ppt - Dr. Wissam Fawaz

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Transcript ppt - Dr. Wissam Fawaz

Regular Expressions
Tokenizing strings
When you read a sentence, your mind breaks it into tokens
String method split breaks a String into
individual words and punctuation marks that convey meaning.
component tokens and returns an array of Strings.
Tokens are separated by delimiters
Typically white-space characters
such as space, tab, newline and carriage return.
Other characters can also be used as delimiters to separate tokens.
Regular expressions
A regular expression
a specially formatted String describing a search pattern
useful for validating input
One application is to construct a compiler
Large and complex regular expression are used to this end
If the program code does not match the regular expression
=> compiler knows that there is a syntax error
Regular Expressions (cont’d)
String method matches receives a String
specifying the regular expression
matches the contents of the String object parameter
and returns a boolean indicating whether
with the regular expression.
the match succeeded.
A regular expression consists of
literal characters and special symbols.
Character classes
A character class
Is an escape sequence representing a group of chars
Matches a single character in the search object
a, b, or c (simple class)
Any character except a, b, or c (negation)
a through z, or A through Z, inclusive (range)
a through d, or m through p: [a-dm-p] (union)
d, e, or f (intersection)
a through z, except for b and c: [ad-z] (subtraction)
a through z, and not m through p: [a-lq-z] (subtraction)
Common Matching Symbols
Regular Expression
Matches any character
regex must match at the beginning of the line
Finds regex must match at the end of the
Set definition, can match the letter a or b or c
Set definition, can match a or b or c followed
by either v or z
When a "^" appears as the first character
inside [] when it negates the pattern. This
can match any character except a or b or c
Ranges, letter between a and d and figures
from 1 to 7, will not match d1
Finds X or Z
Finds X directly followed by Z
Checks if a line end follows
Ranges in characters are determined
By the letters’ integer values
Ex: "[A-Za-z]" matches all uppercase and lowercase letters.
The range "[A-z]" matches all letters
and also matches those characters (such as [ and \)
with an integer value between uppercase A and lowercase z.
Parts of regex can be grouped using “()”
Via the “$”, one can refer to a group
Removing whitespace between a char and “.” or “,”
String pattern = "(\\w)(\\s+)([\\.,])";
str.replaceAll(pattern, "$1$3"));
Negative look-ahead
It is
used to exclude a pattern
defined via (?!pattern)
Example: a(?!b)
Matches a if a is not followed by b
Any character (may or may not match line terminators)
A digit: [0-9]
A non-digit: [^0-9]
A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
A non-whitespace character: [^\s]
A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9]
A non-word character: [^\w]
Matches Method: Examples
Validating a first name
Validating a first name
The character "|" matches the expression
to its left or to its right.
"Hi (John|Jane)" matches both "Hi John" and "Hi Jane".
Validating a Zip code
Split Method: examples
public class RegexTestStrings {
public static final String EXAMPLE_TEST =
"This is my small example " + "string which
"use for pattern matching.";
I'm going to " +
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] splitString = (EXAMPLE_TEST.split("\\s+"));
System.out.println(splitString.length);// Should be 14
for (String string : splitString) {
} // Replace all whitespace with tabs
System.out.println(EXAMPLE_TEST.replaceAll("\\s+", "\t"));
RegEx examples
// Returns true if the string matches exactly "true"
public boolean isTrue(String s){
return s.matches("true"); }
// Returns true if the string matches exactly "true" or "True“
public boolean isTrueVersion2(String s){
return s.matches("[tT]rue"); }
// Returns true if the string matches exactly "true" or "True"
// or "yes" or "Yes"
public boolean isTrueOrYes(String s){
return s.matches("[tT]rue|[yY]es"); }
// Returns true if the string contains exactly "true"
public boolean containsTrue(String s){
return s.matches(".*true.*"); }
RegEx examples (cont’d)
// Returns true if the string consists of three letters
public boolean isThreeLetters(String s){
return s.matches("[a-zA-Z]{3}");}
// Returns true if the string does not have a number at the beginning
public boolean isNoNumberAtBeginning(String s){
return s.matches("^[^\\d].*"); }
// Returns true if the string contains arbitrary number of characters
//except b
public boolean isIntersection(String s){
return s.matches("([\\w&&[^b]])*"); }
Pattern and Matcher classes
Java provides java.util.regex
That helps developers manipulate regular expressions
Class Pattern represents a regular expression
Class Matcher
Contains a search pattern and a CharSequence object
If regular expression to be used once
Use static method matches of Pattern class, which
Accepts a regular expression and a search object
And returns a boolean value
Pattern and Matcher classes
If a regular expression is used more than once
Use static method compile of Pattern to
Use the resulting Pattern object to
Create a specific Pattern object based on a regular expression
Call the method matcher, which
 Receives a CharSequence to search and returns a Matcher
Finally, use the following methods of the obtained Matcher
find, group, lookingAt, replaceFirst, and replaceAll
Methods of Matcher
The dot character "." in a regular expression
Matcher method find attempts to match
matches any single character except a newline character.
a piece of the search object to the search pattern.
each call to this method starts at the point where the last call
ended, so multiple matches can be found.
Matcher method lookingAt performs the same way
except that it starts from the beginning of the search object
and will always find the first match if there is one.
Pattern and Matcher example
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class RegexTestPatternMatcher {
public static final String EXAMPLE_TEST =
"This is my small example string which I'm going to
use for pattern matching.";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+");
Matcher matcher =
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.print("Start index: " + matcher.start());
System.out.print(" End index: " + matcher.end());
System.out.println(matcher.group()); }
Pattern replace = Pattern.compile("\\s+");
Matcher matcher2 = replace.matcher(EXAMPLE_TEST);
More examples of Regular
Expressions in Java
Validating a username
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class UsernameValidator{
private Pattern pattern; private Matcher matcher;
private static final String USERNAME_PATTERN = "^[a-z0-9_-]{3,15}$";
public UsernameValidator(){
pattern = Pattern.compile(USERNAME_PATTERN); }
/** * Validate username with regular expression *
@param username username for validation *
@return true valid username, false invalid username */
public boolean validate(final String username){
matcher = pattern.matcher(username);
return matcher.matches();
Examples of usernames that don’t match
 mk (too short, min 3 chars); w@lau (“@” not allowed)
Validating image file extension
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class ImageValidator{
private Pattern pattern;
private Matcher matcher;
private static final String IMAGE_PATTERN ="([^\\s]+(\\.(?i)(jpg|png|gif|bmp))$)";
public ImageValidator(){
pattern = Pattern.compile(IMAGE_PATTERN);
/** * Validate image with regular expression *
@param image image for validation *
@return true valid image, false invalid image */
public boolean validate(final String image){
matcher = pattern.matcher(image); return matcher.matches();
Time in 12 Hours Format
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Time12HoursValidator{
private Pattern pattern; private Matcher matcher;
private static final String TIME12HOURS_PATTERN =
public Time12HoursValidator(){
pattern = Pattern.compile(TIME12HOURS_PATTERN); }
/** * Validate time in 12 hours format with regular expression *
@param time time address for validation *
@return true valid time fromat, false invalid time format */
public boolean validate(final String time){
matcher = pattern.matcher(time); return matcher.matches();
Validating date
Date format validation
( start of group #1
0?[1-9] => 01-09 or 1-9
| ..or
[12][0-9] # 10-19 or 20-29
| ..or
3[01] => 30, 31
) end of group #1
/ # followed by a "/"
( # start of group #2
0?[1-9] # 01-09 or 1-9
| # ..or
1[012] # 10,11,12
) # end of group #2
/ # followed by a "/"
( # start of group #3
(19|20)\\d\\d # 19[0-9][0-9] or 20[0-9][0-9]
) # end of group #3