Java Threads

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Java Threads
What is a Thread?
• A thread can be loosely defined as a separate stream of
execution that takes place simultaneously with and
independently of everything else that might be
• A thread is like a classic program that starts at point A
and executes until it reaches point B
• A thread runs independently of anything else happening
in the computer.
• Without threads an entire program can be held up by
one CPU intensive task or one infinite loop, intentional or
• With threads the other tasks that don't get stuck in the
loop can continue processing without waiting for the
stuck task to finish.
• It turns out that implementing threading is
harder than implementing multitasking in
an operating system.
• The reason it's relatively easy to
implement multitasking is that individual
programs are isolated from each other.
• Individual threads, however, are not.
• Threaded environments like Java allow a thread
to put locks on shared resources so that while
one thread is using data no other thread can
touch that data.
• This is done with synchronization.
• Synchronization should be used sparingly since
the purpose of threading is defeated if the entire
system gets stopped waiting for a lock to be
• The proper choice of objects and methods to
synchronize is one of the more difficult things to
learn about threaded programming.
How Java Uses Threads
• Java applications and applets are naturally
• The runtime environment starts execution of the
program with the main() method in one thread.
• Garbage collection takes place in another
• Screen updating occurs in a third thread.
• There may be other threads running as well,
mostly related to the behavior of the applet
viewer or web browser.
• All of this happens invisibly to the programmer.
When to thread
• The simplest reason for adding a separate thread is to
perform a long calculation.
– For instance if you're trying to find the ten millionth prime
number, you probably don't want to make users twiddle their
thumbs while you search.
Or you may be waiting for a resource that isn't available
yet, a large graphic to download from the Internet, for
– Once again you shouldn't make the user wait while your program
• Any operation that is going to take a noticeable period of
time should be placed in its own thread.
• The other reason to use threading is to more evenly divide the
computer's power among different tasks.
• If you want to draw random rectangles on the display, you would still
like the applet to respond to user input.
– If all the CPU time is spent drawing rectangles, there's nothing left over
for the user.
• On a preemptively multitasking operating system like Solaris or
Windows NT, the user may at least be able to kill the application.
• On a cooperatively multitasking operating system like the MacOS or
Windows, the user may have to reboot their machine.
• This is a bad thing.
• With threads you can set the priority of different processes, so that
user input receives a high priority and drawing pretty pictures
receives a low priority. Then the user can stop the applet without
flipping the power switch on their machine.
The Thread Classes
• The Thread class has three primary methods that are
used to control a thread:
• public void start()
– The start() method prepares a thread to be run;
• public void run()
– the run() method actually performs the work of the thread;
• public final void stop()
– the stop() method halts the thread.
• The thread dies when the the run() method terminates or
when the thread's stop() method is invoked.
• You never call run() explicitly.
– It is called automatically by the runtime as
necessary once you've called start(). There
are also methods to supend and resume
threads, to put threads to sleep and wake
them up, to yield control to other threads, and
many more.
Runnable Interface
• The Runnable interface allows you to add
threading to a class which, for one reason or
another, cannot conveniently extend Thread. It
declares a single method, run():
• public abstract void run()
• By passing an object which implements
Runnable to a Thread() constructor, you can
substitute the Runnable's run() method for the
Thread's own run() method. (More properly the
Thread object's run() method simply calls the
Runnable's run() method.)
• To use threads efficiently and without errors you
must understand various aspects of threads and
the Java runtime system.
• You need to know how to provide a body for a
• the life cycle of a thread,
• how the runtime system schedules threads,
thread groups,
• and what daemon threads are
• and how to write them.
• Three fields
– Max_Priority
– Min_Priority
– Normal_Priority
Static Thread methods
• Thread th = Thread.currentThread();
– gets the Thread object for the thread that executes
this call (the "current thread").
• Thread.sleep(milliseconds);
– puts the current thread to sleep for that length of time.
(almost always called in a try block to catch the
• Thread.yield();
– lets another thread run (if there is one that can run).
normal Thread methods
• void start()
– starts the thread running. The run() method of the
Runnable attached to the Thread is called in that
• void stop()
– stops the thread immediately. The thread cannot be
• void suspend()
– stops the thread from running, until a resume() is
• void resume()
– causes the thread to continue running from where it was
• void setPriority(int prio)
– changes the priority of the thread. Threads with a higher valued
priority run preferentially to lower priority threads.
• int getPriority()
– returns the priority of the thread.
• void join()
• causes the current thread to wait until this thread is finished (either
run() returns or the thread is stop()-ed).
Daemon Threads
• User Threads
• Daemon Threads
– When a Java Virtual Machine starts up, there is
usually a single non-daemon thread (which typically
calls the method named main of some designated
class). The Java Virtual Machine continues to execute
threads until either of the following occurs:
• The exit method of class Runtime has been called and the
security manager has permitted the exit operation to take
• All threads that are not daemon threads have died, either by
returning from the call to the run method or by throwing an
exception that propagates beyond the run method.