Transcript ppt

Remote Method Invocation
Course materials
Georgi Cholakov, [email protected]
Emil Doychev, [email protected]
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, e-Commerce Laboratory
In order to begin…
Necessary knowledge
Basic Java knowledge, including
• Building hierarchies of interfaces and classes
• Passing parameters by value and by reference
• Object serialization
Desirable knowledge
• Experience with streams in Java
• Naming Services
Not necessary knowledge
• Details of network protocols, such as TCP/IP
• Sockets
The necessity of distributed computing
• Proven scientifically and practically
• RMI – gives opportunity to distribute the work among different
processes (machines)
The Remote Method Invocation idea
• The RMI is not a totally new idea in the distributed computing area –
many of its features come from CORBA (Remote Procedure Call,
generation of stubs and skeletons, naming service)
• RMI – designed only for Java, pure Java-to-Java solution
What is RMI?
Remote Method Invocation – designed to provide distributed object
development tool for Java applications, running in different JVMs
eventually on different hosts.
Existing systems – differences with RMI
• Remote Procedure Call in C/C++
How RMI works
RMI Registry
Java Client
Client JVM
Remote JVM
A close look at the details
Remote interface
An object can be considered as a remote object if it implements a
remote interface. A remote interface is a Java interface that:
• extends java.rmi.Remote interface;
• is public;
• each method throws java.rmi.RemoteException.
Remote object
There are several rules for implementing class to obey:
• the class must extend UnicastRemoteObject;
• must contain a non-argument constructor;
• must provide an implementation for each remote method.
A close look at the details
Stub and Skeleton
The Stub/Skeleton layer is the interface between applications and the
RMI system.
The stub is responsible for:
• Initiating a call to the remote object and sending arguments (if any) to
the stream;
• Receive the result or exception.
The skeleton is responsible for:
• Receiving arguments from the stream;
• Doing the actual method call to the remote object;
• Sending the result back to the stream.
A close look at the details
RMI Registry
The RMI Registry is:
• a process, running on the remote virtual machine and makes it
possible for client applications to locate and obtain references to
remote objects;
• it provides the naming service for registering and retrieving remote
object reference by name.
Java client
The Java client application has only one RMI specific task – to look up
the remote object and get the reference.
A close look at the details
In order the client to interact with objects in different virtual machine,
the specific permissions must be granted. These permissions are
stored in a policy file, named java.policy.
To prevent the system from executing a harmful code the security
manager must be installed, such as RMISecurityManager. This class
defines a default security policy for RMI applications.
Summary of steps to implement RMI
To implement a RMI server and client, we have to:
• develop the remote interface, extending java.rmi.Remote and declare
all methods, that will be visible for remote invocation, each method
throwing the java.rmi.RemoteException;
• realize the class of the remote object, implementing the remote
interface, and extend the class UnicastRemoteObject. We must not
forget in the main() method to install security manager, then create an
instance of the object and bind it to the registry;
• generate stub and skeleton;
When these tasks are done, we can:
• start the naming service (RMI Registry) and run the remote object;
• develop the client application, which must obtain reference to the
remote object in the naming service. Now the remote methods will be
available as they are locale.
The Remote Method Invocation is a lightweight and simple approach to the
distributed computing in comparison with other existing systems. We may
consider RMI as an extension of Java, because it’s contained in Java. RMI
has simplicity and great performance for lightweight distributed systems.