Culture de l`image - Université Paris 8

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Audiovisual news archives
Identifying sources and production
J. GUYOT - UFR Culture & communication
Université Paris 8 – IP Camaret August 2013
Audiovisual Archives
 Historical documents.
 Official documents but also productions of cultural
Many historical events that were never recorded.
A puzzle that must be reconstructed : sourcing rushes,
different edited versions, description files, …
Re-enactment of historical events.
How to deal with AV Archives :
 Careful viewing.
 Reporting tecnhiques and fiction techniques are often very close.
 Identify production conditions.
 Beware of perfect images.
 Propagandas : differents forms of techniques:
monuments, myths, interior enemy [Ellul] and now mass
Propaganda associated with lies.
Silent propagandas [Ramonet]
“You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the
people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the
people all the time“, [Abraham Lincoln].
PR = public relations or Planning reactions according to
Tony Schwarz.
 Manufacturing consent [Chomsky]
 Manipulating public opinion in democracy. [Bernays]
Movie and TV extracts
 The arrival of German troops in Paris : June 1940.
 De Gaulle Call to French people : 18th of June 1940.
 “Cinq colonnes à la Une“, Le soldat Robert, French TV,
 The Battle of Dien Bien Phu (November 1953 –May
1954), Roman Karmen pictures.
Bibliographical clues
 BERNAYS Edward, Propaganda. Comment manipuler
l’opinion publique en démocratie, Zones, 2007.
CHOMSKY Noam, Propagande, médias et démocratie,
Écosociété, 2005.
ELLUL Jacques, Propagandes, Economica, 1990.
GUYOT Jacques & ROLLAND Thierry, Les archives
audiovisuelles. Histoire, politique, culture, Armand
Colin, 2011.
MATTELART Armand, La globalisation de la
surveillance. Aux origines de l’ordre sécuritaire, La
Découverte, 2008.
RAMONET Ignacio, Propagandes silencieuses. Masses,
télévision, cinéma, Gallimard, 2002.