2.Introduction to Morphology

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Transcript 2.Introduction to Morphology

2.Introduction to Morphology
study of forms. In the past it used for biology,
but in 19th C it used to describe the type of
investigation that analyzes all those basic
elements (morphemes)used in a language.
What’s Morphemes??
Morphemes: is a minimal unit of meaning that
can stand alone or has a grammatical function
that indicate past(ed)..plural(s).
• Or creating new words and meaning by adding
for e.g.(re) means (again)
• or new parts of speech as (educate :v)
education(N) educated(Adj).
• The followings are morphemes types.
Morphemes Types
1. Free Morphemes: as: open.. close :can
stand alone.(parts of speech)
2. Bound morphemes as: re, ist, ed. S
can’t stand alone.(all Affixes: suffixes and
preffixes )
3. Lexical Morphemes (free morphemes)
As: girls , black, when.
4. Functional Morphemes:
Or functional words Like: and, but, when,
because, in, that use for specific purposes.
5. Derivational Morphemes(bound morphemes):
Affixes change meaning (care__ careless)..
Change parts of speech (educate__ education)
6. Inflectional Morphemes (bound) attached to
words : produce new words: from singular__ to
plural(boy- boys), (wife- wife)
The term word:
. The term Word as a unit of meaning is:
Basic units of language
A Part of your vocabulary
A part of ingredient or a bundle makes
• It interacts with each other to show how this
bundle work.
• The term word talks about language in informal
everyday conversation and in formal context.
Formal context as:
- Use In Literary criticism.
- Use In English language study(be sure to
choose the exact words for exact context in
your mind and use the appropriate term to
make your meaning clear.)
- 2. words as a meaningful building blocks of
language: as a mam harry to say:
“my baby has said his first word (observe she
didn’t say he has said his first sentence)
- Sentence comes latter, not only sentence
should consist of more than one word to carry
Out the meaning, but also,:
- One word command can give a full meaning (sit.
Out..in..go. Stop. shut)
- Not only babies put a single word to give a full
meaning when need, but also, as :
- * words for warning shouts as(Fire!)..car!
- Conventional (common) command
as(Lights)…mean put on or off light (camera).
- * Items on shopping lists( carrots, cheese, egg)
Therefore, comes the idea of sorting
words on their own outside sentences
In(big dictionaries) words are classified in
various ways. They are listed according to their
spelling and alphabetical orders, why? For
getting easy spelling, meaning, grammar( words
class or part of speech, and its pronunciation)
Month …” N”(part)it means: 12 portions divided
a year
This means what?
• A word
doesn’t only build a block of a
sentence, but: it also, builds a block of
A word is a unit of language in 2 sense:
1. Words have unpredictable meaning therefore,
they are listed in dictionaries.
2. In that, they are building blocks same as
phrases and sentences are build.
2.2 Words types
• “Alice goes to market next day, and she intends
going to the party next week”
• What is the different between a word and token?
Look at ( goes to & (going to) = to are same words
type but different token ( sound).
• 2.3 Words with Predictable meaning:
• 1. do any words have predictable meaning? Or
work in the same sound or a combination of
sound basis? …………YES as the following words
Which their sound reflect their
meaning (bow) (wow) (miaow) (doo)
• It called Onomatopoeic(imitate sounds), but are
not the same in all the time for examples:
• 1. cock- crow in Germann is kikeriki
• 2. dog’s bark in French is (ouah ouah)
pronounced as wah wah.
• Words with similar sounds(sound symbolism):
Slip(down) – slop(food remains)- slurp(your food)
Slide (side/ slice)/ slither(fell by wet floor)
Sleck- slick(smooth/a drop of oil)
Slavor- slug
All these relate to smoothness and wetness
• They call them words have meaning that are
natural or predictable.
• English child is perplexed( lost) why? When he
knows that French call cat (chat) and dog
(chien) he wonders: is cat and dog are the
right words for these animals?...this leads to
that each language has its own conventional.
When you produce a word sound you can
predict their meaning
What kind of words have predictable
• The answer is that:
• Any words that composed from independently
identified parts where the meaning of the parts is
enough to determine the meaning of the whole
• Non- word with unpredictable meaning:
-a linguistics item can be a basic building- block
of syntax.
- That means an item not itself a sentence
or a phrase, but yet
it has a meaning that is predictable. Sometimes
words with two or more words may not have
predictable (guess) their meaning from the words
that composed them.
-Some words are natural or predictable as word
from childhood
-Some words will never be predictable without
consulting your dictionary like (dioeciously- one)
means have male or female
flower. Or
Monoecious(two) now you know it but before that
first you consult your dictionary.
• That is to say some linguistics item even it is
not a sentence or a phrase but , yet have a
meaning that be predictable.
• Some times a compose words of 2 or more
words have meaning that is unpredictable like
• 1. I keep notes on all my expenditure(easy)
• 2. I keep tabs on all my expenditure(uneasy)
3 Words and its Parts:
Roots shapes
Affixes shapes
3.1 Taking words apart(separate words)
Some words neednt to listin dictionary because are not
use widely
They are not lexical items:
Their part are:
Un- Clinton- ish
e.g: dioeciuosly= ly
• These smaller part called= morhemes
• The relation bw the words that invloves
morpheme that compose them it called
• - It is fromGreek word (Morphe)i.e form (shape) it
a grammar concern with structure of words it
called morphology
• Morpheme therefore= is minimal units of units of
morphology-it also, play structural and meaning
3.2 and 3.3 concern with:
• the distinction bw the 2 important types of
• In 3.4 it consider the ways in wc a morpheme
can vary in shape.
• Before:
• What is the different bw lexical words and not
lexical words?
• Words that unlexical item must be complex
• Bcz they composed of 2 or more than
morphemes. Although some lexical item are
also compllex.
• Lexical words are not mono-morphemes(
consist of only one parts
• Lexical word can also be (polymorphemic) has
more than one morphemes)
• How we can predict the meaning of complex
How? Morphemes must:
• 1. be identified from word to another
• 2. contribute in some way to the meaning of
the whole words.
• The question: How to identify the morpheme
in different words(P: 17)? Not in brand word
like unclintonish but in words like for
• Example :
• helpfullness-= Help+ full+nes
Cheerful- readable• Another characteristics of morpheme that:
they have no predictable length.
• Some long word may have no morphemes e.g
Catamaran and knickerbocker