Transcript Lecture 10

Common Loop Errors
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
A Semicolon Too Many
What does the following code do?
sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++);
sum += i;
con.println(“Sum = “ + sum);
It prints 11!
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
There is an extra semi-colon.
The loop has an empty body.
sum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
sum += i;
con.println(“Sum = “ + sum);
Only the last value of i is added to sum.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Loops with Variable Number of
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
User Specifies Number of
 The loops we have seen so far have been simple.
The number of times we go round the loop is written in
the program.
 In many loops the number of iterations is not
known until the program runs.
 For example, a program to calculate the average of
a series on integers.
We don’t know how many integer there are until the
program runs.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
User Tells Us First
The easiest solution to this problem is if the
first thing the user tells us is how many
numbers there will be.
We read this into a variable first.
Then we write the loop, using the variable
to decide when to stop.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Program Outline
Set total to 0.
Ask user to tell us how many numbers.
Read how many numbers from the user.
Loop this number of times
Read the number
Add to total
Calculate average
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Java (1)
//Set total to 0.
int total = 0;
//Ask user to tell us how many numbers.
con.print(“How many numbers? “);
//Read how many numbers from the user.
int howMany = con.readInt();
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Java (2)
//Loop this number of times
for (int i = 0; i < howMany; i++)
//Read the number
int number = con.readInt();
//Add to total
total += number;
// Calculate Average
double average = (double)total / howMany;
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
User Must Count
This approach is the easiest.
It relies on the user knowing how many
items will follow.
This is potentially error prone.
It is also out of our control.
In many cases the next method is
preferable, even though it is harder to
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Users Says When He Is Finished
 It is easier for the user if he gives us numbers until
he is finished.
 He then tells the program that there are no more
 This is done by choosing a “special” number that
means we are finished.
 It cannot be a possible “real” number.
 In our example, -1 can be this sentinel value.
 Our program must also count the numbers.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Program Design
Set total and howMany to 0.
Give user instructions
Read a number.
If it is the sentinel, exit.
Increment total and count
Calculate average.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
//Set total and howMany to 0.
int total = 0, howMany = 0;
//Give user instructions
Con.println(“Enter numbers, terminates by –1: “);
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
for (;;)
//Read a number.
int number = con.readInt();
//If it is the sentinel, exit.
if (number == -1)
//Increment total and count
total += number;
//Calculate average.
double average = (double)total / howMany;
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Easier For The User
This approach is easier for the user.
They do not need to count the numbers in
It is more robust.
The user cannot say that there are 6 numbers
and then try and enter 7.
The program is not that harder.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
End Of File Loops
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Data Files
 In many cases data files will contain a series of
similar lines.
 Each line should be processed in the same way.
 The values in each line will be different.
 How do we know when we have read them all?
 We could place a sentinel value at the end.
 Alternatively, we could let Java tell us when we
have reached the end of the file.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
We keep reading lines until there are no
more lines left to read.
Using a loop.
We will attempt to read past the end of file.
FileIn will throw an EndOfFileException
which we can catch.
This will terminate the loop.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Code Overview
 try
Code that could throw the exception
 catch (EndOfFileException x)
Process the exception.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
The Whole Loop in the Try
 The whole loop should be inside the try block.
 It will be an infinite loop.
 We jump to the catch block when we reach the end
of file.
 This terminates the loop because it comes after the
 We don’t need to do anything to process this
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
Sample File
Just one word per line
Read the word and print on a Console.
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10
The Code
import FormatIO.*;
public class Ex1 {
public static void main(String[] args)
FileIn fin = new FileIn("test.txt");
Console con= new Console();
for (;;)
String s = fin.readWord();
con.println("[" + s + "]");
catch (EndOfFileException x) {}
ITP © Ron Poet
Lecture 10