Transcript Pluto

By: Matt and Luke
• Pluto’s orbit is about 5,913,520,000 km from the sun
• Diameter: 2274 km
• Atmosphere contains: Nitrogen, Methane, and Carbon
monoxide gases
• It takes Pluto about 248 Earth years to complete one
revolution around the Sun and it rotates in the opposite
direction of the other planets
• Pluto’s orbit has an effect on it’s atmosphere.
• Pluto’s orbit is highly inclined, which causes Pluto to actually become
closer to the sun than Neptune at a certain point in it’s orbit.
• Pluto is far from the sun it’s gases in the atmosphere freeze and when it is
closer the surface melts releasing the gases back into the atmosphere.
• Surface temperature when close to the sun is
43 Kelvin
• Surface temperature when far away is
36 Kelvin.
Pluto was discovered on February 18th, 1930
Discovered by Clyde W. Tombaugh
From 1930 to 2006 Pluto was considered our Solar system’s ninth planet.
It is now considered a Dwarf planet
Pluto has three moons: Charon, Nix, and Hydra
• Charon is Pluto’s largest moon and was
discovered in 1978 by astronomer, James
• Diameter: 1,205
• Later on in 2005 Nix and Hydra
were discovered.
• Nix’s diameter: 91 km
• Hydra’s diameter: 114 km
• In 1992, astronomers discovered small icy objects behind
Neptune that were similar in size and orbit to Pluto.
• This ring of objects, along with Pluto, were classified as the
Kuiper belt.
• Its like an asteroid belt, except larger and consist of frozen
• Pluto has no been visited yet by a spacecraft.
• A space craft was launched in January 2006,
and is expected to reach Pluto during the year
• Only observations have been done through
the Hubble space telescope.
• Through observations
scientist predict that
Pluto’s inner
composition is about
60% rock and 40% ice.
• It’s core is made up of
rock and it is surrounded
by a mantle of ice.