District Charities And Where Your Money Goes - District 2-S1
Transcript District Charities And Where Your Money Goes - District 2-S1
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Lions Charities
Where Your
Money Goes
May - June 2016 Training
Revised 05/10/16
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Since Lions clubs were
established, Lions have been
dedicated to giving back to their
communities. Lions clubs provide
community parks, playgrounds,
senior citizen programs and
medical care for those in need.
Lions remain committed to
improving the lives of those less
fortunate – around the world and
right at home.
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Since its inception, Lions Clubs have:
Provided eye care to over 100 million people
Built 315 eye hospitals
Provided for 8 million cataract surgeries
Treated 147 million people for river blindness
Vaccinated over 50 million children for measles
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Rochester, Michigan
• Since 1939, over 14,000 Leader Dogs have been placed
with a person who is blind or visually impaired
• Leader Dogs have been placed in every state except
• Leader Dogs have been placed in 40 countries outside
the USA
• Almost 700 in Spain
• Over 400 in Mexico
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Little Rock, Arkansas
• Provide life skills training and career training to blind
or visually impaired
• Since 1947, over 12,000 adults from all 50 states and 58
countries have been served
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Texas Lions Camp –
Our Pride and Joy
Texas Lions Camp is a residential camping facility
for children with physical disabilities, types 1 & 2
diabetes, cancer, and Down Syndrome. Founded in
1949, the Camp is located on over 500 acres in the
beautiful Texas Hill Country, and is designed to
introduce the "Can Do" philosophy to children
dealing with special medical conditions. The
camps are free to the children and paid for by
Texas Lions like you and me.
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Texas Lions Camp –
Our District’s Commitment
In addition to the other ways we
help, District 2-S1 made a sevenyear commitment to act as the
Dining Hall cook team at one of the
annual Texas Lions Camp
workdays held each Spring to get
the camp ready for the Summer.
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
• Provides ocular tissues to surgeons across the Texas
Gulf Coast and the United States and throughout
North and South America
• Procures nearly 2,000 eye donations every year
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Midland, Texas
• Annually recycles hundreds of thousands of eyeglasses
for use in Texas, the United States, and around the
• Also has an on-site optical laboratory which makes low
cost eyeglasses for children (~ $19 per pair)
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
So, Where Does My Money Go?
$43 required dues per year – Used to administer all of the
functions of LCI’s divisions. Also pays for the annual International
Convention and your monthly copy of LION Magazine.
MD-2 State
$7.50 required dues per year – Used to administer
District 2-S1
$7.50 required dues per year - Used to administer programs,
programs, officer meetings, and conferences at the State
District Cabinet meetings, and the annual District 2-S1 Conference.
$21 required dues per year, plus $10 per year* - Since
1949 the Texas Lions Camp has served over 50,000 children
with special medical conditions.
* My share of my Club’s 100% charity donation (voluntary) – Donated by the Club, not the individual
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
And Some Goes Here…
$2 per year* - LCIF is the grant making arm of Lions Clubs
International. Its mission is to support the efforts of Lions Clubs
worldwide in serving their local communities and the world
community as they carry out essential humanitarian services projects.
$2 per year* – Leader Dogs for the Blind provides free guide dog,
GPS and orientation and mobility programs to the blind, deaf-blind
and visually impaired through their offices in Rochester, Michigan.
$3 per year* - Texas Lions Foundation was formed by and for the
Lions Clubs of Texas in order to provide grants for humanitarian &
disaster relief purposes in the State of Texas.
$2 per year* - World Services for the Blind in Little Rock, Arkansas is
one of the world's largest, multi-service rehabilitation centers for the
blind and visually impaired persons. WSB enrolls clients from any
location in the United States and other countries.
* My share of my Club’s 100% charity donation (voluntary) – Donated by the Club, not the individual
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
And Some Goes Here…
$3 per year* - The Lions Eye Bank of Texas provides ocular tissues to
surgeons across the Texas Gulf Coast and the United States and
throughout North and South America.
MD-2 Eye Glass
Recycling Center
$3 per year* - Each year, the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center in Midland,
Texas supplies 60-80 missions sponsored by church groups, physicians and other
organizations with used eyeglasses. The center also supplies eyeglasses for
permanent distribution centers in the Republic of Ghana, Nigeria, and Brazil.
District 2-S1
Lions Vision
$2 per year* - District 2-S1 utilizes and maintains a traveling vision screening
trailer which is made available for use anywhere in our District. The trailer
includes dozens of pairs of glasses that are provided at no cost to those found to
be in need of glasses as a result of the screenings.
District 2-S1
$3 per year* - District 2-S1 provides funds for scholarships, local disaster relief,
and bus services for children to/from Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville.
* My share of my Club’s 100% charity donation (voluntary) – Donated by the Club, not the individual
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
• Your Annual Club dues - $$$ per year billed
on a semi-annual basis.
– Includes amounts necessary to cover International,
Multiple District 2, and District 2-S1 dues
– May include cost of meals
– Determined by Club membership
– Determine Operating Budget for the Club
• The semi-annual periods are defined as July
1st through December 31st and January 1st
through June 30th.
• International sends out semi-annual dues
assessment to clubs in January and July.
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
• Operating expenses – Remaining Dues
– Guest Meals, Club Awards, and other expenses as directed
by your club’s board of directors.
– Dues are supplemented by – Tail Twister Fines, Raffles,
Other Club Functions
• Two types of accounts – Administrative
(Operation $ from Club members), Community
(Activity $ raised from the community)
• All Funds raised from the community must go
into the Community (Activity) account. They can
not be used supplement operating expenses of
the club.
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Lions: Good Stewards of Donations
Lions Charities
“Money is not the only commodity that is fun to
give. We can give time, we can give our expertise,
we can give our love or simply give a smile. What
does that cost? The point is, none of us can ever run
out of something worthwhile to give.”
~ Steve Goodier
Lions Charities
Lions Clubs International
Lions District 2-S1
Lions Charities