Nutrition - Net Start Class

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Vitamins and Minerals
Healthy Children
Signs of Good Health
 Clear Complexion
 Bright eyes
 Good posture
 Strong teeth and healthy nails
 Appropriate weight for your body type
Good Health
 Good health depends on a healthy diet
 A diet is everything that you regularly eat
 Nutrition is the result of the processes your body follows
to use the foods you eat
 When you eat good foods, you are practicing good
nutrition and keeping your body is good working order
 Malnutrition is poor nutrition over a period of time
 It can be caused by not eating the right amount or by not
eating the right foods
 Malnutrition causes:
 Irritability
 Overweight/underweight
 Tooth decay
 Skin Problems
Poor Nutrition
 Poor nutrition can cause tiredness, irritability, and a
resistance to disease
 Health problems caused by poor nutrition can lead to low
self esteem
 Wellness is composed of many parts
 Good nutrition
 Getting plenty of rest
 Getting plenty of exercise
Effects of Nutrition
 Good nutrition can affect you positively now
 Poor nutrition can cause health problems later in life
 Eating the right foods will help you develop to your full
 There are many myths and wives tales about what items
have negative or positive health effects
 Nutrients are the chemical substances in food that are
used by your body to keep it working properly
 There are six types:
 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Fats
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
 No one food has every nutrients
 It is important to eat a variety of foods in order to get all
your needed nutrients
 Your body contains proteins in your skin, hair, nails,
muscles, blood, and other body tissues
 Proteins are needed for growth, maintenance and repair of
 They are also needed to control body processes like blood
circulation, breathing and digestion
 Proteins are made up of amino acids
 Amino acids are like chains of blocks
 They are used by the body to make the proteins it needs
 Some amino acids can be made in the body and some
must be obtained through foods
Complete Protein
 Protein from animals sources such as fish, beef, chicken,
eggs, and milk
 Complete proteins have all of the amino acids the body
Incomplete Protein
 Protein stemming from plant sources such as beans, nuts,
peas, soy and seeds
 Incomplete protein only has some of the needed amino
acids the body needs
 Carbohydrates are nutrients that give your body its main
source of energy for physical activity
 If your body does not get enough carbohydrates, it will use
energy from protein
 Your body then misses out on protein that is needed for
tissue repair
 There are three types of carbohydrates
 Sugars, Starches, and Fiber
 Can be used as a quick source of energy
 Candy, jelly, honey, milk, and frosting are food sources of
 Starches take longer for the body to digest than sugars
 You may feel full longer
 Starches can be found in fruits, veggies, breads, cereals,
pastas, dry beans and nuts
 Fiber does not supply your body with energy but aids in
digestion by helping push foods through the body at a
proper speed
 Fruits, Veggies, whole grains, and bran are good sources of
 Fats are concentrated sources of energy from animals or
 They are needed to keep your body functioning efficiently
 They carry some needed vitamins through your body
 They insulate and protect vital organs such as your heart,
liver and kidney
 Fat also protects your body from cold
 Can be found in butter, meats, cheeses, margarine, salad
dressing, snack and desert foods
 Eating too much fat can cause weight gain and health
problems such as heart disease
Avoiding Fats
 You can limit your intake of fats by:
 Choosing low fat dairy products
 Choosing lean meats
 Avoiding fried foods
 Cholesterol is a fatlike substance found in every human cell
 It is an essential part of blood and certain hormones
 Cholesterol comes from animal food sources
 Too much cholesterol has been linked to heart disease
 Reducing your cholesterol can reduce your risk of health
 Vitamins are substances needed by the body for growth
and maintenance
 Vitamins help regulate the chemical processes in the body
 They also help your body store and use energy for growth
and development
 Vitmains are either water soluble or fat soluble
 Water soluble vitamins are stored in your body’s water and
are not easily overdosed because the excess is removed by
your body each day
 Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the fat of your body and
are easier to overdose on.
 Fat soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K
 Only about 3-20% of the vitamins found in pill form
 It is important to get your vitamins from food sources
Vitamin A
 Works to keep your hair and skin in good condition
 It also aids in vision
 Vitamin A is fat soluble so it is stored for a longer amount
of time
Vitamin A
 Sources include deep yellow and dark green vegetables
and fruits
 Carrots, broccoli, spinach, cantaloupe, peaches, apricots,
sweet potatoes
 These contain carotene- which is changed into vitamin A by
your body
 It can also be found in the fatty parts of animal products
like butter, cheese, cream, egg yolks and liver
B Vitamins
 The B vitamins are a group of vitamins that work together
in your body
 Three key B vitamins are:
 Thiamin (B-12)
 Riboflavin (B-2)
 Niacin
B Vitamins
 Help your body release energy from food
 They help keep your nervous system healthy and prevent
 They also keep skin healthy
 They are water soluble
B Vitamins
 Sources include whole grains and enriched flours, breads
and cereals
 Leafy green vegetables, legumes, meat, milk, and eggs
are also good sources
Vitamin C
 Helps produce a substance that holds body cells together
 It helps broken bones mend and wounds heal
 It strengthens the walls of blood vessels
 It helps you resist infections and maintain healthy gums,
skin and teeth
Vitamin C
 Vitamin C is water soluble
 It is found in many fruits and vegetables
 It is especially present in citrus fruits such as oranges and
 Cantaloupe, strawberries, broccoli, and tomatoes are also
a good source of this vitamin
Vitamin D
 Helps your body use the minerals needed to build strong
bones and teeth
 This is especially important during growth spurts during
childhood and adolescence
Vitamin D
 Is sometimes called the “sunshine” vitamin because your
body can make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight
 Other sources include fortified milk, fish liver oil and some
Vitamin E
 It is believed to keep oxygen in the body from destroying
other nutrients, especially vitamin A
 So many foods have vitamin E that rarely do people have a
 Sources include vegetable oil, whole grain breads and
cereals, eggs, organ meats, and leafy green vegetables
Vitamin K
 Helps blood clot
 Many foods contain vitamin K so deficiencies are rare
 Sources include green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, liver,
and egg yolk
 Minerals are another type of nutrient needed for a healthy
 They help regulate many of your body’s activities
 They help muscles contract and nerces transmit signals to
and from the brain
 They help maintain the body’s water balance and
strengthen bones and teeth
Calcium and Phosphorus
 They work together as a team
 They are both more effective when the other is present
 They are both needed for strong bones and teeth
 They are also important in clotting blood and normal heart
and muscle formation
 Sources include milk and milk products, fish, and green
leafy veggies
 Sources that are rich in calcium are also rich in phosporus
Sodium, Chlorine, and Potassium
 Work together as a team
 They keep the right amount of fluid around and inside the
cells in your body
 They allow the cells to take up nutrients from the blood
 They also help nerves and muscles function as they should
 Sodium and Chlorine are found in table salt
 Potassium is plentiful in bananas, orange juice, green leafy
vegetables and milk
 Too much sodium can be a health risk
 Processed foods or foods rich in preservations usually have
a lot of excess sodium
 Diet sodas also have a high amount of sodium
 Sodium has been linked to high blood pressure
 You can find items that are marked “low sodium” or “saltfree”
 It is important for healthy red blood cells
 A deficiency is called anemia
 Anemia causes tiredness, lack of energy, or loss of appetite
 Sources include liver, meat, fish, eggs, dried beans and peas
 Whole grain or enriched breads or cereals
 Green leafy vegetables
 Iodine is used to help the thyroid gland produce a
hormone that affects height and weight
 If you have a deficiency in iodine, your thyroid gland may
swell and cause a goiter
 Iodine is added to iodized salt
 Saltwater fish are also a good source of iodine
 Is needed for proper development of teeth and bones
 It prevents tooth decay
 Fluroine is added to many toothpastes and many cities
add fluroine to their water supply
 Small amounts are found in meats, eggs, and milk
 Water is the single most important substance you bring
into your body
About 2/3 of your body is made up of water
Food cannot be digested or nutrients carried to cells
without water
Water also helps regulate your internal temperature
You need eight 8 oz. glasses of water as a minimum daily
You can get some of your needed water from food sources
 Ex. watermelon
Myth #1
 Eggs are bad for your heart
 Eggs do contain a large amount of cholesterol in their
yolks, but they are a low calorie, high protein food
Myth #2
 High fructose corn syrup is worse for you than sugar
 Corn syrup is made from corn and has an almost identical
structure to table sugar
 Any item high in sugar is not the best choice, but corn
syrup is no better or worse than table sugar
Myth #3
 Carbohydrates make you fat
 There is nothing inherently bad about carbs that will make
you fat
 The only thing that can make you gain weight is too many
calories for your body’s needs
Myth #4
 Claims that raw food diets can boost health effects
because they are not processed
 Yes, raw food has not lost any nutrients from cooking, but
you do not receive any enzyme health benefits from
eating food raw
Myth #5
 Your body can’t use the protein from beans unless you eat
them with rice
 Your body can use any protein you eat
Myth #6
 Calories eaten at night are worse for you and more
fattening than calories eaten during the day
 Calories are calories and it doesn’t matter what time you
eat them
Myth #7
 You will gain weight if you eat foods like wheat and dairy
that your body can’t personally digest
 Food allergies do not affect weight
Myth #8
 Radiation from microwaves can put dangerous compounds
in your food
 Microwaves use very weak waves, and are not a health
 However, plastic that is microwaved may transmit some
Myth #9
 Microwaving zaps out the nutrients
 Heat and cooking time may affect nutrients, but not the
microwave itself
Myth #10
 You crave certain foods because you need the nutrients in
 There is no evidence to support this unless someone is
severely deficient in iron
 Only animals crave certain foods
Myth #11
 Eating lots of small meals instead of three big meals is
better for you and will help you lose weight
 Metabolism does slightly raise when we eat, but not
enough to make a difference
Myth #12
 You need to cleanse your body from toxins
 Your body already has its own method that starts in your
liver, kidneys, and spleen
Myth #13
 Anyone can benefit from a gluten free diet- it can help you
lose weight and cure autism
 Unless you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance,
there is no benefit