Get more from your APPLICATIONS
Transcript Get more from your APPLICATIONS
Optimizing Application Performance
with Pinpoint Accuracy
What every IT Executive, Administrator &
Developer Needs to Know
Get more from your BUDGET
Get more from your STAFF
Get more from your APPLICATIONS
Top-Down Approach
DISCOVER when issues occur
LEARN where issues exist
FOCUS on root causes
SOLVE the right problems
Executive Management
Get more from your BUDGET
• Focus your staff on fixing root-cause
performance issues rather than just visible
• Understand costs and benefits of hardware
upgrades versus better systems management,
database tuning and application performance
• Save critical IT resources to improve your
bottom line and increase customer satisfaction.
Focus on Root-Cause
Focus your staff on fixing
root-cause performance issues
rather than just visible symptoms.
• Most performance issues are due to
applications performing unnecessary and
excessive I/O.
• Response time issues, high CPU use, memory
faulting, high disk activity, long running batch jobs
and slow Client/Server and web requests are
usually symptoms of inefficient application I/O.
• Focus on the “area under the curve” rather than
chasing “spikes”.
Understand Costs & Benefits
Understand costs and benefits of hardware
upgrades versus better systems
management, database tuning and
application performance enhancements.
• Focus on the 80/20 rule - if 80% of system
resources are consumed by 20% of your
applications, fix the applications; otherwise
upgrade the hardware.
• Better systems management and database
tuning can provide significant savings, even with
purchased software and no source code.
• With source code, enhance for performance!
Save Critical Resources
Save critical IT resources to improve your
bottom line and increase customer
• Less time chasing performance issues means
more time to develop new applications and
functionality for end-users.
• Hardware upgrades may be the traditional,
quick, easy answer but it’s seldom the most cost
effective and best solution for the bottom line.
• Satisfied customers are those with needed
application functionality and responsiveness.
Systems Administration
Get more from your STAFF
• Focus on proactive performance monitoring
and analysis; avoid reacting to latest critical
• Analyze historical systems management and
performance analysis data and focus on rootcause issues rather than visible symptoms.
• Use a top-down approach to identify and
resolve critical systems management, database
tuning and application performance issues.
Proactive Monitoring & Analysis
Focus on proactive
performance monitoring
and analysis; avoid reacting to latest critical
• Random CPU spikes and response time issues
are difficult to catch, analyze and resolve – focus
on the “area under the curve” and reduce overall
utilization so “spikes” don’t matter.
• The job or program putting utilization over the
edge and causing the short “capacity issue” is not
the “root-cause” – focus on the underlying rootcause issues.
Analyze Historical Data
Analyze historical
systems management
and performance analysis data and focus on
root-cause issues rather than visible symptoms.
• SQL performing the same “full-table scan” or
“temporary access path rebuild” 3,000 times per
day causes the “area under the curve” to be 20%
higher than normal, all day, every day.
• 250,000 jobs per week submitted to batch called
“CLOSEORDER” is not the most efficient.
• Date routines doing a “SETON LR” 30,000 times
per hour interactively could use improvement.
Use Top-Down Approach
Use a top-down approach
to identify and resolve
critical systems management, database tuning
and application performance issues.
• If specific jobs are consistently causing
performance or capacity issues, start at the job
level and drill-down into the data – find databases,
programs, modules, procedures and lines of source
code responsible for the high-level issues.
• Basic configuration, tuning and/or code changes
can solve major operational issues that more
hardware wouldn’t even resolve.
Software Development
Get more from your APPLICATIONS
• Focus on root causes of application performance
issues rather than just visible symptoms.
• Spend your time fixing, testing and implementing
application and database performance issues
rather than searching for the root-cause.
• Improve the quality and responsiveness of
applications for end users through properly
performing applications.
Focus on Root-Cause
Focus on root causes of
application performance
issues rather than just visible symptoms.
• It may be time to replace that old CVTDATE
command and programs with newer, more efficient
techniques that “stay in memory”.
• The CALCTAX program may be called by many
other programs, it would be nice to have it “leave
it’s files open”.
• A simple data queue server job might be the
technique to cut the jobs on your system by 90%.
Spend Time Implementing
Spend your time fixing,
testing and implementing
application and database
performance issues rather than searching
for the root-cause.
• Analyzing CPU, I/O or elapsed time by job,
program, module, procedure and line of source
code can significantly reduce your time spent
finding the root-cause issues.
• Determining that 3 billion records are being read
by SQL every day to select 25,000 records can
focus you on database tuning opportunities.
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Improve the quality and responsiveness of
applications for end users through properly
performing applications.
• The best quality applications in the world are
“useless” if they are not responsive and don’t meet
the performance needs of the end users and
• Applications rarely need to be completely rewritten – there are usually very simple, basic
systems management, database tuning or
application code changes that can be made.
Optimizing Application Performance
with Pinpoint Accuracy
What every IT Executive, Administrator &
Developer Needs to Know
• Hardware upgrades are seldom the most cost effective
solution to performance issues and they may not solve the
root-cause issues (e.g. CPU doesn’t relieve I/O bottlenecks).
• Systems management and database tuning changes can be
made even without source code; with source code, enhance
for performance.
• Focus on “area under curve”; be proactive; analyze and learn
from historical data; streamline applications when appropriate.
Questions & Answers
Optimizing Application Performance
with Pinpoint Accuracy
What every IT Executive, Administrator &
Developer Needs to Know
To receive FREE performance evaluation:
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Call (800) 713-5034 to schedule your free performance
review session
What To Expect:
After performance data is gathered for two business days, you will log
into a secure area of MB Software’s web site. We will then have a
conference call to discuss our findings and how you can gain
performance improvements with your existing applications. It’s that