Transcript may19

Python – May 19
• Review
– What is the difference between: list, tuple, set,
– When is it appropriate to use each?
• Creating our own data types: classes/objects
• Reminder: “meeting” program due tomorrow
• Note that there are 3 ways to approach
• Procedural – follow definition of program: list of
operations to perform: verb focus
• Object oriented – noun focus: define a type with
its attributes and operations
• Functional – everything is a function call; loops
written as recursion
• A different way to approach problem solving –
think about the nouns first.
• Python supports OO design.
– We can define attributes & operations that belong to
instances of the class.
• Everything is public – no information hiding.
class Rectangle:
length = 4
width = 3
# Static & default values
def area(self):
return self.length * self.width
# -----------------------------------------r = Rectangle()
print r.length
print r.area()
Example (2)
• More realistic to allow instances to be different! To
initialize attributes, use special function called __init__
class Triangle:
def __init__(self, side1, side2, side3):
self.a = side1
self.b = side2
self.c = side3
def perimeter(self):
return self.a + self.b + self.c
t = Triangle(3,4,5)
print t.perimeter()
• Python not the best language for true OO.
• Unfortunately, can’t have more than 1
• When you call an instance method, you literally
pass it with 1 fewer parameter than in the
declaration – leave off the “self”.
def giveRaise(self, percent): …
class Rectangle:
length = 4
width = 3
def __init__(self, L, W):
self.length = L
self.width = W
# --------------------------------r1 = Rectangle(10, 8)
print Rectangle.length
# equals 4
print r1.length
# equals 10
Moral – if you have some static values you want to share, don’t confuse
yourself by using same name as attribute. Now you see why we
always use “self”.