example slogan

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“Propaganda is
communication aimed at
influencing the attitude of a
community toward some
cause or position.”
“Propaganda is the deliberate,
systematic attempt to shape
perceptions, manipulate
cognitions, and direct behavior to
achieve a response that furthers
the desired intent of the
Word Games
Name Calling
Ad Nauseam
Glittering Generalities
Name Calling
The name-calling technique links a person, or and idea, to a
negative symbol.
The propagandist who uses this technique hopes that the
audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the
negative symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence.
The most obvious type of name calling involve bad names. For
example, consider the following:
• Commie
• Pig
• Yuppie
• Bum
• Terrorist
A brief, striking phrase that may include
labeling and stereotyping.
Although slogans may be enlisted to support
reasoned ideas, in practice they tend to act only
as emotional appeals.
Ad Nauseam
The use of tireless repetition of an idea. An
idea, especially a simple slogan, that is
repeated enough times, may begin to be
taken as the truth. This approach works
best when media sources are limited and
controlled by the propagator.
Glittering Generalities
Labels with positive connotations such as
patriotic, beautiful, exciting, that are
unsupported by facts.
Words or phrases used to pacify an
audience in order to make an unpleasant
reality more palatable.
• “Between jobs” instead of unemployed
• “Vertically challenged” instead of short
False Connections
Demonizing the Enemy
The propagandist links the authority or
prestige of something well-respected and
revered, such as church or nation, to
something he would have us accept.
Presenting only two choices, with the
product or idea being propagated as the
better choice.
“You are either with us, or you are with the
Demonizing the Enemy
Making individuals from the opposing
nation, from a different ethnic group, or
those who support the opposing viewpoint
appear to be subhuman.
WWII Poster
The use of an even that generates euphoria
or happiness, or using an appealing event to
boost morale.
Euphoria can be create by declaring a
holiday, making luxury items available, or
mounting a military parade with marching
bands and patriotic messages.
An endorsement by a famous person, an
authority, or an “expert” who have no valid
qualifications for endorsing the promoted
ideas or products. Example:
The creation or deletion of information from
public records.
Making a false record of an event or the
actions of a person or organization,
including outright forgery of photographs,
motion pictures, broadcasts, and sound
recordings as well as printed documents.
Special Appeals
Common Man/Plain Folks
Appeal to Fear
Snob Appeal
Common Man/Plain Folks
Implies that “the people who used this product are
just like you”
The use of the language of the intended audience.
Implies that “everyone else is doing it.”
Appeal to Fear
Seeks to build support by instilling anxieties
and panic in the general population.
Snob Appeal
The implication that only the richest,
smartest, most beautiful, or most important
people are doing it.
Which propaganda techniques are used
to convince the target audience?
Use your notes to help you decide!
1. Elmo and Flu
2. G.I. Joe PSA
3. This is your brain on drugs
4. Kid Rock music video
5. Air Force