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Transcript list - Duke University

Project JETT
Java Engagement for Teacher Training
Duke University Department of Computer Science
Association for Computing Machinery
College Board
Project JETT/Duke
Goals of JETT
ACM's long-term goal is the creation of a community of
computer science teachers, university faculty, undergraduate
and graduate students, as well as College Board Lead
The short-term objective is to assist high school computer
science teachers in making the AP language switch from C++
to Java for the upcoming academic year.
ACM is partnering with the College Board and selected
universities to provide teachers with on-site workshops as
well as remote training via the ACM K-12 Web Repository.
Project JETT/Duke
Java primitives (not objects)
Logical :
 No boolean/int conversion or cast
while(list) {…}
 Unicode, not part of AP subset
byte, short, int, long
 By definition: 8, 16, 32, 64 bits long
Floating point:
double, float
 Use double, float not in the subset
Project JETT/Duke
Java Object Basics
Class is an object factory
 Class can have (static) methods
 Defines interface programmers depend on
 Part of inheritance hierarchy (every class is-an Object)
 May define getter and setter methods for accessing state
 Usually defines methods for behavior
An object is an instance of a class
 Attributes aka state, usually private, sometimes accessible
 Behavior invoked by calling methods
 Allocated by calling new
Project JETT/Duke
When are objects equal?
For primitive types we test for equality with ==
 We expect 7 == 7, and x == y if both are 7
For objects the == check sees if addresses are the same
 Remember for x == y non-primitive, pointers used!
All classes inherit equals(..) from Object, must override in
public boolean equals(Object o)
SimpleRectangle s = (SimpleRectangle) o;
return width == s.width && height == s.height;
Project JETT/Duke
Java Array basics
Syntactically similar to C++ arrays
int[] list = new int[10];
// values stored?
String list2[] = new String[100];
for(int k=0; k < list.length; k++) {
list[k] = 3;
Arrays.fill(list2,"Hello"); // not in subset
Once created cannot resize, indexing is range-checked
 Array object is-an Object via inheritance
 Default value is 0/null, not in subset
Project JETT/Duke
ArrayList basics
ArrayList stores Objects, not int, not boolean, yes String …
 Don't have syntactic sugar of [] indexing
 Must cast when getting object out of ArrayList
• Except when treating as an object, e.g., using toString()
Can add to end in constant time, in middle with shifting
• Array grows, use size() method to determine # elements
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new String("hello"));
list.add(new String("world"));
String s = (String) list.get(0); // what is it?
list.set(0, new String("big"));
list.add(0, new String("great"));
Project JETT/Duke
Arrays and the AP subset
One and two-dimensional arrays in subset
 Two-dimensional arrays will move to AB only
int[][] grid = new int[6][10];
int rows = int.length;
int cols = int[0].length;
Initialization in subset, e.g., int[] list = {1,2,3,4,5};
No java.util.Arrays methods in subset
 sort, binarySearch, fill, asList, …
Project JETT/Duke
ArrayList and the AP subset
Inheritance hiearchy (List in java.util) is AB only
 Iterator and ListIterator are AB only
Downcast from Object to expected type is in subset
list.add(new String(“hello”));
String s = (String) list.get(0);
Required methods :
 size(), get(int), set(int, Object),
 add(Object), add(int, Object), remove(int)
NOT required:
 remove(Object), addAll(Collection), clear()
Project JETT/Duke
What is an Iterator?
What problems do Iterators address?
 Access elements independently of implementation
 Client programs written in terms of generic component
public void print(Collection c)
Iterator it = c.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
How do you add all elements of Set to a List?
Project JETT/Duke
What is an interface?
Indication to programmers and code that a class implements
some specified functions, most likely with requirements on
 Iterator is an interface: what do we expect from classes that
implement the Iterator interface?
 Comparable: are some objects incomparable? Why?
 Why isn’t Equatable an interface? Where is .equals() ?
A class can implement multiple interfaces
 Comparable, Cloneable, Tickable, …
Think twice before developing inheritance hierarchy
 Single inheritance, problems with protected/private data
Project JETT/Duke
What is Comparable?
String a = “hello”;
String b = “zebra”;
int x = a.compareTo(b);
int y = b.compareTo(a);
int z = a.compareTo(a);
// what values assigned?
Contract: compareTo() should be consistent with equals()
 What’s the simple way to write equals for Comparable?
See also java.util.Comparator
 Not in subset, useful for sorting on other criteria
Project JETT/Duke
Guidelines for using inheritance
Create a base/super/parent class that specifies the behavior
that will be implemented in subclasses
 Some functions in base class may be abstract
• Subclasses required to implement, or cannot create object
Consider using an interface if there’s no default behavior
or state to provide
Inheritance models “is-a” relationship, a subclass is-a parentclass, can be used-as-a, is substitutable-for
 Standard examples include animals and shapes
• Square should NOT derive/inherit from rectangle
• A square is NOT a rectangle in programming terms
Project JETT/Duke
Inheritance (language independent)
First view: exploit common interfaces in programming
 Streams in C++, Iterator in Java
• Iterators in STL/C++ share interface by convention/templates
Implementation varies while interface stays the same
Second view: share code, factor code into parent class
 Code in parent class shared by subclasses
 Subclasses can override inherited method
• Can subclasses override and call?
Polymorphism/late(runtime) binding (compare: static)
 Actual function called determined when program runs, not
when program is compiled
Project JETT/Duke
Top 10: Choosing array vs ArrayList
a.length has same number of characters as a.size()
but doesn’t require using the shift key
Too many options: int[] list compared to int list[]
Array initialization with int[] list = {1,2,3,4,5};
Freedom not to choose:
for(int k=0; k < a.size(); k++) …
Iterator it = a.iterator(); while (it.hasNext())…
Project JETT/Duke
Top-10: choosing array vs ArrayList
ArrayList, what’s that: a list or an array?
“Take away my Integer, but leave me my int” --- Puff Daddy
You can add a String to an ArrayList, but you can’t get a
String out of an ArrayList (well, ok, you can with a cast).
Collections.sort is stable, Arrays.sort isn’t (mostly)
list[k] = list[j] vs. list.set(k,list.get(k));
No method to shuffle an array (Collections.shuffle)
Project JETT/Duke