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Transcript KIN340-Chapter2

Chapter 2 – Basic Kinematic Concepts
Forms of Motion
Directional Terms
Planes of Sections + Axes of Rotation
Joint Movement Terminology
Forms of motion
Translation: all parts of a body
travel exactly the same distance, in
the same direction, in the same time.
Rectilinear translation – straight
line translation
Curvilinear Translation – curved
line translation
Angular (rotational) motion: – all
parts of the body, move along a
circular path about the same point
called the axis of rotation, so that all
parts travel through the same angle,
in the same direction, in the same
General Motion: a combination of translation and
rotation - most movements are difficult to classify
into pure translation or rotation.
Directional Terms
Superior (cranial) – closer to the head
Inferior (caudal) – farther from the head
Anterior (ventral)– toward the front of the body
Posterior (dorsal) – toward the back of the body
Medial - closer to the mid-line
Lateral – further from the mid-line
Proximal – closer to the trunk
Distal - farther from the trunk
Palmer (volar)– palm side of hand
Plantar (volar) - sole of foot
Dorsal – back of hand / top of foot
Superficial/deep – closer to the surface/farther from the surface
Planes of Section and Axes of Rotation
Joint Movement Terminology
In the sagittal plane about the mediolateral axis.
Flexion – decreasing joint angle or anteriorly
directed rotations of the head, trunk, upper arm,
forearm, hand, and upper leg. Posteriorly directed
movement of the lower leg
Extension – increasing joint angle (back to
anatomical position) or returns a body segment to
the anatomical position from flexion
Hyperextension – movement of the joint angle
beyond the anatomical position in the opposite
direction to flexion
Plantar flexion – top of the foot away from the tibia
Dorsiflexion – top of the foot toward the tibia
In the frontal plane about the anteroposterior axis
ABduction – movement away from the midline
ADduction – movement towards the midline
Lateral Flexion (head and trunk)
Elevation – upward movement
Depression – downward movement
Inversion – sole of the foot inward (medially)
Eversion – sole of the foot outward (laterally)
In the transverse plane about the longitudinal axis.
• Left / Right rotation – for head, neck, and trunk
• Medial rotation – rotation towards the midline
• Lateral rotation – rotation away from the midline
Pronation – rotation of forearm/hand towards the midline
Supination – rotation of forearm/hand away from the
Protraction – movement forward
Retraction – movement backward
Special case
Circumduction – distal end of limb moves in a circle while
the proximal end is stable.