Transcript Document

MR250 Medical
Records I
Unit 3
Donna M. Zwerk R.N., M.A.
MT Client
 Any MT Client issues this week?
 Let’s go over the errors and corrections for last week
 Any questions on any of these corrections?
 The skin is the largest organ in the body
 Integumentary system
 Layers of the skin-epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
 What do these different layers do-can anyone tell my
some functions of the dermis?
 SubQ?
 What about the outer layer the epidermis?
Accessory structures
 Hair
 Nails
 Glands-exocrine, endocrine
 Sebaceous, sweat-what are their functions?
 Nerve endings
Common skin diseases
 Rash, rubor, erythema
 Dermatitis
 Sebborrheic dermatitis
 Atopic dermatitis
 Rosacea
 Psoriasis
 Skin infections-bacterial-cellulitis, folliculitis, fungal,
 Tinea
Skin diseases continued
 Shingles
 Burns-rule of 9s
 Skin cancer, basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma
 Wheal, melanotic, mottling, bullous, carbuncle,
lipoma, pruritic, macula, papule
Meds used to treat conditions of
the skin
 Topical –hydrocortisones, antibiotics
 Triple antibiotic, gentamycin, bacitracin,
Triamcinalone- % makes them prescription or OTC
 Surgical procedures on skin
 Biopsy, shave excision, punch biopsy-excision of…
 Sutures, hemostatis, wound care
 Pathological reports, frozen section or routine
 Cytology
Dermatology Unit
 Some links to help you with dermatology
More Dermatology
Transcription tips
 Subcuticular
 Maculopapular
 ABCDE assessment of skin cancer
 Mohs surgery
 Punch biopsy 4-mm punch biopsy was performed
 Excision of a lesion
 Hyperpigmented keratotic lesion
 Actinic keratotic or keratoses
Final Questions?