Transcript Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3.1
Energy exists in different forms
All forms of energy cause changes to occur
Wind causes flag to flutter
 Light bulb gets hot and glows
 You pick up a tennis racket, change position
 Hit tennis ball
The ability to cause a change
Energy takes many different forms and has
many different effects.
Forms of Energy
Scientist classify energy into many forms pg 73
Mechanical Energy
 Sound Energy
 Chemical Energy
 Thermal Energy
 Electromagnetic Energy
 Nuclear Energy
Each form causes change in a different way.
Mechanical Energy
Energy that moves objects
 Energy
used to put a book on a shelf
 Energy used to turn a key
Sound Energy
Sound results from the vibration of particles
in a solid, liquid or gas
 Sound cannot travel through empty space
Chemical Energy
Energy that is stored in the chemical
composition of matter
 Amount of energy
Depends on types of atoms
 Depends on arrangement of atoms
 Examples
When wood or gasoline burns chemical energy produces
Cells use chemical energy that our bodies store from the
food we eat
Thermal Energy
Total amount of energy from the movement
of particles in matter
Energy of the motion of atoms and molecules
Electromagnetic Energy
Energy transmitted through space in the
form of electromagnetic waves
 Can travel through empty space
 These waves include
Visible light
 X-rays
 Microwaves
Sun releases large amount that is
absorbed by Earth
Nuclear Energy
The center of an atom, its nucleus, is the
source of nuclear energy
 When a heavy atoms nucleus breaks apart
energy is released
 When the nuclei of two small atoms join
together energy is released
General Types of Energy
All forms of energy can be described in
terms of two general types of energy
Kinetic Energy – energy of motion
 Increases
as mass increases
 Increases as speed increases
Potential Energy – stored energy
 Due
to position (pg 76)
Gravity, stretching, compressing
 chemical
Energy stored in food, fuel in rocket engine
Potential and Kinetic Energy demonstration
Chapter 3.2
Energy can change forms but is never lost
Energy Changes Form
How does energy change form?
Example – a match
 PE
is stored in the chemicals on the head of the match
 The flame releases that energy as light and heat
Conversions between PE and KE
Examples – roller coaster, ski jumper, skate boarder
Using Energy Conversions
Water stored behind a dam is changed to electrical
 Pg 80 for other examples
Law of
Conservation of Energy
States that energy can neither be created
nor destroyed.
It may appear that energy is lost or gained
 It
only changed form Example 2nd example
 Useful energy is always less than the total amount of
Energy conversions may produce unwanted
forms of energy
Electrical energy may be converted into
unwanted sound energy – (ie) a fan
Energy Transfer Examples
Energy Efficiency
Measurement of usable energy after an
energy conversion
High efficiency
 Converts
greater percentage of energy into the
desired form
Low efficiency
 Converts
a greater percentage of energy into an
inefficient form