Roots and key beliefs Judaism-2
Transcript Roots and key beliefs Judaism-2
Judaism – History and Key Beliefs
• God enters into a relationship
with the people he has
created, as a personal partner
in dialogue
• He announces his real
presence, Yahweh: “I am who
I am” (from the Hebrew root
word HWH meaning “to exist”)
• The covenant: People are not
simply passive objects of
divine grace or divine action,
but are called to responsibility
and partnership, having to
work at their salvation
Judaism - Beginnings
• Traditionally, it is
held that Abraham
and his
• Now Moses and
the 10
are considered by
many to be the
foundation upon
which Judaism
Tracing Roots
• Nomadic tribes 1900 BCE
• Mesopotamian society - polytheistic
• God (Yahweh) appeared before
Abraham “to go and raise a great
• Beginning of monotheistic Hebrew
faith with the establishment of the
“Covenant”, “Chosen People” and
“Promised Land”
• Abraham settled in Canaan
• Story: “Sacrifice” by Abraham
Abraham and the Covenant
1.The call of Abraham: Genesis
11.31—12. 9
2.God's promises to Abraham:
Genesis 12.2, 13.14–18, 15.1–2, 17,
1. What is a covenant? What
promises were made to each
2. How and why was Abraham
tested by God?
3. Is father Abraham a role model to
Jews today?
Tracing the Roots
3 Patriarchs
Jacob struggled with man/angel, who renames
him "Israel" because he had "striven with God
and with men, and has prevailed"
12 Sons (12 Tribes)
4th son, Judah, inhabited the area of Jerusalem.
Moses, the Kings (Saul, David and Solomon)
and Jesus are all descendants of the tribe of
What is in a name?
• Hebrew means “From
across”- name given to
Abraham and his followers
• Israelites: Abraham’s
grandson Jacob renamed
Israel which means “he who
has wrestled with God”. His
descendants were called
• Jews: named after Jacob’s
son Judah, ancient father of
tribe of King David’s dynasty
Text Work
• Complete the
Development of
Judaism worksheet
for next class
Tracing the Roots – Moses and
the Exodus
Moses received revelations from God:
burning bush, rod / staff, 10 plagues (angel
of Death / Passover), parting of the Red
Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in
Egypt - EXODUS
Moses led the 12 Tribes of Israel to Mount
Sinai where Yahweh gave him the 10
Commandments, uniting the Hebrews
under one God
Moses and Hebrews searched for the
“Promised Land” or the “land of milk and
honey” they wandered in the desert for 40
Key Concepts
solemn and binding agreement between God (as Creator) and
Abraham (humanity, the Chosen people )
Chosen People
Jews considered themselves to be God’s Chosen People as God
chose Abraham and led him to monotheism
Jews were instruments of God’s will
God chose Jews (humanity); humanity must choose God
Promised Land
Gained significance during Moses’ life as Hebrews sought to keep
covenant and develop a community in the Promised Land. Jews
believe this is Israel.
Tracing the
Expansion of Roman Empire and rule: destroying of
the temple leaving only the Western Wall;
rabbinic Judaism
Maccabean Revolt: temple rededicated to God
Diaspora: dispersal of Jews outside of
Israel and Hellenization
Exile in Babylon=
Temple of Solomon
destroyed; creation of
Prophetic Tradition: word of God spoken through prophets
synagogues and rabbis
and concept of Messiah
Division: Northern tribes = Israel;
“anointed one”
Southern tribes = Judah
Kings: King Saul / David, King Solomon (built temple)
Judges: tribal leaders
The 12 Tribes
The Patriarchs
- the Exodus
Foundation of Judaism
- the covenant
- Israel (Promise land)
Key Beliefs
Oneness of Creator God
Human obligation to worship God
God is immaterial and indivisible
God is refered to as YHWH or YAHWEH “I am that I am”
People are born a Jew (through mother) or can convert (gerut)
act of performing a good deed or commandment (ie. 10
Bible contains total of 613 mitvoth (some positive, some negative)
Beliefs continued
View of Jesus = born a Jew a preacher and teacher
Jesus was not the Son of God; the Messiah is still to come
suffering is heightened because as the Chosen People, Jews expect
to suffer for all of mankind
Death and Afterlife
on death, body returns to earth (dust to dust) but soul return to God
who gave it
body will be Resurrected and reunited with soul at a later time
(therefore no cremation)
Little dogma on the afterlife since most emphasis is on this life
Consists of Five Books of
Moses written on
parchment scroll in ancient
form by hand and kept in
Torah means “law” but
more accurate is
“revelation”, “teaching” or
Torah is divided into 54
sections and one portion is
read each week (2 weeks
of year have a double
portion) so that the entire
Torah is read from
beginning to end in a year
Sacred Texts
Jewish Bible, consisting of
Torah (Law of Moses), the
Prophets, and the Writings
Second most important source
of rabbinic Jewish law.
Includes the Mishnah, which
complements and interprets the
Torah and applies scripture to
everyday life and observance
Early rabbinic teachings on
how to live according to Torah
• Star of David= shape of
King David’s shield; symbol
adopted by Zionists
• Menorah= ancient source of
7 branched= Sabbath
9 branched= Hanukah