IEL: Focus on Phonics and Vocabulary
Transcript IEL: Focus on Phonics and Vocabulary
IEL: Focus on Phonics
and Vocabulary
NJDOE - Office of Literacy
Critical Elements
• Motivation and Background Knowledge
• Phonemic Awareness
• Phonics
• Vocabulary
• Comprehension
• Fluency
• Writing
• What was your experience with
phonics as a student?
Background Knowledge Systems
• Graphophonic (Linguistic) Students know the core
structure of their oral language ; English is CVC
• Syntactic (Grammar) English and most languages are
NP + VP. English is highly structured and controlled
by word order.
• Semantic (Vocabulary) English is a conglomerate,
freely borrowing from many languages
(Freeman, D. E. & Yvonne S., 1994)
Characteristics of Strong Phonics
• Clear, direct and explicit
• Ample modeling of applying phonics
• Focuses on reading words and
connected text, not learning rules
• Contains repeated opportunities to
apply learned sound-spelling
relationships to reading and writing
Phonics Development and the
Alphabetic Principle
• The Probable Acquisition System for English
Language Background Students
• Using a CVC approach, explicit systems
Initial consonants
Final consonants
Medial short vowels
Medial long vowels
Phonics and Vocabulary
• Phonics instruction needs words to make sense
to students
– Depends on building the connection between
phonemic awareness and background oral
• Words must have meaning to connect to
– Depends on oral proficiency and background
Phonics Development and the
Alphabetic Principle
• Introduce and Practice with the usual, less common
graphemic representations (digraphs)
– Letters “ai” , and “ay” make the /e/ long “a” sound
– Letters “ee”, and “ea” make the /i/ long e sound
• Introduce and Practice even more less frequent
graphemic representations
– Letters “gh”, and “ph” usually make the /f/ sound,
“ph” can occur anywhere, but “gh” only occurs
medially or at the end, and it is not always true.
Example “igh” negates the “gh” (high), and there
are other possibilities as well “bought”
Phonics Development and the
Alphabetic Principle
• Introduce and Practice the most unusual
graphemic representations – Late Decoding
ough = rough - /rəf/
ough = doughnut - /donət/
ough = bought- /bכt/
ough = bough- /baU/
– and then there are:
house, courtesy, numerous, would, pour, hour
Instructional Strategies with Early
Blending: isolated sounds join together to form words
/k/ /æ/ /t/ = cat
Whole word to part(s): What is the first sound you
hear in cat = /k/
Rhymes, families:
the _at family = cat, bat, hat
Late Decoding
• All these acquired skills are applied to
compound words and other polysyllabic words
– Compounds like doghouse, blackboard, etc.
– With polysyllabic words a new situation presents
itself – stress and intonation so that sound/letter
arrangements change
• Apply /əplaI/ becomes application /æplIkeﮐən/
which becomes applicable /əplIkəbəl/ or
Syllabication Generalizations
• If the word is a compound word, divide the word
between the two words that comprise it
• Inflectional endings such as ing, er, est, and ed often
form separate syllables
• When two or more consonants appear in the middle
of the word, divide the word between them (CVC +
CVC) words
• When only one consonant appears between
two vowels, divide the word before the consonant
Structural Analysis- Prefixes
• Explicitly define, model, and practice
• Discuss prefix “warnings”
• Teach only the most common prefixes
Structural Analysis- Suffixes
• Explicitly define, model, and practice
• Teach suffix “warnings” concerning
spelling changes
• Teach only the most common suffixes
Guidelines for Roots Instruction
• Teach common Greek and Latin roots in
grades 3 -8 to give students access to a larger
number of words
• Teach Greek and Latin roots in categories
(i.e. number, size, body)
• Focus on the most common, high-utility
Word Analysis Games
• Word Webs w/Latin and Greek Roots
• Root Search
• Word Detectives
• Password
• What was your experience with
vocabulary as a student?
Vocabulary and Comprehension
One of the oldest findings in educational
research is the strong relationship between
vocabulary knowledge and reading
(Stahl, 1999, p. 3)
The Role of Vocabulary
• All of the energy and time expended in acquiring the
“decoding” system is applied to known and unknown
• Initially efforts are made to present common CVC
words so that the “rules apply”
– -cat, dog, run, and, at, etc
• However, dolch/sight words must be introduced
immediately for the earliest reading to take place
Multiple Unknowns
The gobbledorph drined a bleen in
the shile to rend its crill.
Comprehension Questions:
Please answer in complete sentences.
Who drined the bleen?
What did the
gobbledorph drine?
Where did the
gobbledorph drine the
Why did the
gobbledorph drine the
bleen in the shile?
Vocabulary and Decoding
• Children who are capable decoders often experience
difficulty in reading when they encounter too many
words for which they have no meaning. (Rupley, 2003)
• Thus, an extensive vocabulary is the bridge between the
word-level processes of phonics and the cognitive
processes of comprehension. (Kamil & Hiebert, in
Vocabulary and Background
Children’s vocabulary knowledge closely reflects their
breadth of real-life and vicarious experiences.
• If children have printed words in their oral vocabulary,
they can easily and quickly sound out, read, and
understand them, as well as, comprehend what they are
reading (National Reading Panel)
• There are profound differences in vocabulary
knowledge among learners from different ability or
socioeconomic (SES) groups from toddlers through
high school.
(Beck, McKeown, Kucan, 2002, p. 1)
Vocabulary Acquisition
• Students arrive with social (kitchen) English
knowing (orally) most dolch words and critical
“irregulars” like are, was, been, etc.
• Vocabulary instruction unfolds similarly to
phonics instruction with CVC words preceding
late decoding words, compounds, polysyllabic
Immediate Considerations
• ELLs do not arrive with social English
• Students, who have been read to, will enter with
broader experiential vocabulary (incidental
vocabulary – huff and puff)
Differentiating Instruction for ELLs
• ELL students need opportunities to
actively engage with new words.
• Thematic approaches which involve the
development of conceptual networks.
• ELL students require instruction in both
basic and sophisticated vocabulary words.
• Explicit instruction of idiomatic
expressions and figurative language.
What Does it Mean to
Know a Word?
Knows it well
Recognizes it in context
Heard it, but does not
know it’s meaning
No knowledge
(Beck, McKeown, & Kucan, 2002)
What does scientifically-based
research tell us about vocabulary
• Most vocabulary is learned indirectly:
Children learn word meanings indirectly in three ways:
• Conversations with adults.
• Listening to adults read and engaging in conversations
about books.
• Reading extensively on their own, encountering unfamiliar
• Some vocabulary should be taught directly:
Direct instruction includes:
• Teaching specific words before reading.
• Providing instruction over an extended period
of time and working actively with words.
• Using new words in different contexts.
• Repeated exposure and active engagement.
Vocabulary Pyramid
Tier 2
Tier 1
• Tier 3
Mitosis, ubiquitous
• Tier 2
Journey, defiant,
• Tier 1
(at-Dolch), (love-sight),
(play-everyday words)
Vocabulary Tiers
Tier 1
• You can see it, touch it, draw it
• It is used in everyday speech (social English)
Tier 2
• Common words you run into in school and
• You can use Tier 1 words as synonyms or
explain through situations
Tier 2
• Gigantic is very, very big
• Journey is a trip, it is when you go to a new place
with your family or friend
• Don’t use Tier 2 unknown to explain a Tier 2
• Gigantic = enormous
• Journey = excursion
Multiple Meanings and Tier 2
• Students will acquire most common meaning
first height = tall(ness)
• Additional meanings need to be explicitly taught
The height of the Roman empire was reached in
the first century C.E.
Height = zenith, apex (Synonyms may not be
very helpful) Use graphic organizers
Tier 3
• Content or usage specific words, rarely used:
Ubiquitous (rarely used),
photosynthesis (content specific)
What words should I teach?
• Since text may have many unknown words, direct
vocabulary instruction is time consuming, and most
text can be understood without knowing the meaning
of every word;
• Teach:
Tier 2 vocabulary
Useful words that students will see or use repeatedly.
Difficult words that have multiple meanings.
Important words that are significant for understanding
concepts within the text. (could be Tier2 or Tier 3)
Direct Instruction
Vocabulary Learning:
• A few key words are taught within meaningful
• Words are related to students prior knowledge in
ways that actively involve them in learning.
• Student-centered activities are available in classroom
• Students are given multiple exposure to the words.
• Students are taught to identify root or base words
through the use of prefixes, suffixes and other word
Learning a definition is not learning a word. Students must
relate it to other concepts and words they already know.
A Word about Word Walls
• They change with growth of vocabulary
• They have purpose(s)
– New words from readings
• (Story word wall, content word walls, wow words, Tier 3 )
– Tier 2 words (prefer) that are hard to spell (bought)
– Words that are useful in writing (although, even
though,…transition words)
Building Word Knowledge with English
Language Learners:
Many ELL students bring a rich store of first language
word knowledge that can serve as a foundation for
learning new words in English.
• Cognates (words similar in English and the first language)
• Many Tier 2 and even Tier 3 words in English are everyday Tier
1 words in Spanish
preoccupied (worried)
valiant (brave)
significant (mean)
Vocabulary Strategies
• Concept Definition Map
• Cloze Procedures
• Vocab-O-Grams
(Blachowicz & Fisher, 2002)
What do I take from this?
• When reading, students must be able to decode
the word
• Students will immediately attempt to relate
sounded out word to oral vocabulary and
background knowledge
• Read, read, read to students because most
vocabulary acquisition is incidental
• Some vocabulary must be explicitly taught
• Tier 2 words are critical
Beck, Isabel, McKeowon, M, & Kucan, L, (2002). Bringing Words to Life:
Robust Vocabulary Instructiion, Guilford.
Bos, C.S., & Vaughn, S. (2002). Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior
Problems. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Balajthy, E., & Lipa-Wade, S. (2003). Struggling Readers: Assessment and
Instruction in Grades K-6. New York: Guilford Press.
Catts, H.W., & Kamhi, A.G.. (1999). Language and Reading Disabilities.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Cooper, J.D. (2000). Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin.
Cunningham, P., & Allington, R.L. (2003). Classrooms that Work: They can all
read and write. New York: Harper Collins.
Freeman, Yvonne & Freeman, D. (1994). Between Worlds: Access to Second Language
Acquisition. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Kamil, M.L., & Hiebert, E.H. (in press). The teaching and learning of vocabulary:
Perspectives and persistent issues. In E.H. Hiebert & M. Kamil (Eds.), Teaching and
learning vocabulary: Bringing scientific research to practice. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Lehr, Fran, Osborn , J. & Herbert, E. (2003)A Focus on Vocabulary, Pacific Resources for
Education and Learning
Peregoy, S., & Boyle, O. (2001). Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for K12 Teachers. New York: Longman.
Rupley, William H , John Logan, & William Nichols (2003) Vocabulary Instruction in a
Balanced Reading Program, EBSCO.
Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read (2001). The
Partnership for Reading: National Institute for Literacy; National Institute for Child
Health and Human Development; and the U.S. Department of Education.
NJDOE – Office of Literacy