Lecture 2 - Object Oriented Conceptx

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Transcript Lecture 2 - Object Oriented Conceptx

Introduction to ObjectOriented Concept
Object-Oriented Technology and
Concept: An object
has behaviors
In old style programming, you had:
 data, which was completely passive
 functions, which could manipulate any data
An object contains both data and methods that
manipulate that data
 An object is active, not passive; it does things
 An object is responsible for its own data
• But: it can expose that data to other objects
An object has state
An object contains both data and methods that
manipulate that data
 The data represent the state of the object
 Data can also describe the relationships between
this object and other objects
Example: A CheckingAccount might have
 A balance (the internal state of the account)
 An owner (some object representing a person)
Example: A “Rabbit”
You could (in a game, for example) create an
object representing a rabbit
It would have data:
 How hungry it is
 How frightened it is
 Where it is
And methods:
 eat, hide, run, dig
Concept: Classes describe objects
Every object belongs to (is an instance of) a class
An object may have fields, or variables
 The class describes those fields
An object may have methods
 The class describes those methods
A class is like a template, or cookie cutter
 You use the class’s constructor to make objects
Concept: Classes are like
Abstract Data Types
An Abstract Data Type (ADT) bundles together:
 some data, representing an object or "thing"
 the operations on that data
The operations defined by the ADT are the only
operations permitted on its data
Example: a CheckingAccount, with operations
deposit, withdraw, getBalance, etc.
Classes enforce this bundling together
 If all data values are private, a class can also
enforce the rule that its defined operations are the
only ones permitted on the data
Example of a class
class Employee {
// Fields
private String name; //Can get but not change
private double salary; // Cannot get or set
// Constructor
Employee(String n, double s) {
name = n; salary = s;
// Methods
void pay () {
System.out.println("Pay to the order of " +
name + " $" + salary);
public String getName() { return name; } // getter
instance = object
field = instance variable
method = function
sending a message to an object =
calling a function
These are all approximately true
Concept: Classes form a hierarchy
Classes are arranged in a treelike structure called a
The class at the root is named Object
Every class, except Object, has a superclass
A class may have several ancestors, up to Object
When you define a class, you specify its superclass
 If you don’t specify a superclass, Object is assumed
Every class may have one or more subclasses
Example of (part of)
a hierarchy
A FileDialog is a Dialog is a Window is a Container
C++ is different
In C++ there may be more than one root
 but not in Java!
In C++ an object may have more than one parent
(immediate superclass)
 but not in Java!
Java has a single, strict hierarchy
Concept: Objects
inherit from
A class describes fields and methods
Objects of that class have those fields and
But an object also inherits:
 the fields described in the class's superclasses
 the methods described in the class's superclasses
A class is not a complete description of its
Example of inheritance
class Person {
String name;
int age;
void birthday () {
age = age + 1;
class Employee
extends Person {
double salary;
void pay () { ...}
Every Employee has name and age fields and
birthday method as well as a salary field and a pay
Concept: Objects
must be created
 int n; does two things:
 It declares that n is an integer variable
 It allocates space to hold a value for n
 For a primitive, this is all that is needed
 Employee secretary; also does two things
 It declares that secretary is type Employee
 It allocates space to hold a reference to an Employee
 For an object, this is not all that is needed
 secretary = new Employee ( );
 This allocate space to hold a value for the Employee
 Until you do this, the Employee is null
Notation: How to declare
and create objects
Employee secretary; // declares secretary
secretary = new Employee (); // allocates space
Employee secretary = new Employee(); // does both
 But the secretary is still "blank" (null)
secretary.name = "Adele"; // dot notation
secretary.birthday (); // sends a message
Notation: How to
reference a field or
Inside a class, no dots are necessary
class Person { ... age = age + 1; ...}
Outside a class, you need to say which object you
are talking to
if (john.age < 75) john.birthday ();
If you don't have an object, you cannot use its
fields or methods!
Concept: this object
Inside a class, no dots are necessary, because
 you are working on this object
If you wish, you can make it explicit:
class Person { ... this.age = this.age + 1; ...}
this is like an extra parameter to the method
You usually don't need to use this
Concept: A variable can
hold subclass objects
Suppose B is a subclass of A
 A objects can be assigned to A variables
 B objects can be assigned to B variables
 B objects can be assigned to A variables, but
 A objects can not be assigned to B variables
• Every B is also an A but not every A is a B
You can cast: bVariable = (B) aObject;
 In this case, Java does a runtime check
Example: Assignment of
class Dog { ... }
class Poodle extends Dog { ... }
Dog myDog;
Dog rover = new Dog ();
Poodle yourPoodle;
Poodle fifi = new Poodle ();
myDog = rover;
yourPoodle = fifi;
myDog = fifi;
yourPoodle = rover;
yourPoodle = (Poodle) rover;
// ok
// ok
// illegal
//runtime check
Concept: Methods can be
class Bird extends Animal {
void fly (String destination) {
location = destination;
class Penguin extends Bird {
void fly (String whatever) { }
So birds can fly. Except penguins.
Concept: Don't call
functions, send messages
Bird someBird = pingu;
someBird.fly ("South America");
Did pingu actually go anywhere?
 You sent the message fly(...) to pingu
 If pingu is a penguin, he ignored it
 Otherwise he used the method defined in Bird
You did not directly call any method
 You cannot tell, without studying the program,
which method actually gets used
 The same statement may result in different
methods being used at different times
Sneaky trick: How to use
overridden methods
class FamilyMember extends Person {
void birthday () { // override birthday() in Person
super.birthday (); // call overridden method
givePresent ();
// and add your new stuff
 A constructor is a special method designed to
initialize instance variables
 Automatically called when an object is created using
 Has the same name as the class
 Often overloaded (more than one constructor for the
same class definition)
 different versions to initialize all, some, or none of the
instance variables
 each constructor has a different signature (a different
number or sequence of argument types)
Constructor headings do not
include the word void
In fact, constructor headings do not
include a return type
A constructor with no parameters is
called a default constructor
If no constructor is provided Java
automatically creates a default
 If any constructor is provided, then no
constructors are created automatically
Constructor Example
public class Pet
private String name;
private int age; //in years
private double weight; //in pounds
. . .
public Pet (String initialName)
name = initialName;
age = 0;
Initializes three instance
weight = 0;
variables: name from the
parameter and age and weight
with default initial values.
Sample use:
Pet pet1 = new Pet(“Eric”);
Using Constructors
 Always use a constructor after new
 For example, using the Pet class in text:
Pet myCat = new Pet("Calvin", 5, 10.5);
 this calls the Pet constructor with String, int,
double parameters
 If you want to change values of instance
variables after you have created an object,
you must use other methods for the object
 you cannot call a constructor for an object after it is
 set methods should be provided for this purpose
Concept: Constructors make objects
Every class has a constructor to make its objects
Use the keyword new to call a constructor
secretary = new Employee ( );
You can write your own constructors; but if you
Java provides a default constructor with no
 It sets all the fields of the new object to zero
 If this is good enough, you don’t need to write your own
The syntax for writing constructors is almost like
that for writing methods
Syntax for constructors
Do not use a return type and a name; use only the
class name
You can supply arguments
Employee (String theName, double theSalary) {
name = theName;
salary = theSalary;
Trick: Give field and parameter the same name
 A parameter overrides a field with the same name
 But you can use this.name to refer to the field
 class Person {
String name;
int age;
Person (String name, int age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
 Using the same name is a common and useful convention
Internal workings:
Constructor chaining
If an Employee is a Person, and a Person is an
Object, then when you say new Employee ()
 The Employee constructor calls the Person
 The Person constructor calls the Object constructor
 The Object constructor creates a new Object
 The Person constructor adds its own stuff to the
 The Employee constructor adds its own stuff to the
The case of the vanishing
If you don't write a constructor for a class, Java
provides one (the default constructor)
 The one Java provides has no arguments
If you write any constructor for a class, Java does
not provide a default constructor
Adding a perfectly good constructor can break a
constructor chain
You may need to fix the chain
Example: Broken
constructor chain
class Person {
String name;
Person (String name) {
this.name = name;
class Employee extends Person {
double salary;
Employee ( ) {
salary = 12.50;
Java tries to
execute an implicit
super() at this
 cannot resolve symbol – constructor Person()
Fixing a broken
constructor chain
 Special syntax: super(...) calls the superclass constructor
 When one constructor calls another, that call must be first
class Employee {
double salary;
Employee (String name) {
super(name); // must be first
salary = 12.50;
 Now you can only create Employees with names
 This is fair, because you can only create Persons with
Trick: one constructor
calling another
 this(...) calls another constructor for this same class
class Something {
Something (int x, int y, int z) {
// do a lot of work here
Something ( ) { this (0, 0, 0); }
 It is poor style to have the same code more than once
 If you call this(...), that call must be the first thing in your
Access Modifier
class Person {
public String name;
private String age;
protected double salary;
public void birthday { age++; }
Each object is responsible for its own data
Access control lets an object protect its data
and its methods
Access control is the subject of a different
Concept: Classes can
have fields and methods
 Usually a class describes fields (variables) and methods
for its objects (instances)
 These are called instance variables and instance methods
 A class can have its own fields and methods
 These are called class variables and class methods
 There is exactly one copy of a class variable, not one per
 Use the special keyword static to say that a field or
method belongs to the class instead of to objects
Example of a class variable
class Person {
String name;
int age;
static int population;
Person (String name) {
this.name = name;
this.age = 0;
Advice: Restrict access
Always, always strive for a narrow interface
Follow the principle of information hiding:
 the caller should know as little as possible about
how the method does its job
 the method should know little or nothing about
where or why it is being called
Make as much as possible private
Your class is responsible for it’s own data; don’t
allow other classes to screw it up!
Setters and Getters
class Employee extends Person {
private double salary;
private boolean male;
public void setSalary (double newSalary) {
salary = newSalary;
public double getSalary () { return salary; }
public boolean isMale() { return male; }
 This way the object maintains control
 Setters and getters have conventional names:
setDataName, getDataName, isDataName (booleans only)
Kinds of access
Java provides four levels of access:
 public: available everywhere
 protected: available within the package (in the
same subdirectory) and to all subclasses
 [default]: available within the package
 private: only available within the class itself
The default is called package visibility
In small programs this isn't important...right?
The "this." Operator
this. refers to the object that contains
the reference
Methods called in an object definition
file do not need to reference itself
public may
class either
Oracle use "this.", or omit it,
... it is presumed
way to invoke
the answerOne method
if answerOne()
is a method
//in thisin
the this.answerOne();
class Oracle:
//Another way is to omit "this."
answerOne(); //"this." is presumed
When an Object Is
Methods called outside the object definition
require an object to precede the method
For example:
Oracle myOracle = new Oracle();
//myOracle is not part of the definition code
//for Oracle
//dialog is a method defined in Oracle class
Static Methods
 Some methods do work but do not need
an object
 For example, methods to calculate area:
just pass the required parameters and return the
 Use the class name instead of an object
name to invoke them
 For example
 CircleFirstTry is a class with methods to
perform calculations on circles:
 Notice that the the method invocation uses
"className." instead of " circleObject."
 Also called class methods
Static Methods
 Declare static methods with the static modifier,
for example:
public static double area(double radius) ...
 Since a static method doesn’t need a calling
object, it cannot refer to a (nonstatic) instance
variable of the class.
 Likewise, a static method cannot call a nonstatic
method of the class (unless it creates an object of
the class to use as a calling object).
Uses for Static
 Static methods are commonly used to provide
libraries of useful and related functions
 Examples:
 the Math class
• automatically provided with Java
• functions include pow, sqrt, max, min, etc.
• see the next slide for more details
 SavitchIn defines methods for keyboard input
• not automatically provided with Java
• functions include readLineInt, readLineDouble, etc
The Math Class
 Includes constants Math.PI (approximately 3.14159) and Math.E
(base of natural logarithms which is approximately 2.72)
 Includes three similar static methods: round, floor, and ceil
 All three return whole numbers (although they are type double)
 Math.round returns the whole number nearest its argument
Math.round(3.3) returns 3.0 and Math.round(3.7) returns 4.0
 Math.floor returns the nearest whole number that is equal to or
less than its argument
Math.floor(3.3) returns 3.0 and Math.floor(3.7) returns 3.0
 Math.ceil (short for ceiling) returns the nearest whole number that
is equal to or greater than its argument
Math.ceil(3.3) returns 4.0 and Math.ceil(3.7) returns 4.0
Static Variables
 The StaticDemo program in the text uses a static
private static int numberOfInvocations = 0;
 Similar to definition of a named constant, which is a
special case of static variables.
 May be public or private but are usually private for
the same reasons instance variables are.
 Only one copy of a static variable and it can be
accessed by any object of the class.
 May be initialized (as in example above) or not.
 Can be used to let objects of the same class
 Not used in the rest of the text.
Wrapper Classes
 Used to wrap primitive types in a class structure
 All primitive types have an equivalent class
 The class includes useful constants and static
methods, including one to convert back to the
primitive type
Primitive type Class type
Method to convert back
Wrapper class
example: Integer
 Declare an Integer class variable:
Integer n = new Integer(42);
 Convert the value of an Integer variable
to its primitive type, int:
int i = n.intValue();//intValue returns
an int
 Some useful Integer constants:
 Integer.MAX_VALUE - the maximum integer
value the computer can represent
 Integer.MIN_VALUE - the smallest integer value
the computer can represent
Wrapper class
example: Integer
 Some useful Integer methods:
 Integer.valueOf("123") to convert a
String of numerals to an Integer
 Integer.toString(123) to convert an
Integer to a String
 The other wrapper classes have similar
constants and functions
 See the text for useful methods for the
class Character
Usage of wrapper classes
There are some important differences in the code to
use wrapper classes and that for the primitive types
Wrapper Class
 variables contain the
address of the value
 variable declaration
Integer n = new
 variable declaration &
Integer n = new
 assignment:
n = new Integer(5);
Primitive Type
 variables contain the
 variable declaration
int n;
 variable declaration &
int n = 0;
 assignment:
n = 99;
Designing Methods:
Top-Down Design
 In pseudocode, write a list of subtasks that the
method must do.
 If you can easily write Java statements for a subtask,
you are finished with that subtask.
 If you cannot easily write Java statements for a
subtask, treat it as a new problem and break it up
into a list of subtasks.
 Eventually, all of the subtasks will be small enough
to easily design and code.
 Solutions to subtasks might be implemented as
private helper methods.
 Top-down design is also known as divide-andconquer or stepwise refinement.
Programming Tips for
Writing Methods
 Apply the principle of encapsulation and
detail hiding by using the public and
private modifiers judiciously
 If the user will need the method, make it part of the
interface by declaring it public
 If the method is used only within the class definition
(a helper method), then declare it private
 Create a main method with diagnostic
(test) code within a class's definition
 run just the class to execute the diagnostic program
 when the class is used by another program the
class's main is ignored
Testing a Method
 Test programs are sometimes called driver programs
 Keep it simple: test only one new method at a time
 driver program should have only one untested method
 If method A uses method B, there are two approaches:
 Bottom up
 test method B fully before testing A
 Top down
 test method A and use a stub for method B
 A stub is a method that stands in for the final version and
does little actual work. It usually does something as trivial as
printing a message or returning a fixed value. The idea is to
have it so simple you are nearly certain it will work.
 The same method name has more than one
definition within the same class
 Each definition must have a different
 different argument types, a different number of
arguments, or a different ordering of argument types
 The return type is not part of the signature and
cannot be used to distinguish between two methods
with the same name and parameter types
 the combination of method name and
number and types of arguments, in order
 equals(Species) has a different signature
than equals(String)
 same method name, different argument types
 myMethod(1) has a different signature than
myMethod(1, 2)
 same method name, different number of arguments
 myMethod(10, 1.2) has a different signature
than myMethod(1.2, 10)
 same method name and number of arguments, but
different order of argument types
Overloading and Argument Type
 Accidentally using the wrong datatype as an
argument can invoke a different method
 For example, see the Pet class in the text
 set(int) sets the pet's age
 set(double) sets the pet's weight
 You want to set the pet's weight to 6 pounds:
• set(6.0) works as you want because the argument is type
• set(6) will set the age to 6, not the weight, since the
argument is type int
Gotcha: Automatic Type Conversion
and Overloading
 If Java does not find a signature match, it attempts some
automatic type conversions, e.g. int to double
 An unwanted version of the method may execute
 In the text Pet example of overloading:
What you want: name "Cha Cha", weight 2, and age 3
But you make two mistakes:
1. you reverse the age and weight numbers, and
2. you fail to make the weight a type double.
 set("Cha Cha", 2, 3) does not do what you want
• it sets the pet's age = 2 and the weight = 3.0
 Why?
• set has no definition with the argument types String, int, int
• However, it does have a definition with String, int, double,
so it promotes the last number, 3, to 3.0 and executes the method with that
Information Hiding
 Using instance variables of a class type takes
special care
 The problem stems from the fact that, unlike
primitive types, object identifiers contain the
object's address, not its value
 returning an object gives back the address, so the
called method has direct access to the calling
 the calling object is "unprotected" (usually
 best solution: cloning
 One solution: stick to returning primitive types (int,
char, double, boolean, etc.) or String
 A way of grouping and naming a collection of
related classes
 they serve as a library of classes
 they do not have to be in the same directory as your
 The first line of each class in the package must be
the keyword package followed by the name of the
package mystuff.utilities;
 To use classes from a package in a program put
an import statement at the start of the file:
import mystuff.utilities.*;
 note the ".*" notation
Package Naming
 Use lowercase
 The name is the file pathname with
subdirectory separators ("\" or "/",
depending on your system) replaced by
 For example, if the package is in a file
named "utilities" in directory "mystuff",
the package name is:
Java Packages
Application programmer interface
 All classes provided to programmers along with the
Java compiler (e.g. Math or MouseEvent)
 Java expects to find these classes in separate
directories or folders
The classes stored in each directory
form a package
The package names are formed by
concatenating the directory names
starting from a particular root
Some Predefined Java Packages
Package Name
Classes for implementing applets
Classes for graphics, windows, and GUI’s
Classes supporting AWT event handling
Classes for image handling
Interface definitions s for platform independent
graphical user interfaces (GUI’s)
Classes for input and output
Basic language classes like Math
(always available in any Java program)
Classes for networking
Useful auxiliary classes like Date
Package Component
Using a fully qualified component
x = java.lang.Math.sqrt(3);
Using an import statement
// to allow unqualified references to
// all package classes
import package.name.*;
// to allow unqualified references to
// a particular package class
import package.name.class_name;
 This code
java.util.Date d =
new java.util.Date();
java.awt.Point p =
new java.awt.Point(1,2);
java.awt.Button b =
new java.awt.Button();
 Can be abbreviated
import java.util.date;
Import java.awt.*;
Date d = new Date();
Point p = new Point(1,2);
Button b = new Button();
Creating Your
Own Packages
 Each package class must be stored in a
file in an appropriately named directory
 The source code file for each package
class must contain a package statement
as its first non-commented statement
package package_name;
 Several packages can be stored in the
same directory
 Classes in different directories cannot be
part of the same package
Visibility Rules and
 Instance variables declared as public or private have
the same visibility to classes in other packages
 Instance variables without explicitly declared
visibility have package visibility
 Instance variables with package visibility are only
visible to methods defined in classes belonging to
the same package
 Similarly for static variables, instance methods, and
static methods having package visibility
 Classes not explicitly declared public are not visible
outside the package
Allows programmers to customize a
class for a specific purpose, without
actually modifying the original class
(the superclass)
The derived class (subclass) is
allowed to add methods or redefine
The subclass can add variables, but
cannot redefine them
Class C is a subclass of class B (its
superclass) if its declaration has the
class C extends B {
The subclass is a specialization of the
The superclass is a generalization of
the subclass
Inheritance and
When C is a subclass of B
 C objects can respond to all messages that B
objects can respond to
 In general C objects can be used whenever B
objects can be used
It is possible the a subclass of B
may have methods and variables
that have not been defined in B
 It is the case B objects may not always be used in
place of C objects
 A class may have several subclasses and each
subclass may have subclasses of its own
 The collection of all subclasses descended
from a common ancestor is called an
inheritance hierarchy
 The classes that appear below a given class in
the inheritance hierarchy are its descendants
 The classes that appear above a given class in
the inheritance hierarchy are its ancestors
Inheritance and
Visibility Rules
Private variables and methods are not
visible to subclasses or clients
Public variables and methods are visible to
all subclasses and clients
Variables and methods with package
visibility are only visible to subclasses and
clients defined in the same package as the
A variable or method declared with the
protected visibility modifier can only be
referenced by subclasses of the class and
no other classes
Visibility and Inheritance
Clients in same
Clients in different
Subclass in same
Subclass in
different package
Note: R is receiver; C is client
Overriding vs
A method is overloaded if it has multiple
definitions that are distinguished from one
another by having different numbers or types
of arguments
A method is overridden when a subclass
gives a different definition of the method with
the same number and types of arguments
The general rule is that when a subclass is
created Java will call the superclass
constructor first and then call the subclass
constructors in the order determined by the
inheritance hierarchy
If a superclass does not have a default
constructor with no arguments, the subclass
must explicitly call the superclass
constructor with the appropriate arguments
Using super( ) Call
The call to super must be the first
statement in the subclass constructor
class C extends B {
public C ( … ) {
super( B’s constructor arguments );
Calling Overridden Superclass
Methods from Subclassess
 The following code generates an infinite loop
because toString( ) is interpreted as this.toString( )
public void toString() {
String result = toString();
return (result + “:” + second);
 To make a call toString in the superclass instead
public void toString() {
String result = super.toString();
return (result + “:” + second);
Creation of Subclass
 Assuming that PreciseClock is a subclass of the
Clock class, the following is legal
Clock dawn;
dawn = new PreciseClock(3,45,30);
 The instance variable dawn will respond to all
PreciseClock messages
 It is not legal to write this since Clock objects cannot
respond to all PreciseClock messages
PreciseClock dawn;
dawn = new Clock(3,40);
Static and
Dynamic Binding
Static Binding
 Determining which method will be invoked to respond
to a message at compile time
Dynamic Binding
 Determining which method will be invoked to respond
to a message at run time
 Required when method definitions are overridden in
subclasses, since type of the receiver class may not
be known until run time
Abstract Classes
 Abstract classes are only used as super
 Classes are declared as abstract classes only
if they will never be instantiated
 Abstract classes contain usually one or more
abstract methods
 Example:
public abstract class Mouse implements Direction
abstract void makeMove( );
Abstract Methods
Abstract methods have no body at all and
just have their headers declared
The only way to use an abstract class is to
create a subclass that implements each
abstract method
Concrete classes are classes that implement
each abstract method in their superclasses
abstract void makeMove( );