Transcript Document

Improve our product
Train our observers
Spread the word
The professional’s point of view
the big picture and direction
• Deliver quality observations in a
convenient manner to the community
• Provide means of publication for the
amateur community
• Provide a vibrant website interface
• Who is our target?
Train Observers
• Provide relevant manuals, etc. on
• Hold workshops for training
• Mentoring
• Transition observers where possible
• Support visual observers as entry, but
find something relevant (hard!!!)
Spread the word
• Make the observations essential for the
• Publicize the organization to the
professional community
• Find means of reaching those who want
to become Citizen Scientists
• Foster international relations
Phase 0 (inherited)
ASCII database
Dysfunctional website
No observing directions
Journal years behind
Archaic practices
Untrained staff
Inadequate HQ building
Phase 1
Transition database to MySQL
Transition all tools to modern languages
Make tools automatic (VSP, VSX, preval)
Bring journal up to standards (eJAAVSO)
Remove stumbling blocks like validation file,
observer code generation, LPV bulletin
• Move to new facility
• Finished! - but longer than I’d like (impatient)
Phase II (No breather!)
• SQL query access to database; VO access to other
databases; bring in CBA etc.
• Upgraded and useful website
• Calibrate the sky (APASS)
• Provide access to professional-quality equipment for
training and research (net)
• Provide on-line training and courses. Get amateurs to
produce high-quality results
• Integrate into current surveys and prepare for new
ones (PTF, CRTS, LSST; others?)
• Bring more professionals “on-board” (net, DB)
• Use modern media to access the cross-discipline
professionals (CS start)
• Plan, plan, plan (no breather; advances)
• Use existing staff where possible, including
necessary training (time)
• Bring in new staff to replace those that don’t
fit (expense, research/AAVSOnet)
• Bring in external help in specialized areas
(volunteer where possible, contract where
not; cloud computing, etc.)
• Find grant opportunities that are aligned with
core mission (not education)
• This cannot be done with a decreased
budget, but should be a temporary spike
• Sufficient budget to handle the transition
• Time to look for the right fits (computer
experience, VS background,
• Stephen Levine, Aaron examples
• Proper means to lay off long-time staff,
who’ve supported the organization