability to make wise
choices that keep us on course without interfering with
the rights of others to do the same.
Staying On Course
Seven Tenets of Success
2) Self Motivation – Choosing meaningful goals and
dreams so as to generate a powerful inner drive.
When we visualize our future life, we are much more
likely to make our goals and dreams a reality.
Staying on Course
Seven Tenets of Success
3) Self-Management - Our ability to effectively manage our
efforts in achieving our goals and dreams. We consistently
do what is important, we manage our time well, and stay
committed to our goals and dreams.
Staying On Course
Seven Tenets of Success
4) Interdependence - The realization that success
requires growth from being a dependent child to an
interdependence adult. We realize that we can create
most of our goals and dreams through our
independence, but acknowledge that we can increase
our level of success by building mutually supportive
relationships with many others.
Staying On Course
Seven Tenets of Success
5. Self-Awareness - Developing an awareness of the
scripts that we write for our lives and consciously
uncovering self-defeating patterns of behavior, thought,
and emotion, as well as our limiting core beliefs.
Staying On Course
Seven Tenets of Success
6) Lifelong Learning – Developing awareness of our preferred
learning style so we maximize our efforts to learn in college and
beyond. We develop a monitoring system for checking our
progress toward our goals and making any necessary
Staying On Course
Seven Tenets of Success
Emotional Intelligence – Realizing that we are responsible
for creating our inner and outer world, we recognize our
emotions and develop strategies for dealing with strong
Staying On Course
Successful individuals realizes the need to make wise
choices in all situations and develop a positive, core belief
that we can achieve anything that we desire. We simply
Believe in Ourselves!