Energy -

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Transcript Energy -

• Energy: The ability to do work
• Examples:
• Wind has energy because it moves things
• Fire (heat) can change water to steam
• Electricity can produce sound and light
Two Kinds of Energy:
•Potential Energy: Stored energy,
waiting to become kinetic energy
•PE (potential energy) depends on
the object’s MASS and HEIGHT
Kinetic: the energy of motion
•The more Mass and/or
Velocity (speed) something
has, the more kinetic energy
•Formula for Kinetic Energy:
(psst…Mr. Flanagan, you need to write the formula by
•EX: a bowling ball has more
kinetic energy than a golf
ball at he same velocity
Many forms of energy
• Gravitational potential: it depends on weight &
• Elastic potential: objects stretched or compressed
(bow & arrow)
• Thermal: heat from vibrations of atoms within
• Chemical Potential: energy stored in chemical
bonds; released in chemical reactions
Many forms of energy
• Electrical: movement of electrical charges
• Nuclear: energy stored in nucleus of an atom;
released in nuclear reaction
• Mechanical: motion and ability to do work
• Electromagnetic: travels in waves (light,
microwaves, UV radiation, infrared)
• Sound: vibrations of air
•…and...That’s all folks...(for now)
Energy Transformations (a.k.a. energy
Law of Conservation of Energy
• Remember, the universe is made of only 2 things:
Matter and Energy
• Energy cannot be created or destroyed (just like
• Energy can only change form
Conversion of Potential and Kinetic
• Kinetic and Potential energy convert back and forth
all the time.
• The more potential E. you start with, the more
kinetic E. you end up with
Important Examples. Know These!!
• The Blue Ball at the top of
the arc has the most
_____________ energy.
• As the ball drops, it loses
_________ energy and gains
__________ energy.