Hassan Nasrallah Powerpoint

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Hassan Nasrallah
Hassan Nasrallah , b. August 31, 1960, Bourj Hammoud , Beirut, Lebanon, is the
current and third Secretary General of the Lebanese Islamist party and paramilitary
organization Hezbollah. Nasrallah became the leader of Hezbollah after Israel more..
Hassan Nasrallah:As we see, this is an illegal state; it is a
cancerous entity and the root of all the crises and wars and
cannot be a factor in bringing about a true and just peace in
this region. Therefore, we cannot acknowledge the existence of
a state called Israel, not even far in the future, as some people
have tried to suggest. Time does not cancel the legitimacy of
the Palestinian claim.
#World Affairs
Hassan Nasrallah:There is no solution to the conflict in this
region except with the disappearance of Israel.
#World Affairs
Hassan Nasrallah:The elite are the men of religion, political
leaders, media and press people, and teachers. Everyone can
understand the truth and know what is right. These have the
responsibility of showing this right and truth to the people.
They should not remain silent....It is the responsibility of
people to look for right and truth. As they hear me now, they
should not accept everything I say. Even the masses of
Hezbollah and the resistance should not do so....Forget what
my faith is and what yours is. Hear what I say and see what I do
and hear what others say and see what they do, and then
Hassan Nasrallah:I am against any reconciliation with Israel. I
do not even recognize the presence of a state that is called
"Israel." I consider its presence both unjust and unlawful.
Hassan Nasrallah:Even if [an agreement] is signed we will
continue to view [Israel] as an illegitimate and illegal entityā€¯
#Parents and Parenting
Hassan Nasrallah:And on this last day of the century, I promise
Israel that it will see more suicide attacks, for we will write our
history with blood.
#World Affairs
Hassan Nasrallah:Today, the Israelis tightened the noose on the mass media
in northern occupied Palestine and occupied Palestine. No one can report
any news or broadcast any footage. [News reports] are subject to the Israeli
censorship which permits and disseminates them. Even you at Al-Jazeera
Channel were subjected to arrests, interrogation, restricted activities, and
the like. Why do the Israelis resort to concealing the truth on the other side?
Why? Do they do that only because they accuse the media outlets of setting
the coordinates? This is nonsense. We have the coordinates of these Israeli
settlements and military positions in the north, centre, or in any part of
occupied Palestine. We do not need anybody to give us information,
images, or the like. In that case, they want to conceal the true scene of the
war on the other side because it will have definite impact on the Israeli
street and media and the morale of the Israelis.
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