The common base - Nuova Direzione Didattica Vasto

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Draw me a tangram!
A rally-math! Motivate to solve!
Activity geometry and problem solving
with students aged 7 to 10 years.
Just Sauveur school By Fabienne Couchat,
School teacher
District TAMPON 1, Academy Reunion
The geometry and the implementation of the
Common Skills Base.
The 2008 programs:
"The main objective of teaching geometry from CE1 to CM2 is to allow students to
move progressively from a perceptual object recognition to a study based on the
use of instruments tracing and measuring"
The common base :
Définition :
The common base is "the set of knowledge and skills that are essential to master to
successfully complete their education, pursue training, build their personal and
professional future and successful life in society"
(Act of 23 April 2005)
competencies expected
To tier 2
the Common Base
- Ability to organize digital
information or geometric, justify
and assess the likelihood of a
Progress proposed by the
O.B for CE2
Progress proposed by the
O.B for CM1
Progress proposed by the
O.B for le CM2
Reproductive problems, construction
Reproductive problems, construction
Reproductive problems, construction
- Reproduce the figures (on plain paper, checkered or
Complete a by axial symmetry.
- Draw a figure (on plain paper, checkered or
dotted), from a model.
- Draw a simple figure from a construction
dotted), from a
- Build a square or a rectangle of given dimensions.
program or by following the instructions.
construction program or a freehand drawing (with
indications regarding the properties and
- Compare the angles of a figure using a template.
- Reproduce a given angle using a template.
- Estimate and check by using the square, a right angle
is acute or obtuse.
The practice of mathematics develops a taste for research and reasoning, imagination and the capacity for
abstraction, rigor and accuracy.
CE2 to CM2, students enrich their knowledge, acquire new tools, and continues to learn how to solve problems. It
strengthens mental math skills. It acquires new automation. In mathematics, the acquisition mechanisms is always
associated with understanding.
dictated geometric designs and verification by
layering different forms ..
students will give instructions to reproduce a complex geometric shape using appropriate vocabulary.
After exchanges, discussion, comparison students observe the model.
children work in pairs or small groups. They must offer solutions and validate their answers to earn points.
several concepts will be worked.
A rally-math ! Motivate to solve !
Problem solving is a highly complex task that requires the successive implementation and possibly reiterated skills within different fields
and have been grouped under the following headings:
a. to search and organize information;
b. initiate a process, reason, argue, demonstrate;
c. calculate, measure, apply instructions;
d. communicate using a mathematical language adapted.
It is therefore useful to take the information, thinking and performing processing of information, and communicate results.
Problem solving plays an essential role in mathematical activity.
It is present in all areas and is exercised at all stages of learning.
The practice of mathematics develops a taste for research and reasoning,
imagination and the capacity for abstraction, rigor and accuracy.
CE2 to CM2 in the four areas of the program, students enrich their knowledge,
acquire new tools, and continues to learn how to solve problems.
It strengthens mental math skills. It acquires new automation.
The acquisition of mathematics mechanisms is always associated with an intelligence of their meaning.
The mastery of the main elements using mathematics to act in everyday life and prepare further studies in college.
Competency 6:The social and civic competences.
Capacities The student is able to:
- Take part in a dialogue to address the others, listen to others, make and defend a point of view;
- Cooperate with one or more classmates.
-Communicate And teamwork, which involves listening, to express his point of view, negotiate, seek a consensus, carry out its work
according to the rules group
-Evaluate The consequences of his actions: to recognize and name emotions, impressions, to assert constructively
-Know Build his personal opinion and be able to challenge the shade (for awareness on the part of affection, influence of prejudice,
-Respect Self and others
-Need For solidarity: taking into account the needs of people in difficulty
(Physically and economically) in France and around the world.
-Conscience Of his rights and duties
-Volonté To participate in civic activities
Competency 7:The autonomy and initiative.
Capacities The student is able to:
- Follow simple instructions independently;
- Show some perseverance in all activities;
- Get involved in an individual or group project.
-S'appuyer On working methods (organizing time and plan their work, take notes, prepare a dossier)
-Take The opinion of others, exchange, inform
-Volonté To take charge personally
-Conscience The influence of others on their values ​and choices
-Motivation And determination in achieving goals
Organization of a meeting several times a year :
- Students are grouped in small heterogeneous groups.
- 1 test is distributed by group.
- Each group has 15 minutes to find one or more answers, and find one or more solutions.
- On an answer sheet, the pupils of the group must offer an answer, after discussing and following
- Rotation of the tests.
- In one hour students will meet 4 puzzles.
- The teacher refers to changes.
- At the end of each session is proposed answers and the correct answers are valid.
- A collective correction can then be proposée.- For each correct answer you can give one or more points.
at the end of several sessions, each group made the point total.
- ability to reward the winning group
Students have
individual events.
They can work in small groups.
Various activities
In the end a diploma and a Chinese puzzle was given to
each student of the winning class.
What interest ?
For students : craze, increased autonomy and self-esteem, differentiation of tasks and
methods beneficial to pupils, change in relation to math, better mobilization of knowledge
(benefits provided to successfully transfer skills built during the rally at the other meetings
of math and forms of work, including individual).
For Teachers : Another look at the student and class (highlighted relational dynamics and
learning modalities)
Providing analysis of student productions elements (in some rallies)
Accountability and socialization of students (civics / debate, respect differing opinions)
Reinvestment decontextualized and more fun math concepts already discussed.
Constitution of a bank problems allowing the teacher to use it wisely, knowing what
mathematical concepts requires resolution
Three deviations to avoid :
The Maths Rally must not be a disconnected contest classroom work (other meetings of
The Maths rally should not become the only opportunity to do math
The importance of classification must be undervalued if one wants the fun aspect
Finally the Project Etemath allowed me to change and
improve my classroom practice.
Exchanges with other partners is very positive for me
and for the students.
The many situations observed in other countries
stimulate me to seek to offer innovative situations and
make them want to do math.
A very rich experience to share!
Thank you for your attention.