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Transcript Copy of Year 10 test lang boy pj`s, wiki

Year 10 language test
Based on "The boy in the
Striped Pyjamas"
1. Put in the paragraph breaks for this text by rewriting it
correctly. (Remember that you need to start a new paragraph
when: a new person is speaking, or there has been a change
of time, or point of view, scene or action.)
'Mother,' said Bruno, marching towards her, 'what's going on?
Why is Maria going through my things?' 'She's packing
them,' explained Mother. 'Packing them?' he asked, running
quickly through the events of the previous few days to
consider whether he'd been particularly naughty or had used
those words out loud that he wasn't allowed to use and was
being sent away because of it. He couldn't think of anything
though. In fact over the last few days he had behaved in a
perfectly decent manner to everyone and couldn't remember
causing any chaos at all. 'Why?' he asked then. 'What have I
done?' Mother had walked into her own bedroom by then but
Lars, the butler, was in there, packing her things too.
2. Write these contractions (from your extract) out in full
what's She's
3. Please contract the following words:
is not
there is
they are
we will
I will
4. A pun is usually seen as a humourous language feature. John
Boyne uses the puns 'The Fury' and 'Out-With' in the novel to convey
certain meanings.
a) Do you think he means these in a humourous way? Explain.
b) The puns are created because Bruno mispronounces the real
words. What are the real words? Clue: name of a concentration camp
and the title that people used when calling Hitler their leader.
c) What is the author trying to convey with these puns? Why did he
choose these words as Bruno's mispronounciations?
He couldn't think of anything though. In fact over the last
few days he had behaved in a perfectly decent manner to
everyone and couldn't remember causing any chaos at all.
5. Please identify the parts of speech in the highlighted words
above which are taken from the extract. Label the highlighted
words a - e in the order they are written.
6. Re-write the first three sentences of the passage in reported
'Mother,' said Bruno, marching towards her, 'what's going on?
Why is Maria going through my things?' 'She's packing them,'
explained Mother.
7. Spelling
Read these sentences and fill in the missing letter(s) in the words
that have - in them.
a) Grandmother cried, Which one of you is the most foolish, I
b) "Then you- lucky," said Shmuel.
c) "... interrupting her, a thing which he was not su-osed to do, but
which he felt he would be forgiven for ..."
d) "... three best fr-nds for life ..."
Read this phrase and then answer the questions below "...she was
a hopeless case"
e) Is the vowel sound in the word 'hopeless' long or short?
f) The word 'hopeless' is created by adding the suffix 'less' to the
word 'hope'. Write down the word that would be created if 'ing' was
added to the word 'hope'.
g) Write down the spelling rule you applied to get the word in (f)
spelt correctly.