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Transcript 46b-Sp-DT-Lower

Sports/Deep Tissue Integration
Front of the Legs
Effleurage whole leg to spread lubricant.
 Each effleurage should start at the foot.
and go up to the ASIS.
Front of the Legs
Compressive effleurage to the thigh
V-shaped hand
 Thumb of outside hand overlaps to medial
side of rectus, inside thumb overlaps to
lateral. Approaching groin, inside hand
moves to line up behind lateral hand, which
continues up across TFL.
Front of the Legs
 Heel/palm of outside hand compresses TFL
as lower hand rotates the thigh in and out.
Variation – stroke slowly down across fibers
of TFL while rolling femur medially.
Front of the Legs
Wring thigh, superior to inferior.
 Full thigh, superior to inferior.
Front of the Legs
Knead thigh in 3 passes, beginning at
the top of the lateral thigh.
Front of the Legs
Warm rectus femoris w/cross-fiber
superficial friction (use ulnar border of
Front of the Legs
Apply circular friction, I to O, and melt
any adhesions, spasms or trigger points
Front of the Legs
Deeply effleurage rectus femoris with
forearm, O to I
Front of the Legs
Effleurage thigh to close.
 Full gently around the patella.
Front of the Legs
Effleurage lower leg.
 Full down lower leg.
 Apply thumb circles to tibialis anterior,
long extensors of the toes, and
peroneus longus.
 Warm lateral side lower leg w/brisk
longitudinal superficial friction
 Apply thumb tip compressions down
lower leg in two lines, covering tibialis
anterior and peroneus longus.
Front of the Legs
Using “thumb-in-fist” tool, spread fibers
of tibialis anterior, the long extensors of
the toes, and peroneus longus
Front of the Legs
Facing down the table, apply deep
effleurage to muscles of the
anterolateral aspect, O to I, using
forearm or fist
Front of the Legs
Effleurage the leg to close
Front of the Legs
Apply palmar effleurage to dorsum of
ankle while holding foot.
 NOTE - In full body massage, entirety of
Supine Foot Routine belongs here.
 With finger pad support on bottom of
foot, full dorsum of foot.
 With thumbs on top, squeeze foot.
Front of the Legs
Apply tapotment to IT band, quadriceps,
lower leg, top of foot.
 Effleurage whole leg to connect and
 Apply nerve strokes down the leg to
Repeat on other leg.