Chapter 5 Mental Health

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Transcript Chapter 5 Mental Health

Chapter 5 Mental
Ms. Meade
Health 10
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph, the red-nosed
had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw him,
you would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him
They never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so
won't you guide my sleigh
Then all the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
Rudolph the red-nosed
you'll go down in history!
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Emotional Problems can be increased by
peer or family pressures, and decreased or
eliminated by the realization of one’s own
Brainstorm ways you can come to realize your
own worth.
This should bring into full circle everything we’ve discussed
so far; self-knowledge, understanding your values and
personality, maintaining a high self-esteem, and managing
emotions and stress.
Mental and Emotional Problems
We all have problems with emotions sometimes; most people
are able to deal with them, but in some cases, they can be
serious enough to interfere with daily life.
This may leave the person feeling alone and ashamed.
However, they can learn to overcome them and cope with
professional help.
Feeling a wide range of emotions is ok, they can be
managed. To stop and think about what is causing the
emotion is one way of managing strong emotions
It is the way you deal with these emotions that can be good
or bad for your health!
Emotional Problem vs. Temporary
An emotional problem is patterns of thinking or
behavior that cause a person significant emotional
pain or prevent normal functioning.
Consider the difference between temporary
emotional pain and the pains that don’t go away.
Stigma associated with mental health disorder.
Mental Health vs. Mental Illness
Drawing a line between mental health and mental
illness is not always straight forward.
Problems with emotions can range from mild
temporary depression or anxiety to severe long
term illness that affects a person’s sense of
When emotional problems interfere with daily
life, that could be a sign of mental illness…
Coping with Difficult Emotions
Fear: normal, instinctive response to a dangerous
situation; it triggers the stress response.
 It is instinctive to dangerous situations.
 It can encourage you to be careful.
 However, sometimes a thing you fear or are
frightened by are not real or serious threats.
For example, some people feel an unreasonable amount
of fear speaking in public. This is called a phobia and can
hold you back, preventing you from doing your best.
Coping with Difficult Emotions
Anxiety: an emotional
state of high energy
that triggers the stress
response, is related to
Common symptoms:
rapid heart rate and
breathing, sweating,
trembling and muscle
Extreme anxiety can hurt
performance, making
you overwhelmed,
causing you to freeze
Can be positive;
heightened alertness
means better
Coping with Difficult Emotions
Grief: the emotional response to a major
loss, such as death of a loved one
 Sadness and depression are not the same
 Sadness is normal and temporary emotion
 Depression is a serious illness that
interferes with daily life
 Sadness may lead to depression
Coping with Difficult Emotions
Anger: Dealing with anger
involves recognizing the
emotion, addressing the
cause, and taking time to cool
 The increased level of
hormones during your teen
years causes you to become
angry over small things.
 Learning to manage it can
keep you from damaging
relationships or leading to
Identify the reason why you
are angry before reacting;
other issues may be the
underlying cause of the anger
besides what you are reacting
Everyone needs a chance to
cool off first, relieve that
stress, then deal with it
Better outcome that way and
you won’t make it worse.
Coping with Difficult Emotions
Guilt: normal feeling that arises
from the conscience when a
person acts against internal
 Admit that you are wrong
 Learn to examine each
situation realistically and
acknowledge that you are
not to blame
Shame: a feeling of being
inherently unworthy
 Means feeling bad about
who you are as a person
 Guilt makes people want to
correct their mistakes,
shame makes them feel
incapable of doing so
 Can be linked to serious
mental problems such as
depression and eating
Mental and Emotional Disorders
When emotional problems interfere with
daily life, this may be a sign of mental
Mental Illness: disorders of thought,
emotion, or behavior that causes distress
and reduce a person’s ability to function.
Mental Illness
Can interfere with work,
personal relationships,
and even daily tasks such
as bathing
A problem severe enough
to interfere with daily life
means that the person
needs professional health
Mental health disorders
are medical disorders;
they do not have a
character flaw, they have
a medical disorder.
The term mental illness
can be misleading
because many mental
disorders stem from
physical causes.
People with severe
depression have major
differences in brain
chemistry from
nondepressed people
Some people inherit a
tendency towards
depression or other mental
Anxiety Disorders
Last at least six months and can grow
worse without treatment; they experience
anxiety most or all of the time
They worry about everything
They have difficulty relaxing, concentrating
on tasks, and sleeping
May develop physical symptoms;
headache, nausea, muscle aches, fatigue
Anxiety Disorders
Phobia: an extreme irrational fear of an object or
Social Anxiety (phobia): extreme fear or anxiety in the
presence of other people
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): an
uncontrollable fixation on specific thoughts and
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): serious stress
reaction in response to a terrifying event
Panic Disorder: sudden, unexplained attacks of terror;
pounding heart, shortness of breath, sweating and
Mood Disorders
Involves extremes of
emotions; emotional highs
and lows are so extreme
that they interfere with
day-to-day life.
Depression: a persistent
feeling of apathy,
hopelessness, or despair
(affects 1/10 people each
Bipolar Disorder: manicdepressive disorder,
involves extreme highs
and lows of emotion,
between depression and
Other disorders
Schizophrenia: (psychotic disorder), severe mental
disorder that causes people to lose touch with reality,
often have hallucinations
Eating Disorders: extreme, unhealthy eating habits often
related to an obsession with weight or appearance
 Includes anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating
Addiction: physical or psychological dependence on a
particular substance, habit or behavior
Definition: A medical condition that leads
to intense feelings of sadness or despair;
these feelings don’t go away on their own,
and are not necessarily related to a
particular life event.
Depression Misconceptions
Depression is just a feeling; you can snap out of it if you try hard
Only a few “crazy” people really get depressed.
Depression only occurs when bad things happen.
It’s easy to make yourself feel better.
There’s nothing you can do to treat depression.
Medicines like Prozac and Zoloft are “happy pills”.
Only adults suffer from depression.
Therapy’s just lying on a couch talking about your childhood.
Antidepressants can help anybody with depression.
There are no outward signs of depression.
People dealing with depression never experience extreme highs.
Depression continued
Depression is more than occasionally feeling blue, sad, or
down in the dumps, though.
Depression is a strong mood involving sadness,
discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts for
weeks, months, or even longer.
It interferes with a person's ability to participate in normal
Depression affects a person's thoughts, outlook, and
behavior as well as mood. In addition to a depressed mood,
someone with depression also can feel tired, irritable, and
notice changes in appetite.
Sometimes, despite their true value, they can feel worthless
and unlovable.
Help with Depression
Therapists and other professionals can help. In fact, about
80% of people who get help for their depression have a
better quality of life — they feel better and enjoy themselves
in a way that they weren't able to before.
Treatment for depression can include talk therapy,
medication, or a combination of both.
Everyone can benefit from mood-boosting activities like
exercise, yoga, dance, journaling, or art. It can also help to
keep busy no matter how tired you feel.
People who are depressed shouldn't wait and hope it will go
away on its own because depression can be effectively
treated. Friends or others need to step in if someone seems
severely depressed and isn't getting help.
When Depression is Severe
People who are extremely depressed and who may be
thinking about hurting themselves or about suicide need help
as soon as possible. When depression is this severe, it is a
very real medical emergency, and an adult must be notified.
Most communities have suicide hotlines where people can
get guidance and support in an emergency.
Depression doesn't mean a person is "crazy." Depression
(and the suffering that goes with it) is a real and recognized
medical problem. Just as things can go wrong in all other
organs of the body, things can go wrong in the most
important organ of all: the brain.
Luckily, most teens who get help for their depression go on to
enjoy life and feel better about themselves.
Teens and Suicide
During an average day in the US about 12 young people
aged 15 to 24 end their own lives; 10 are male, 2 are
Far more attempt to kill themselves but fail.
Many attempts are a way to show how much they are
hurting; they don’t really want to die.
Suicides can be prevented if we recognize the factors
that put teens at risk and the warning sides of possible
Teens who suffer from depression may believe death is the only
escape from problems
In reality, things almost always improve with time.
Suicide Risk Factors:
Suffer symptoms of depression
Substance abuse
Other mental disorders
A family history of mental illness or suicide
Abuse or violence within the family
Living in a home where guns are present.
(Guns are involved in more than half of all
Suicide Risk Factors (cont’d)
Spending time in prison
Witnessing the suicidal behavior of others
Feeling alone or isolated
Major life stresses, such as physical illness,
the death of a loved one, divorce of
parents, in combination with depression.
Fact and Myths about Suicide
“Only young people are at risk.”
“They aren’t serious.”
“There’s no way to stop them.”
“It’d dangerous to talk about suicide with them.”
Signs that May Warn of an
Approaching Suicide
Abrupt changes in
Alcohol or drug abuse
Changes in eating or
sleeping habits
Expressing feelings of
depression, hopelessness
or guilt
Giving away valued
Inability to concentrate
Loss of interest in favorite
Loss of interest in
schoolwork and declining
References to “going
Self-inflicted injuries
Withdrawal from friends or
Preventing Suicide
It is preventable; you could
save a life!
Recognize the warning
signs FIGURE 5.9
Know how to intervene
Talk honestly with the
person, reassure them
they aren’t alone
Acknowledge their feelings
without judgment
Make them see there are
other solutions
Show you care; identify
someone who can help
This is a secret you should
not keep; tell a trusted
Make sure your friend gets
Take immediate action if
necessary; call 911
Don’t leave a suicidal
person alone
Protect you own safety
To Write Love On Her Arms
Emotional Healing
Therapy is completely private and confidential.
Therapy: any activity or treatment that helps a
person cope with a mental or emotional problem.
Psychotherapy: a type of therapy in which a
patient discusses problems with a trained
There are many types based on the patient’s needs
Emotional Healing
Behavior Therapy: therapy in which a therapist
helps a person break an unhealthy pattern of
behavior through a system of rewards and
desensitization (a process of confronting and
overcoming fears.)
Used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, and phobias
Drug therapy: use of meds to treat mental
Teens seek help for a variety of
Depression, anxiety, or just ordinary stress
Eating disorders
Learning or attention problems
Painful events such as serious illness, death, divorce
Substance abuse
Everyday problems, like managing anger, coping with peer
pressure, or improving self-confidence
Asking for help when it is needed IS NOT weak, it means that
you are willing to do what it takes to deal with your problems.
Helping Others
Listening and offering
support to a friend may be
enough to help them work
through problems or tough
Some problems require
the help of a trained
professional; sometimes
the untrained person can
do more harm than good.
A person who hopes to
help may become
Codependent, focused on
the needs of others to the
extent that the person’s
own needs are neglected.
A codependent prevents a
troubled person from
facing his problems,
weakening him further
Helping Others Cont’d
Enabling: misguided helping because it
allows the problem behavior to continue
Without having to face consequences, troubled
people have no reason to change
Mental Health Professionals
Psychiatrist: can provide medical and
psychiatric evaluations, perform
psychotherapy, and prescribe medications
Psychologist: Perform psychological testing
and evaluations, provide psychotherapy,
and treat emotional and behavioral
Mental and Emotional Problems
A person who shows any of the signs of
mental illness should be encouraged to
seek professional help.
Improvements can and will happen!