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Transcript cs441-03-dpexl-ch5

CS 4240: Introduction to Design
Chap. 5 of Design Patterns Explained
 Also, Chap. 6 and 7
 Also, on-line info on Composite pattern
(and others) at http://www.oodesign.com
Chapter 5 of our textbook
Handouts on various patterns
Background, Definition
From Alexander’s work in architecture
Alexander: “a solution to a problem in
Design pattern: a description of a problem
that reoccurs and an outline of an approach
to solving that problem
Generally domain, language independent
Also, analysis patterns
Design Patterns: Essential
Pattern name
When to apply the pattern, what context.
How to represent, organize components
Conditions to be met before using
A vocabulary of patterns is beneficial
Design elements: relationships, responsibilities,
A template for a solution that you implement
Results and trade-offs that result from using the pattern
Needed to evaluate design alternatives
Essential Elements (con’td)
Participants and collaborators
Generic Structure
Patterns Are (and Aren’t)
Name and description of a proven solution to
a problem
Documentation of a design decision
They’re not:
Reusable code, class libraries, etc. (At a higher
Do not require complex implementations
Always the best solution to a given situation
Simply “a good thing to do”
Describing Design Patterns
The GoF defined a standard format
Generally followed
Not just a UML diagram!
Pattern Format (13 sections):
Pattern name and classification
Intent: what’s it do? Rationale?
Also known as
A scenario that illustrates a sample problem and how this
patterns helps solve it.
For which situations can this be applied?
Graphical representation (e.g. UML)
Pattern Format (cont’d)
Code fragments that illustrate the pattern
Known uses
Pitfalls, hints, techniques, language issues
Sample code
How participants interact
Classes and objects, their responsibilities
From real systems
Related patterns
Similar patterns, collaborating patterns
Example 1: Singleton Pattern
Global variables are bad!
We often want to use global variables!
Example 1: Singleton Pattern
Context: Only one instance of a class is created.
Everything in the system that needs this class
interacts with that one object.
Controlling access: Make this instance accessible to
all clients
The class has a static variable called theInstance (etc)
The constructor is made private (or protected)
Clients call a public operation getInstance() that returns the
one instance
This may construct the instance the very first time or be given
an initializer
Singleton: Java implementation
public class MySingleton {
private static MySingleton theInstance =
new MySingleton();
private MySingleton() { // constructor
public static MySingleton getInstance() {
return theInstance;
Static Factory Methods
Singleton patterns uses a static factory method
Advantages over a public constructor
Factory: something that creates an instance
They have names. Example:
BigInteger(int, int, random) vs.
Might need more than one constructor with same/similar
Can return objects of a subtype (if needed)
Wrapper class example:
Double d1 = Double .valueOf(“3.14”);
Double d2 = new Double (“3.14”);
More info: Bloch’s Effective Java
Examples from Java Library
In Swing, you can create a Border and
add it to a component
Border b =
 Need the exact same border again?
 The above method doesn’t create a new
one. Just gives you the same one
 Note: works because the bevel is
Example from the Java Library
Java can manipulate its own class
Class classObj =
 Then we can do things to the Class
What if we call this again?
Only one Class object per Java-class
Example #2: PlayLists and Songs
We saw this in CS201 (maybe)
Could PlayLists “Nest”?
Could a PlayList contain Songs and
other PlayLists?
This is the “Composite Design Pattern”
Make PlayList contain
A list of PlayableItems, not Songs
PlayList.play() calls play() on each item
Polymorphism at work
Class Diagram for This Composite
General Class Diagram
Could be many Leaf classes
Polymorphism in Action
Playlist contains a list of PlayableItems
PlayList.play() calls play() on each item
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); ++i) {
( (PlayableItem) list.get(i) ).play();
Will call the Song.play() or PlayList.play()
depending on what item i really is
Review question: why is the cast needed?
Façade Pattern
Simplify interface to set of interfaces in an
existing subsystem.
Or, need to define new/variant interface
Only need part of a complex system.
Or, need to interact in a particular way.
Participants, collaborators:
Façade class, subsystem classes, client
Façade Pattern (cont’d)
Certain subsystem operations may not be
available in the façade
Clients may “go around” the facade
Note in textbook
Reduce coupling for client
Existing interfaces requires client to
access many objects to carry out task
Façade object may be one object that’s a
“gateway” to multiple objects
In other words: the Façade encapsulates
the system
Another motto: find what varies and
encapsulate it
Java’s URL class
Really hides a set of objects and methods
But not easy to see that it does this IMHO
An example from our recent CS1110
Make I/O easier for beginners
Class StdIn: static methods to read
Class In: create object to read from
keyboard, file or URL
Class In from Princeton course text
See Javadoc here:
Encapsulate Scanner, simplify methods
public final class In {
private Scanner scanner;
public In() {
scanner = new Scanner(
new BufferedInputStream(System.in), charsetName);
* Is the input stream empty?
public boolean isEmpty() {
return !scanner.hasNext();
Create “reader” from filename or URL
public In(String s) {
try {
// first try to read file from local file system
File file = new File(s);
if (file.exists()) {
scanner = new Scanner(file, charsetName);
// next try for files included in jar
URL url = getClass().getResource(s);
// or URL from web
if (url == null) { url = new URL(s); }
URLConnection site = url.openConnection();
InputStream is
= site.getInputStream();
= new Scanner(
new BufferedInputStream(is), charsetName);
catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.println("Could not open " + s);
Think About and Discuss
Façade: any relation to the Law of
“Principle of Least Knowledge”
Talk only your immediate friends
Adaptor Pattern
Make an existing object match an existing
interface that it doesn’t match
Existing component has right functionality but
doesn’t match the interface used
Interface here? Abstract class (or Java-interface)
used polymorphically
Wrapper class with delegation etc.
Two flavors: Object Adaptor vs. Class Adaptor
Adaptor Pattern (cont’d)
Participants and Collaborators
Adapter class: “new” interface for…
Adaptee class (existing class)
Target: the needed interface
Client who uses objects of type Target
The good: solves problem and meets
intent above!
Some other wrinkles…
Class Diagram for Object Adaptor
Object Adaptor pattern
Note that Adapter is an
example of a “wrapper class”
A common implementation technique
used in several design patterns
Book’s Example
Abstract class (or interface) Shape
We need a Circle class
Methods include: display(), fill()
Our code relies on Shape hierarchy and
Sweet! Another one exists! XXCircle
Bummer! Method names are different
Solution: see book or notes on board
Class Adaptor Pattern
Don’t create a separate object that
wraps the existing object
Instead, create new class that
Includes what existing class has (inherit)
Also meets Target interface
With a Java interface, or multiple inheritance in
other languages
Class Adaptor example
Existing code has a CommandBuffer class
Doesn’t have an Iterator
You have code that could do great things if
only you could use CommandBuffer as if it
were Iterable
Example of Class Adaptor pattern
The new class implements Iterator methods in terms
of getCommand() etc defined in existing class
No pair of objects: just an instance of new
Think About and Discuss
Class adaptors are different than object
Does this difference relate to a “rule” or
“principle” of OO design we’ve seen?
Comparing Façade and Adaptor
Adaptor: existing interface we must design to
(not for Façade)
Both designed to help us use existing classes
Both can use wrapper objects
Similar implementation solves different problems
New object used polymorphically
Façade: need simpler interface (not a goal
for Adaptor)
See table 7-1 on page 110
Summary of Intro to Design
Understand background, general
principles of design patterns
Recognize them, apply them in simple
Exercise: Can you Adapt?
Deprecated Java interface Enumerator
Replaced by interface Iterator
Your task
Create a class: EnumerationIterator
This let us design and write new code
that works with Iterators, and
also interact with legacy code that
exposes Enumerators for use to use
First question: class or object adaptor?
Questions to Answer
Question: which classes play which roles in
the design pattern? Write this down.
Final question: write Java class with
constructor and next() and hasNext().