Catholicism Presentationx - Holy Family Catholic Regional

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Transcript Catholicism Presentationx - Holy Family Catholic Regional

The truth behind
the Religion you
think you know
• Christianity is a religion that did not start all by
• It is a religion that has evolved from the Hebrew
Culture or Jewish Religion which is why the
Torah (Jewish holy book) is part of the our Old
Testament and why we share a common history
with Judaism.
• Our History starts with the creation of Judaism
and the father
of Judaism is Abraham roughly 1900 year B.C
History Continued
• The shared history with Judaism ends with the
Old Testament.
• The lessons and stories of Isaac, Noah, Moses,
King David and Solomon, all come from the
Judaic Faith
• The Catholic Tradition also continues with rise of
Christianity and it begins with the birth of JesusChrist, between the years 5-0 B.C
• Right up until Jesus-Christ is crucified many still
believe that Jesus was a Jew since he was brought
up in the Jewish faith.
• Until he starts his ministry Jesus continues the
Jewish the practices of the Jewish faith but
starts to challenge some of the doctrines.
• After the death and resurrection of Jesus it is
then that Christianity breaks from Judaism.
Hence known as Christianity (people who
believe in that Jesus-Christ was the son of God
and die for our sins and our salvation.
• 311 A.D Edict of Milan issued by
Emperor Constantine recognized
Christianity is an officially recognized
Religion in the Roman Empire.
• Council of Nicaea 325AD:
Christianity becomes the official
Religion of the Roman Empire, and
the all the books in the bible as we
know it are decided.
• There were 3 Great Schisms
1054: Start of the Great Schism
between the Eastern and Western
Churches; it marked the separation of
Eastern Orthodox and the Roman
Christian Church
ii. The Great Western Schism 14th and
15th centuries where there was times
2 Popes representing the Roman
Church, Clement VII (in France) and
Urban VI (in Rome)
iii. The Protestant Reformation during
the 16th century
• 1095 –the late 1200s The
Crusades was designed to
Reconquering the Holy Lands
(present day Israel and
Palestine from the Moors)
• Spanish Inquisition late 1400s1500s: Turned the powers of the
Papal Inquisition over to the
Monarchs. Purpose was to force
the conversion of Jews and
Muslims to Catholicism in
other words to maintain the
Catholic religion in Europe
Roughly 3000-5000 were killed
during the 350 period.
• 1517: the 3rd Schism – The
Protestant Reformation
• Led by Martin Luther signaled
the beginning of the
Reformation and the greatest
split of the Catholic Church.
He had written his 95 theses
(issues that they had with the
• The abuses of Indulgences,
buying and selling of the
Clergy, Christians should have
a personal relationship with
God, Bible written in the
peoples vernacular language
• First Vatican Council
1868: Declared that the
Pope is infallible but the
teachings of the Pope
must be based on, or at
least not contradict,
Sacred Tradition or
Sacred Scripture.
• 1962-65: Ecumenical
Council of the Vatican II.
In many cases modernized
the Catholic Church;
examples the masses will
no longer be in Latin, the
priest will face the
congregation, more
participation of the
laypersons, and more
dialogue with other
Religious denominations.
People and Culture
• Some of the more important individuals are:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Christopher Columbus, Johann
Gutenberg, Pope John Paul II, Mother Theresa, Albert
Einstein, Louis Pasteur, Galileo Galilei, Beethoven,
Michelangelo, Bono (U2 singer), and J.R.R. Tolkien, Pope
Francis I
• The Catholic Church is stronger and a part of our lives
whether we recognize it or not:
- Catholic schools: Glenmary & Good Shepard
- Churches: St Peter’s Cathedral, St. Paul Cathedral, Notre
Dame Cathedral,
- Organizations: Development and Peace, Knights of
Columbus, Women Catholic League, St Vincent de Paul
Society. Celebrations and Holidays that have know become
more and more secular.
- Publications: Western Catholic Reporter
Mount Sinai
Lourdes France, Grotto of Massabielle
Our Lady of The Rosary, Fátima
Notre Dame - Paris, France
• The Church has strong view on certain issues:
• Marriage and Priesthood:
- believe that Priest should not marry because
they are to devoted their lives to the Church
and God’s work, hence “Vocation” marriage
the role and responsibility
of the husband and wife
is to each other and the family,
otherwise it would create jealousy.
• Abortion:
- The 6th Commandment states “Thou shall not Kill” from
the Book Exodus
- In the eyes of the Catholic Church abortion is killing a
- Catholic Church takes a positon of Pro-Life and that life
begins at the moment of Conception, and not at 21
days, 3 months or 9 months.
• Homosexuality: Pope Francis did clarify the Church’s
position some what: The person is not condemned but
the act is for many in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis
made the comment of who is he to “Judge You”
- If go back to the teachings of Jesus; his whole time on
Earth Jesus never judged, but loved everyone no matter
who they were. That is something that we some live up
Values, Beliefs and Traditions
Traditions and Rituals:
7 Sacraments: i. Baptism
iii. Reconciliation
ii. Eucharist
iv. Confirmation
v. Marriage
vi. Holy Orders
vii. Healing of the Sick
Can happen multiple times
Not just when individuals
Are about to die.
Other traditions
• New Years Day: A day of holy obligation
• Ash Wednesday that starts the Lenten Season ( 40
days…Catholics abstain from certain acts and luxuries)
• Holy Week: Psalm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday,
Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday
• Accession- Jesus-Christ Ascend to Heaven
• Advent Preparation for the coming of Christ
• Christmas
• The sign of the Cross:( prayers, mass, grace and a sign
of our faith)
• The Trinity : That God the Father, Jesus-Christ the
Son and The Holy Spirit are three yet one.
• Transcendence: That Jesus-Christ die on the
cross, rose from the dead, is arisen to heaven
• The authority of the Bible
• Belief of Creationism
• Immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary
• The Ten Commandments and the 7 virtues are
the moral guidelines to our behaviours
• The message(s) and goal of the Catholic faith
can be found in the 10 Commandments
i. Eternal Salvation is within you
- That God loves you
- The Golden Rule
Prayers and Rituals
Our Father
Apostle Creed
Nicene Cree
Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father
Prayers before meals
The Mass
• The Mass is very different to other religions
• It does have a structure:
- 2 readings
- 1 gospel
- The Eucharist is the highest part of the Mass.
- We believe that the wine and bread are the
blood and body of Jesus-Christ
Church Hierarchy
Major Elements in the world
• Catholic Schools
• Catholic Churches
• Major holidays are attributed to the Catholic Religion
(Valentine’s Day, Good Friday and Easter Monday, Thanks
Giving, Halloween, Christmas).
• Vatican City is its own Country
- Catholic schools: Glenmary & Good Shepard
- Churches: St Peter’s Cathedral (Vatican city), St. Paul
Cathedral (England), Notre Dame Cathedral (France),
- Organizations: Development and Peace, Knights of
Columbus, Women Catholic League, St Vincent de Paul