Describe the symptoms and prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder

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Transcript Describe the symptoms and prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder

Psychological Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
The IB Syllabus says:
• Describe the symptoms and prevalence of
Major Depressive Disorder
• Analyze the etiologies (in terms of biological/
cognitive/sociocultural factors) of Major
Depressive Disorder
• Discuss gender & cultural variations in the
prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder
Essay Writing & Seminar in Groups
• Your task is to work in 5 groups to write actual essays on the
following learning objectives.
• You will divide the work up, and assign different paragraphs to
write, and then compile your work as a group
• The topics you need to include and referenced to the textbook
are outlined below.
• Make sure your writing is well structured, with a intro, body
paragraphs and a conclusion. The person compiling must proof
read to make sure it all flows and makes sense.
General Essay Structure…..
• Explain how you will answer the question
• Identify what theories/studies you will explain –
• Provide a clear thesis statement (an answer to the question).
• Define relevant terms if necessary
Body Paragraphs
• Use arguments supported by specific evidence.
• Start each paragraph with a topic sentence which identifies your main
idea or argument.
• Select at least three pieces of specific evidence to support your argument.
• Summarize main arguments
• Make a clear statement about the question with a reason.
Notice how 9 marks(41%) are
for critical thinking (evaluation!)
Depression Essays: To Do…
1. Complete full essays by the end of todays class
2. Make sure they have all the characteristics of a decent
essay… see all instructions on the notes given
3. Email to [email protected] by the end of the day
4. On Thursday you will participate in a seminar and share
your essay to the group
Command terms…
• Question 1: Describe the symptoms and prevalence
of Major Depressive Disorder (Louis Christina)
• Question 2: Analyze the biological etiology of Major
Depressive Disorder (Dillon Alessandra)
• Question 3: Analyze the cognitive etiology of Major
Depressive Disorder (Klaire Audrey )
• Question 4: Analyze the sociocultural etiology of
Major Depressive Disorder (Zach Krystal)
• Question 5: Discuss gender & cultural variations in
the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder (Nikki
Katalyna Micah)
Question 1: Describe the symptoms and prevalence of Major
Depressive Disorder
Essay Structure:
– A v. brief outline of how the question will be answered.
Body 1:
A description of the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder (p.150 textbook)
Charney and Weismann (1988) – lifetime prevalence
Department of Health (1990) –UK hospital admissions
Levav (1997) –Jewish males
Angst (1992) & Kessler et al.(1994) (from notes on statistical infrequency model)
Mention the recurrent nature of depression
Body 2:
A description of the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (p.149 & 155 textbook)
The group of disorders which major depressive disorder falls under on the DSM-IV (1994)
(google this)
The axis of the DSM-IV (1994) which major depressive disorder falls under (google this)
When major depressive disorder can be diagnosed and its Affective, Behavioral, Cognitive
& Somatic symptoms.
Emphasize how these have to interfere with daily life and function (on the GAF scale –
failure to function adequately is important in diagnosis)
Mention Kleinman’s (1982) and Marsella’s (1979) findings from cross cultural research on
the symptoms of depression (p. 155 of textbook)
Highlight the importance of understanding this disorder due to its high prevalence and
significant impact upon the individual and society
Question 2: Analyze the biological etiology of Major Depressive Disorder
Essay Structure:
1) A v. brief outline of how the question will be answered.
2) Explain the complexity of understanding the etiology of depression and the
numerous factors involved – e.g. environmental change, biological factors
such as neurotransmitters and hormones, negative life events, stress and
genetic predisposition (p.150 of textbook)
3) Point out how it is not possible for psychiatrists and psychologists to find the
single main cause of depression in any individual – but their aim is to
alleviate the symptoms and consider psychosocial factors involved in order
to help the person to cope (p.151 of textbook)
Body 1:
An analysis of the genetic factors in depression (p.151 textbook)
Make it clear that genetic predisposition can only partially explain
Outline the Nurnberger & Gershon (1982) review of twin studies (aims,
procedures, conclusions)
Highlight the point that “even though the concordance rates are higher for
the MZ twins does not mean we can eliminate the influence of the
Present Duenwald’s (2003) genetic research and Caspi et al.’s (2003)
Question 2: Analyze the biological etiology of Major Depressive Disorder
Body 3:
An analysis of the biochemical factors in depression (p.151-153 textbook & Bio LOA notes)
Mention the ‘Monoamine Hypothesis’ (Barlow, 1995) (see Bio LOA notes on wiki) and
how low levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin have been found to be associated with
Mention the effect of the injection of serotonin in lobsters (Kravitz, 1988) (bio LOA notes)
Bring in Delgado & Moreno (2000) and Rampello et al (2000) to support the ‘monoamine
hypothesis ‘– however, make it clear that it is REDUCTIONIST to conclude that low levels
of neurotransmitters are the actual cause of depression.
Use Burns (2003) and Lacasse and Leo (2005) to highlight the limitations of the
‘monoamine hypothesis.’
Point out that antidepressants have been v. effective in alleviating the symptoms of
Body 4:
Briefly summarize that recent research has focused on the role of the hormone cortisol
(activated in the stress response)
Use Fernald & Gunnar (2008) study of Mexican mothers to illustrate the connection
between depression to cortisol
Mention how high levels of stress hormones could damage the hippocampus, and the
connection to Cushing’s syndrome.
Highlight the importance of understanding the etiology of this disorder due to its high
prevalence and significant impact upon the individual and society - also advocate a
‘biopsychosocial’ holistic approach to understanding its etiology
Question 3: Analyze the cognitive etiology of Major Depressive Disorder
Essay Structure:
1) A v. brief outline of how the question will be answered.
2) Explain the complexity of understanding the etiology of depression and the numerous factors
involved – e.g. environmental change, biological factors such as neurotransmitters and
hormones, negative life events, stress and genetic predisposition (p.150 of textbook)
3) Point out how it is not possible for psychiatrists and psychologists to find the main cause of
depression in any individual – but their aim is to alleviate the symptoms and consider
psychosocial factors involved in order to help the person to cope (p.151 of textbook)
Body 1:
An analysis of the cognitive factors in depression – theoretical background (p.153-154 textbook)
Make it clear that cognitive etiology focuses on maladaptive thought patterns such as
depressed cognitions, cognitive distortions, irrational beliefs and disturbances of mood.
Explain Ellis ‘s(1962) Cognitive Style Theory using an example
Explain Beck’s (1976) Cognitive Distortion Theory – make sure overgeneralization, non logical
inference and dichotomous thinking are mentioned
Body 2:
An analysis of the cognitive factors in depression – research support (p.154 textbook)
Research support for irrational beliefs:
Blackburn (1988)
Alloy et al. (1998) prospective longitudinal study
Evaluation – the difficultly of finding out cause and effect from this resarch
Highlight the importance of understanding the etiology of this disorder due to its high
prevalence and significant impact upon the individual and society – also advocate a
‘biopsychosocial’ holistic approach to understanding its etiology
Question 4: Analyze the sociocultural etiology of Major Depressive
Essay Structure:
1) A v. brief outline of how the question will be answered.
2) Explain the complexity of understanding the etiology of depression and the numerous
factors involved – e.g. environmental change, biological factors such as
neurotransmitters and hormones, negative life events, stress and genetic
predisposition (p.150 of textbook)
3) Point out how it is not possible for psychiatrists and psychologists to find the main cause
of depression in any individual – but their aim is to alleviate the symptoms and
consider psychosocial factors involved in order to help the person to cope (p.151 of
Body 1:
An analysis of the sociocultural factors in depression – life events and the diathesis stress
model (p.154-156 textbook & Bio LOA notes)
Introduce the topic by highlighting the connection between stress and illness - Tie
the concept of life events back to the work we did on life events as a source of stress
(see bio notes on the SRRS/ Rahe et al. 1970 – in Bio LOA notes
Outline the findings and conclusions of Brown & Harris (1980) research about the
importance of life events and depression in Camberwell London (p.156)
Explain the Brown & Harris (1980) Vulnerability Model of depression, and highlight
the negative life events associated with depression
Summarize by presenting ‘Diathesis Stress’ model of the depression
Point out the importance of ‘individual differences’ in responses to stress in terms of
a persons own appraisal of stress.
Question 4: Analyze the sociocultural etiology of Major Depressive
Body 2:
An analysis of the sociocultural factors in depression – cultural variations (p.
155 textbook)
Explain how cultural factors play an important role in understanding the
etiology of depression
Present the WHO (1983) cross cultural research findings on depression •
Present Prince’s (1968) early findings & Kleinman (1982) cultural
differences in terms of the symptoms of depression
Mention Marsella (1979) differences in symptoms between individualist
and collectivist cultures
Bring in Tahassum (2000) study of depression in Pakistani women in the
UK to show emic etic distinctions (from Socicultural LOA)
Conclude that cross cultural research has identified similar symptoms
across the world, but its manifestation may be more culture specific.
Highlight the importance of understanding the etiology of this disorder
due to its high prevalence and significant impact upon the individual and
society – also advocate a ‘biopsychosocial’ holistic approach to
understanding its etiology
Question 5: Discuss gender & cultural variations in the prevalence of Major
Depressive Disorder
Essay Structure:
1) A v. brief outline of how the question will be answered.
2) Explain the general prevalence of major depressive disorder (p.150)
3) Thesis: Make it clear that gender and cultural variations are significant
factors when considering the prevalence of this disorder
Body 1:
A discussion of the cultural variations in depression (p. 155-156 textbook)
Present the WHO (1983) cross cultural research findings on
Present Prince (1968) early findings & Kleinman (1982) cultural
differences in terms of the symptoms of depression
Mention Marsella (1979) differences in symptoms between
individualist and collectivist cultures
Bring in Tahassum (2000) study of depression in Pakistani women in
the UK to show emic etic distinctions (from Sociocultural LOA)
Conclude that cross cultural research has identified similar symptoms
across the world, but its manifestation may be more culture specific.
Question 5: Discuss gender & cultural variations in the prevalence of Major
Depressive Disorder
Body 2:
A discussion of gender variations in depression (p. 156-157 textbook)
Explain how gender considerations play an important role in understanding the
prevalence of depression – refer to prevalence statistics on page (p.150
Department of Health 1990)
Mention Williams & Hargreaves (1995) findings on the prevalence of depression
in women
Present the Brown & Harris (1980) study of women in Camberwell, London
Connect this study to the importance of social stress in the prevalence of
depression in women
Evaluate the study (draw upon the points mentioned on P.157 here
Body 3:
Use Google to research 1 study of your own on gender and depression, and
present the aims procedures, findings and conclusions of this study.
You could also highlight gender differences in how people cope with stress in
terms of social support (from Bio LOA section on stress) and also the importance
of individual differences such as Cognitive Style (type A personality/hardiness)
Highlight the importance of understanding the cultural and gender
considerations in the prevalence of major depressive disorder so the most
effective treatments can be developed.
Seminar Discussion topics….
• Question 1: Describe the symptoms and prevalence
of Major Depressive Disorder (Louis Christina)
• Question 2: Analyze the biological etiology of Major
Depressive Disorder (Dillon Alessandra)
• Question 3: Analyze the cognitive etiology of Major
Depressive Disorder (Klaire Audrey )
• Question 4: Analyze the sociocultural etiology of
Major Depressive Disorder (Zach Krystal)
• Question 5: Discuss gender & cultural variations in
the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder (Nikki
Katalyna Micah)
•Prepare 5 questions as discussion
prompts to ask on your section
Seminar Rubric (minor)
Quiz (medium) Same format as the bulimia
Describe the symptoms and prevalence of Major
Depressive Disorder………
Analyze the biological etiology of Major
Depressive Disorder ………
Analyze the cognitive etiology of Major Depressive
Disorder ………
Analyze the sociocultural etiology of Major
Depressive Disorder ………
Discuss gender & cultural variations in the
prevalence of Major Depressive ………
Depression: Video
• Watch the video and identify the connections
between what we have studied and the
content of the video.
• We have come to the end of the section on
psychological disorders and these were the learning
1.Describe symptoms and prevalence of Bulimia
Nervosa & Major Depressive Disorder
2.Analyse etiologies (in terms of biological, cognitive
and/or sociocultural factors) of Bulimia Nervosa &
Major Depressive Disorder
3.Discuss cultural and gender variations in prevalence
of disorders.
*On the post it note write a reflection on how your
knowledge and understanding of these topics has
developed over the past few weeks*