Transcript Chapter 8

Chapter 8
8-1 Energy and Life
• Energy is the ability to do work. Living things
depend on energy.
Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
• The energy that living things need comes from
food. The energy in most food comes from
the sun.
• Plants and some other types of organisms are
able to use light energy from the sun to
produce food.
• Autotrophs – organisms that make their own
food (plants)
• Heterotrophs – get energy from the foods
they consume (animals)
Chemical Energy and ATP
• Energy comes in many forms, including light,
heat, and electricity. Energy can also be
stored in chemical compounds.
• The activities of the cell are powered by
chemical fuels.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) – one of the
principal chemical compounds that living things
use to store energy. An ATP molecule consists of
a nitrogen-containing compound called adenine,
a 5-carbon sugar called ribose, and three
phosphate groups.
Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)- similar structure
to ATP, but ADP has two phosphate groups
instead of three. When a cell has energy
available, it can store small amounts of energy
by adding a phosphate group to ADP molecules,
producing ATP molecules.
Releasing Energy From ATP
• The energy stored in ATP is released when ATP
is converted into ADP and a phosphate group.
Because a cell can add and subtract a third
phosphate group, it has a way of storing and
releasing energy as needed.
• The characteristics of ATP make it a very useful
molecule that is used by all types of cells as
their basic energy source.
Using Biochemical Energy
• Cells use the energy provided by ATP in many
• -active transport – many cell membranes
contain a sodium-potassium pump that moves
sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions
into it. ATP molecules provide the energy to
do this.
• -movement within the cell- cell organelles are
moved along microtubules by motor proteins
that use the energy of ATP to generate force.
ATP and Glucose
• Cells can regenerate ATP and ADP as needed
by using the energy in carbohydrates like
8-2 Photosynthesis: An Overview
Photosynthesis – plants use the energy of
sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide
into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates
(sugars and starches)
Investigating Photosynthesis
• Van Helmont’s Experiment
• In the 1600s, a Belgian physician named Jan van
Helmont wanted to see if plants grew by taking
material out of the soil. He planted a seedling
and after 5 years it grew into a small tree. He
saw that the mass of the soil had remained the
same, so he concluded that most of the mass the
plant gained had come from water, because that
was the only thing that he had added to the
Van Helmont didn’t realize it, but carbon dioxide
in the air made a major contribution to the mass
of the tree.
Priestley’s Experiment
• More than 100 years later, an English minister
named Joseph Priestley placed a glass jar over a lit
candle and watched the flame gradually die out. He
concluded that something in the air was necessary
to keep a candle flame burning. This was oxygen.
He then put a plant under the glass jar and saw that
the candle would stay lit for a while. This showed
that the plant produced the substance required for
burning – it released oxygen.
Jan Ingenhousz
• Dutch scientist Jan Ingenhousz showed that
the effect that Priestley observed only
occurred when the plant was exposed to light.
The results of these experiments showed that
light is necessary for plants to produce
These experiments reveal that when there is
light, plants transform carbon dioxide and water
into carbohydrates and release oxygen.
The Photosynthesis Equation
• Photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight to
convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen
and high energy sugars.
In addition to water and carbon dioxide,
photosynthesis requires light and chlorophyll,
which is a molecule in chloroplasts.
Plants gather the sun’s energy with lightabsorbing molecules called pigments. The
plants’ main pigment is chlorophyll. There are
two main types: chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
8-3 The Reactions of Photosynthesis
Inside a Chloroplast
• Chloroplasts contain saclike photosynthetic
membranes called thylakoids. They are
arranged in stacks called grana. Thylakoids
contain clusters of chlorophyll and other
pigments and protein known as photosystems
that are able to capture the energy of sunlight.
• When sunlight excites electrons in chlorophyll,
the electrons gain energy. These high-energy
electrons require a special carrier.
One of these carrier molecules is a compound
known as NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate)
NADP+ holds 2 high-energy electrons along with
a hydrogen ion. This converts the NADP+ into
NADPH. This conversion is one way in which
some of the energy of sunlight can be trapped in
chemical form.
Light-Dependent Reactions
• Light-dependent reactions need light. Lightdependent reactions produce oxygen gas and
convert ADP and NADP+ into the energy
carriers ATP and NADPH
The Calvin Cycle
• During the Calvin Cycle, plants use the energy
that ATP and NADPH contain to build highenergy compounds that can be stored for a
long time. The Calvin Cycle uses ATP and
NADPH from the light-dependent reactions to
produce high-energy sugars.
• -Six carbon dioxide molecules enter the cycle
from the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide
molecules combine with six 5-carbon
molecules. The result is twelve 3-carbon
• -The twelve 3-carbon molecules are then
converted into higher-energy forms. The
energy for this conversion comes from ATP
and high-energy electrons from NADPH
• -Two of the twelve 3-carbon molecules are
converted into two similar 3-carbon
molecules. These 3-carbon molecules are
used to form various 6-carbon sugars and
other compounds.
• -The remaining ten 3-carbon molecules are
converted back into six 5-carbon molecules.
These molecules combine with six new carbon
dioxide molecules to begin the next cycle.
As photosynthesis proceeds, the Calvin cycle
works steadily, turning out energy rich sugars
and removing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. The plant uses the sugars for
energy and to build more complex
carbohydrates such as starches and cellulose,
which it needs for growth and development.