Transcript Slide 1

Parkinson’s Disease
Shirley H. Wray, M.D., Ph.D.,
Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders
Massachusetts General Hospital
Presenting Symptoms
Shuffling gait
Marked bradykinesia
Increasing rigidity
Diplopia reading
Ocular Motor Performance
• Observe head position and posture
Head movement + gaze
Random eye movements
Head tremor
• Eyelids blink rate (normal 25-30/min)
Blepharospasm, clonus or apraxia
Glabella hyperreflexia
Ocular Motor Signs
Impaired convergence
Slow hypometric horizontal
Normal vertical saccades
Saccadic substitution for smooth
horizontal pursuit
Convergence Insufficiency
Three factors:
Parkinson’s disease
Medication (Sinemet)
Ocular Motor Deficits in PD
The dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathways
affected in PD control the latency, velocity
and amplitude of saccades and the gain
(ratio of smooth EM velocity to target
velocity) of smooth pursuit.
Dysfunction of striatonigral-collicular
circuits lead to abnormalities of normal
programming of eye-head saccades.
Saccadic EM in PD
Reflexive saccades to stimuli normal
Volitional saccades impaired
Abnormal initiation and slow velocity
Refixaiton saccades
Decreased amplitude, Hypometria,
Increased saccadic latencies, Akinesia
Hypometria + Akinesia causes bradykinesia
Anti-saccades normal
Potential nigro-colliculo-reticular
sites which may disrupt saccades
Frontal eye field (FEF) + sup. colliculus
(SC) lesion leads to slowed small
FEFs project to corpus striatum, which has
major outflow via substantia nigra pars
reticulata (SNPR) to SC
Cells in SNPR which modulate with
saccades and project through SC may be
SC activates pause cells in pontine RF
PD: Eye Movements
Pursuit EM
Slow and fast tracking
Reflex EM Doll’s head and Bell’s
Test for a phoria as cause of diplopia
Alternate eye cover, distance and near
The severity of ocular motor
impairment in PD correlates with the
duration of the disease and the
severity of bradykinesia and rigidity.
E tio lo g y o f S lo w S a c c a d e s
S p in o c e re b e lla r A ta x ia s (S C A ), e s p e c ia lly
S C A 2 (o liv o p o n to c e re b e lla r a tro p h y)
H u n tin g to n ’s D is e a s e
P ro g re s s iv e S u p ra n u c le a r P a ls y
P a rk in s o n ’s (a d v a n c e d c a s e s ) a n d re la te d
d is e a s e s . L ytic o -B o d ig
W h ip p le ’s D is e a s e
W ils o n ’s D is e a s e
A m yo tro p ic L a te ra l S c le ro s is (s o m e c a s e s )
D ru g in to x ic a tio n s : a n tic o n v u ls a n ts ,
b e n z o d ia z e p in e s
Courtesy of Mendez F. Cummengo JL. Dementia: A Clinical
Approach. Third Edition. Butterworth Heinmann 2003.
The following illustrations of
The brain MRI
Pathology of the midbrain
Lewy body
are taken from the case of an elderly
woman with Parkinson’s Disease
Figure 1
Normal axial T2W1 through the midbrain shows the hypointense
red nuclei and substantia nigra are separated by the pars compacta.
Figure 2 In a patient with PD, the Axial T2W1 shows midbrain volume
loss, especially the pars compacta, as shown by “touching” red nuclei and
substantia nigra
Courtesy Anne Osborn, MD
Figure 3 An autopsy in a patient with PD shows volume loss in the
midbrain with pale-staining substantia nigra and decreased size of the pars
Figure 4 Section of the brain showing cytoplasmic inclusion body within a
surviving neuron with an eosinophilic core surrounded by a clear halo.
The Lewy body is not entirely specific, but it is a highly sensitive marker
for PD.
Parkinson’s Disease
Due to dopaminergic cell death
leading to dopamine deficiency
Defective gene for  synuclein on
Chr. 4q
Second locus on Chr. 2p
Mendez MF and Cummings JL.
Parkinsonian Disorders with Dementia. Ch.
7 Pg 235-290. Dementia a Clinical
Approach, Third Edition, Butterworth-Heine,