Transcript File

What’s Your Feminism?
By Yubin Kim
Advanced Communication Skills (WRIT 305.02)
Professor Kristi Wilson
Definition and history of feminism
Part 1: College students’ perception about Feminism
Part 2: Male feminists
Part 3: Anti-feminism
Part 4: Statistics about gender inequality
Definition and history of Feminism
 The advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds
of political, social, and economic equality to men.
 The issue of rights for women first became
prominent during the French and American
revolutions in the late 18th century.
 The origin of the word is from French féminisme in
the late 19th century.
Source: Oxford Dictionaries
Part 1: How do college students
define Feminism?
 Participants: American and international students at
 Methods: self-reported opinions about Feminism
through one’s preferred way of expression (i.e.
words, picture of oneself, music video, drawing,
interview etc.)
 I asked them to express what their feminism is in their
own way.
I define Feminism as
By Phebe Chew (junior)
By Taylor Hollis (junior)
I think Feminism is
By Ted Manh (Sophomore)
Feminism looks like
By Janice Oh
I say Feminism is
 “Feminism to me means a step towards achieving
equality for women as well as all genders. It is just as
important for men to be involved just as women.”
-Brandon Lim (Sophomore)
 “Feminism to me is not only about women’s issues
but also about everybody. People should have right
to choose their own gender and identity. Feminism is
all about no bias, prejudice, and discrimination toward
any gender and sexuality”
-Jianmin Shao (Sophomore)
Robin Thicke- Blurred Lines [Feminist
Parody] “Defined lines”
By Shinichi Wong (first year)
Part 2: Male feminists- Daniel Radcliffe
Have you ever heard a girl say she’s
in the friend zone? It’s a thing I
think men need to be really careful
about using... Do I think men and
women can be friends? Yes,
absolutely. Do I think men and
women who are sexually attracted
to each other can just be friends?
Eh, it will probably become an
issue at some point whether you
deal with it, and talk about it and
just move on, but it will always sort
of get dealt with eventually… I
definitely think the idea of friend
zone is just men going, ‘This
woman won’t have sex with me.’
John Legend
At the March 2013 Sound Of
Change Live concert he told
the crowd: "All men should be
feminists. If men care about
women's rights the world will
be a better place... We are
better off when women are
empowered -- it leads to a
better society."
Prince Harry
In a June 2013 speech for the
CHIME For Change concert
Harry said, "When women are
empowered, they
immeasurably improve the
lives of everyone around them
-- their families, their
communities, and their
countries. This is not just
about women, we men need
to recognize the part we play
too. Real men treat women
with dignity and give them the
respect they deserve."
Donald McPherson
In a March 2013 CNN article about men's roles in stopping violence against
women, McPherson wrote: What can men do [to stop violence against
women]? Men do not just need to stop being violent. The vast majority of
men are not violent. But men do need to stop being silent. Calling violence
against women, whether street harassment or sexual harassment or rape or
murder, a "women's issue" allows men to ignore it as if we have no
responsibility for it or stake in ending it. We all have grandmothers, mothers,
sisters, daughters and female friends and colleagues. Our lives are
inextricably interwoven; women's issues of safety and equality directly affect
our lives as men. Beyond that, women are humans, with the same rights to
safety and freedom as men. It is therefore our moral responsibility to not
remain silent or passively on the sidelines, but to be actively engaged in
confronting this problem in every corner of homes, communities, and
Part 3: Feminism in Korea
 Traditionally, women had been taking a role of homemaker and
giving birth to son in order to perpetuate the family clan
following Confucian values.
 Korean men perceived feminism as Western propaganda that
should be blamed for women neglecting the value of family.
 Although Korean men wanted to epitomize Westernization,
they wanted women to remain mothers, submissive daughters,
obedient daughters-in-law. Korean women had to fight for their
rights in the patriarchal society.
 Source: “Feminist Philosophy in Korea: Subjectivity of Korean
Women” (Kim, 2009)
Gender inequality in film industry
Thank you for reading!