Transcript ppt

Creating Objects
The String Class
Formatting Output
Enumerated Types
Wrapper Classes
Components and Containers
The String class
Because strings are so common
We don’t have to use the new operator
To create a String object
title = "Java Software Solutions";
This is a special syntax that works only for strings
Each string literal (enclosed in double quotes)
Represents a String object
String class
Once a String object is created
Its value can not be lengthened or shortened
Nor can any of its characters change
=> String objects are immutable
However, several methods in String
Allow to create new String objects
As a result of the modification of the original String
The use of String class and its
Refer to
Some methods exercised in the program
Refer to the index of a particular character
The index of the first character in a String is zero,
The index of the next one is 1, and so on
Example: “Hello” is a String object where the index of ‘H’
is zero and the character at index four is ‘o’
Some methods of the String
char charAt (int index)
Char c;
String S = “hi there”;
c = S.charAt(0); // c = h
boolean equals (String str)
boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str)
Refer to
Random number
Random numbers
are often needed when writing software
Flight simulator use random numbers
to determine how often simulated flights has engine trouble
are generated in JAVA through the Random class
Part of the java.util package
Picks a number at random out of a range of values
Random class
Methods of Random class
float nextFloat()
int nextInt()
Returns a random number over all possible int value
int nextInt(int num)
returns a random number
 between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)
Returns a random number in the range 0 to num-1
Refer to
Math class
Math class
provides a large number of basic mathematical functions
Helpful in making calculations
is defined in java.lang package
includes static methods
=> methods can be invoked through the name of the class
They can be used without having to instantiate an object
Return values used in expressions as needed
value = Math.cos(90) + Math.sqrt(delta);
Using Math class
Sample program
Use Math class
to compute the roots of a quadratic equation
 ax2 + bx +c
Read values (a, b, and c)
Evaluate the roots of the equation
Refer to
Some methods of the Math
static int abs(int num)
static double cos(double angle)
The absolute value of num
Returns the angle (in radians) cosine
static double exp(double power)
Returns the value of e raised to the specified power
Creating Objects
The String Class
Formatting Output
Enumerated Types
Wrapper Classes
Components and Containers
Formatting output
It is often necessary to format values
output looks appropriate when printed or displayed
NumberFormat part of java.text package
Provides generic formatting capabilities
is not instantiated using the new operator
instead by requesting an object
From one of the static methods invoked thru the class name
 NumberFormat fmt =
Creating NumberFormat
NumberFormat objects
are created using
getCurrencyInstance() invoked thru class name
getPercentInstance() invoked thru class name
returns a formatter for monetary values
returns an object that formats a percentage
are used to format numbers using method format()
NumberFormat fmt =
double subtotal=19.35;
System.out.println(fmt.format(subtotal) );
Output: $19.35
Refer to
DecimalFormat class
DecimalFormat part of java.text package
allows to format values based on a pattern
To determine how many digits should be printed
 To the right of the decimal point (for instance)
is instantiated in the traditional way
using the new operator
Its constructor DecimalFormat takes a String
That represents a pattern for the formatted number
Refer to
Creating Objects
The String Class
Formatting Output
Enumerated Types
Wrapper Classes
Components and Containers
Enumerated types
Java allows you to define an enumerated type
Which can then be used to declare variables
as the type of a variable
establishes all possible values for a variable of that type
By listing, or enumerating the values
Where the values are identifiers, and can be anything desired
 enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall}
There is no limit to the number of listed values
 Any number of values can be listed
Declaring and using an
enumerated type
Once a type is defined
A variable of that type can be declared
And it can be assigned a value
enum Grade {A, B, C, D, F};
Grade score;
Thru the name of the type
score = Grade.A;
Enumerated types are type-safe
You cannot assign any value other than those listed
Ordinal values
Internally, each value of an enumerated type
is stored as an integer, called its ordinal value
The first value has an ordinal value of zero
The second one, and so on
You cannot assign a numeric value
to enumerated type, even if it corresponds to an ordinal value
Enumerated types: methods
The declaration of an enumerated type
is a special type of class
methods associated with enumerated objects
The ordinal() method returns the numeric value
And each variable of that type is an object
Of an enumerated type
The name() returns the name of the value
Refer to
Creating Objects
The String Class
Formatting Output
Enumerated Types
Wrapper Classes
Components and Containers
Wrapper classes
A wrapper class
is used to wrap a primitive value into an object
represents a particular primitive type
Ex: Integer class represents a simple integer value
instantiated, stores a single primitive type value
Ex: create an object that serves as a container to hold an int
Ex: Integer object store a single int value
its constructor accept the primitive value to store
Ex: Integer ageObj = new Integer (40);
Wrapper classes in the JAVA
class library
For each primitive type in JAVA
There exists a corresponding wrapper class (java.lang)
Primitive type
Wrapper class
Wrapper classes methods
Wrapper classes methods
manages the associated primitive type
Ex: Integer provides methods returning the int stored in it
Some methods of the Integer class
Integer (int value)
float floatValue()
Constructor: creates an new Integer object storing value
returns the value of this integer as the float type
static int parseInt (String str)
Returns the int corresponding to the value in str
Autoboxing is the automatic conversion between
 Primitive value and corresponding wrapper object
Unboxing is the reverse condition
Integer obj1;
int num1 = 69;
Obj1 = num1; // automatically creates an Integer object
Integer obj2 = new Integer (69);
int num2;
num2 = Obj2; // automatically extracts the int value
Refer to