The German Space Science Programme

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Transcript The German Space Science Programme

Space Science Project Funding
by the
German Space Agency
(German Aerospace Center, DLR)
Werner Klinkmann, DLR Space Agency, Bonn
The Space Agency
Defining German space planning on behalf of the federal
Representing German space-related interests in the
international arena, in particular vis-à-vis the ESA
Tendering, award and support of space projects in the
context of the National Space Program
Raumfahrt-Agentur, Seite 2
Space Science - Subjects
Exploration of the Solar System
sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, interplanetary medium, ...
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astroparticlephysics
observation in all spectral ranges, gravitational waves, cosmic
particles, ...
Fundamental Physics
test of fundamental laws, relativity (equivalence principle), ...
The German Space Science Programme
1. Participation in the ESA Programme
2. National (bi- und multilateral Projects)
3. Basic Programme
Budget (National Programme, ESA Programme)
1. Participation in the ESA Programme
The ESA Space Science programme is (the only)
Mandatory Programme, other Programmes are
Financial contributions according to Gross National
Product: ca. 22% from Germany
ESA ist responsible for Satellite Bus, Launch, Mission,
The National Agencies are responsible for Provision
and Funding of the Scientific Instruments
DLR delegates are German Representatives in ESA
Decision Boards (SPC, ...)
Decision Process in the ESA Space Science Programme
Other involved ESA Boards:
IPC (Industrial Policy Com.)
IRC (Intern. Relations Com.)
AFC (Admin. and Financ. Com.)
Advice by Science Community
Science Programme
Space Science
Advisory Committee
Working Group
Solar System
Working Group
German Delegations
Other Departments
Space Science
Fundamental Physics
Advisory Committee
The ESA Space Science Programme in a nutshell
a) Missions in Operation
Rosetta [2004]
Mission to comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko
SMART-1 [2003]
Technology Mission to the moon
Mars Express [2003]
Mars Exploration
INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory
Cluster [2000]
Magnetospheric mission
XMM-Newton [1999]
X-ray Multi-Mirror Satellite
Cassini-Huygens [1997] Mission to Saturn / Landing on Titan
SOHO [1995]
SOlar Heliospheric Observatory
Hubble [1990]
Space Observatory
Ulysses [1990]
Solar Mission around the Poles
Venus Express [2005]
Venus Orbiter
The ESA Space Science Programme in a nutshell
b) Projects in Development
Herschel [2008]
FIR - Space Observatory
Planck [2008]
Analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background
LISA-Pathfinder [2009]
Technological Preparations for LISA
JWST [2013]
James Webb Space Telescope, IR-Observatory
BepiColombo [2013]
Mercury Orbiter
Gaia [2011]
Global Astrometry
LISA [2018]
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, Detection of
gravitational waves
The ESA Space Science Programme in a nutshell
c) Projects in Selection
Selection within Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Programme starts this year.
Solar Orbiter
Observation of the Sun
X-ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy,
Mid-IR-Interferometer for Imaging of extrasolar
... (in total about 60 proposals)
2. National (bi- and multilateral Projects)
Jointly Missions with other Agencies
e. g.
NASA(SOFIA, Chandra),
Roskosmos (eROSITA),
CNES (Corot, Microscope)
Agreement with Agencies („Memorandum of
Understanding“, „Letter of Intent“, „Letter
3. Basic Programme
Technological Studies
Verbundforschung Astronomy/Astrophysics:
funding of the scientific data evaluation from selected
space observatories (which have a significant German
- Integral
- Herschel
Introduced 1989 together with Verbundforschung for
Earth-borne Observations
Implementation of the Space Science Programme
Decision on new Projects
within political boundary conditions,
in coordination with scientific community
(Programm-Ausschuss), evaluation of proposals by
advisory board
Awarding grants to scientific institutes
and contracts to industry
Monitoring of the Projects
Evaluation by Reviews