Lecture 37: Exception Handling

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Transcript Lecture 37: Exception Handling

CS2200 Software Development
Lectures 28: Exception Handling
A. O’Riordan, 2008
(Includes some slides by Lewis/Loftus 2005 and K. Brown 2004-2007)
From "Testing" Lecture: Program Correctness
Correctness is an important aspect of software quality. There are a number
of different types of errors:
● Lexical error: using words or symbols not in the language
● Syntax error: using words or symbols in the wrong order
● Semantic error: using constructs in a meaningless way
● Run-time error: your code cannot be executed
● Logical error: your program compiles and runs, but doesn't do what it
was meant to do
Run-time error: your code cannot be executed
int values[] = new int[10];
int pos = 20;
last = values[pos];
Problems at Run-time
● some run-time errors are internal to your program, so one option to get
rid of them is debugging your code
● Reference null pointer; index out of bounds; division by zero; ...
● others arrive from external factors, and cannot be solved by debugging
● communication from an external resource – e.g. a file server or
● clients (i.e. other programs) are not trustworthy, and supply you
with faulty data
Defensive programming
● your code must take responsibility for protecting itself from receiving
bad data or other exceptional run-time situations (e.g. network down,
disk full, etc)
● you must anticipate these problems
● your code must detect these problems
● your code must respond to these problems sensibly
● but beware of making your code hard to read and code 'bloat'
Responding to errors with defaults
● suppose a user types something into a JTextField called tf and
you expect them to type a month name...but what if they don't?
● Can validate input
public String getMonthFromTF() {
String str = tf.getText();
if ( ! isValidMonthName(str))
return "Jan";
else return str;
● but now the client of the method doesn't know if the user typed "Jan" or
Responding with special values
● or return a special value, e.g. -1, NULL, that signals a problem has
public String getMonthFromTF() {
String str = tf.getText();
if (! isValidMonthName(str))
return null;
else return str;
● special values might not always be available
● will the client remember to check for them?
Exception Handling I
● Java provides a systematic way of representing, transmitting, capturing
and handling well-defined abnormal situations
● when the method detects the abnormal situation, it creates an object
called an exception
● And throws the exception, requiring it to be caught and handled by an
appropriate exception handler
● This is an abnormal return of the flow of control from the method to the
● Handling is separated from detecting/throwing, so your code does not
get polluted with detailed checks
Exception Handling II
● Other languages that support exception handling include .NET
languages, Ada, Objective-C, and Eiffel
● PL/1 was one of first languages to employ exception handling
● Exception handling mechanism in most popular programming
languages is largely similar
● Exception handling is recommended to be used only for
signalling/dealing with error conditions and not the normal flow of
● In Java exceptions (and errors) are objects
● Exceptions can be raised automatically or explicitly thrown
● Java allows multiple handlers which catch different classes of
● An alternative is to have a single handling clause which
determines the class of exception internally
● finally clause to release resources (executed whether exception
occurred or not)
● Terminology varies across languages
● throw or raise; catch or rescue; finally or ensure
Exceptions and Errors in Java
● An exception is an object that describes an unusual or erroneous
● An error is also represented as an object in Java, but usually
represents a unrecoverable situation and should not be caught
● Java has a predefined set of exceptions and errors that can occur
during execution
● A programmer can also define a new type of exception
● A program can deal with an exception in one of three ways:
● ignore it
● handle it where it occurs
● handle it in another place in the program
Exception Handling
If an exception is ignored by the program, the program will
terminate abnormally and produce an appropriate message
The message includes a call stack trace that:
● indicates the line on which the exception occurred
● shows the method call trail that lead to the attempted
execution of the offending line
// generates exception
public class Zero {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int numerator = 1;
int denominator = 0;
System.out.println (numerator / denominator);
System.out.println ("This text will not be printed.");
Exception Handling: schematic example
public void method(int arg) {
try {
//all your normal code goes here
//if something goes wrong, Java will "throw" an
//Exception, and execution of this block will
//stop and we move into the "catch" block
catch (Exception e) {
//statement saying what to do if an abnormal
//error occurred, and you can get details of
//the error from the object reference "e"
Classes of Exceptions
● Java provides a variety of different classes describing types of
● Classes are arranged into a hierarchy with Exception at the top
● Different classes means that the programmer can specify different
responses to different types of error
● Wrap the core code inside a try block, and immediately follow it with
catch blocks for each type of Exception
● Each catch clause has an associated exception type and is called an
exception handler
● When an exception occurs, processing continues at the first catch
clause that matches the exception type
The Exception Class Hierarchy
● Classes that define exceptions are related by inheritance, forming an
exception class hierarchy
● All error and exception classes are descendents of the Throwable
● A programmer can define an exception by extending the Exception
class or one of its descendants
● Exception is in the package java.lang
● The parent class used depends on how the new exception will be used
Classes of Exceptions
RuntimeException ("unchecked")
IOException Class
Operations performed by some I/O classes may throw an IOException
because a file might not exist or file exists but program may not be able to
find it or the file might not contain the kind of data we expect
public class TestData {
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException{
int value =5;
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter (test.dat);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter (fw);
PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter (bw);
for (int line=1; line <= 10; line++) {
for (int num=1; num <= 10; num++) {
outFile.print (value + "
Example: Integer.parseInt
● suppose you expect the user to type an integer into a JTextField
● parseInt throws a NumberFormatException if the String it is
given as input cannot be converted to an int
● the client code should catch and handle the exception:
try {
String str = tf.getText().trim();
int num = Integer.parseInt(str);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
System.out.println("NOT AN INTEGER!");
The try block and its catch blocks
try {
some statements to open and read a file
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
state what to do if the file didn't exist
catch (EOFException eofe) {
state what to do if EOF encountered unexpectedly
● try to execute the try block; if no exceptions are thrown, the catch
blocks are ignored
● if any statement in the try block throws an exception, the rest of the try
block is not executed. Java finds the appropriate catch block, and
executes it instead
the finally block
try {
some statements
catch (SomeException e) {
handle exception
finally {
more statements
● try to execute the try block
● if an exception is thrown, catch and handle it
● Either way, then execute the finally block
Which catch block is chosen?
● Java looks through the catch clauses one by one and executes the first
one it finds that matches (i.e. catches the exception class or a
● why would this be silly?
catch (IOException ioe) {
handle the exception
catch (EOFException eofe) {
handle the exception
What if no catch block matches
● if no catch blocks match, Java tries to pass the exception up the call
● if no method in the chain catches it, Java displays an error message
on the output window and terminates (except for GUIs)
calls main
calls method1
calls method2
if not caught
if not caught
if not caught
Throwing the exception up the chain
● if you anticipate a possible exception being thrown to a method, but
you don't want the method to handle it, throw it explicitly in the method
public void process() throws IOException {
● if you detect an error, and want some calling method to handle it,
explicitly throw a new Exception
public Object pop() throws EmptyStackException {
Object obj;
if (size == 0) throw new EmptyStackException();
throw Example
A throw statement can be executed inside an if statement that evaluates a
condition to see if the exception should be thrown
The following snippet of code throws a Exception defined below:
OutOfRangeException problem =
new OutOfRangeException ("Input out of range");
System.out.print ("Enter integer between " + MIN + " and " + MAX);
int value = scan.nextInt();
if (value < MIN || value > MAX)
throw problem;
public class OutOfRangeException extends Exception {
OutOfRangeException (String message) {
super (message);
Checked Exceptions
● An exception is either checked or unchecked
● A checked exception either must be caught by a method, or must be
listed in the throws clause of any method that may throw or propagate
● A throws clause is appended to the method header/signature, e.g.
void read(String fname) throws IOException,
● The compiler will issue an error if a checked exception is not caught or
asserted in a throws clause
● Note that Java is unusual in having checked exceptions (other
languages CLU, Modula 3)
Unchecked Exceptions
● some Exceptions are not required to be caught
● The only unchecked exceptions in Java are objects of type
RuntimeException or any of its descendants
● Runtime exceptions could occur in many areas of the code, and
requiring that each possible location has a handler will produce
inefficient code
● therefore Java allows runtime exceptions to be generated, but does
not insist that you catch them