Transport in Multicellular Plants

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Transcript Transport in Multicellular Plants

Ch. 7 Part 3: Translocation
Transport in Phloem
 Translocation
movement of ORGANIC substances in
phloem tissue
 Main substances moved (in solution):
ASSIMILATES (substances that have been made by plants)
 Amino
 Sucrose
Phloem Tissue Cells
 Sieve
Tube Elements
LIVING cells
Contain cytoplasm and a few
NO nucleus
Walls are made of Cellulose (no
 Companion
Associated with sieve tube
Contains cytoplasm, many
organelles(including nucleus
and mitochondria)
Sieve Tube Elements
 Cell
wall with cellulose
 Cytoplasm
NO nucleus
A few other organelles
Creates SPACE for
movement of phloem
 Sieve
Where the end walls of
2 sieve elements meet
Perforated END WALL
Allows mass flow of
phloem sap through
sieve pores
Contents of Sieve Tube Elements
Phloem sap
Table shows composition of
phloem sap in castor oil plant
(composition varies depending on
plant species)
Easy to collect because it does
not behave like normal sap
when a sieve tube is cut
Normal sap Phloem sap hard
to analyze
Contents of sieve tubes under
HIGH pressure
When sieve tube is cut, pressure
is released
Rush of phloem sap to cut
Sieve plate blocks flow (good
way to prevent loss of sap)
Sieve element secretes
carbohydrate CALLOSE to seal cut
Use of Aphids to analyze sap
 Stylets
mouth parts) inserted
into phloem
 Pressure not
disrupted and sap
flows into stylet (due
to small diameter of
How Assimilates Move Through Pores
part of plant
where assimilates (a.a. &
sucrose) ENTER the phloem
a plant cell with a high
concentration of sugars and other
such as a leaf cell
 part of plant where
assimilates LEAVE the
a plant cell with a low concentration of
sugars may be converted to
starch for storage or used rapidly for
energy or as building blocks of other
Leaf source & Roots
 sink
 Ex.
Translocation in Phloem
 Phloem
sap moves by mass flow
Much faster than diffusion
Mass flow relies on pressure
 Pressure
difference in xylem created by soil (root
pressure) and air (transpiration)…NO energy needed
 Pressure difference in phloem requires ENERGY
Created by ACTIVE LOADING process
Mass Flow in Phloem  ACTIVE process
 Active
loading of sucrose  decreases water
potential  water rushes in via osmosis  creates
pressure gradient (hydrostatic/turgor pressure aka
pressure potential)
Mass Flow in Xylem  PASSIVE process
Requires Energy
Cell respiration in Companion cells
at source provide ATP used to fuel
active transport of sucrose INTO
companion cell
Sucrose Loading
Increases concentration of sucrose
in companion cell by:
Hydrogen ion pump moves H+ OUT
of cell and INTO cell wall, creating
HIGH concentration of H+ ions
H+ ions want to come back into
companion cell but they must use
SYMPORT co-transporter
Carries H+ and sucrose into companion
Allows sucrose to move down
concentration gradient via diffusion
With all this sucrose in companion
cell and SE, water potential has
DECREASED in these guys
Water flows into companion cell and
SE, moving down gradient
At Sink:
Sucrose diffuses OUT of
phloem sieve element and
DOWN a concentration
gradient into a cell that is
using sucrose
Water potential gradient
Water diffuses OUT of
phloem sieve element
 Water
is ADDED at the source
 Water is LOST at the sink
 Creates higher HYDROSTATIC
PRESSURE inside phloem
sieve element at the SOURCE
than at the sink
Phloem sap moves by MASS
FLOW down pressure gradient,
through phloem sieve
elements  through sieve
From source to sink
Unloading of Sucrose
Occurs at tissue that requires sucrose
Sucrose moves out of phloem into tissues using symplast
and apoplast pathways, utilizing ATP
Once in tissue, sucrose converted into other molecules
(maintaining low sucrose gradient in tissue, so sucrose
continues to enter)
Maintains concentration gradient
Enzymes involved
Hydrolyses sucrose to glucose and fructose
Comparing Xylem and Phloem
A potometer is a device that
measures the rate at which a plant
draws up water
Plant draws up water as it loses it
by transpiration
Measure the rate of transpiration
based on rate water is lost
Apparatus must be air tight and
water tight…NO LEAKS
Basic elements of a potometer
A plant cutting
 A calibrated pipette to measure
water loss
 A length of clear plastic tubing
 An air-tight seal between the plant
and the water-filled tubing
• The rate of transpiration is
measured as the amount of
water lost/ square meter/
• Water evaporates through
the many stomata on the
leaf surface
• the rate of transpiration
is directly related to the
surface area
• To arrive at the rate of
transpiration, calculate the
leaf surface area of each
Micrographs of Plant Stem
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