Transcript Iterators
Today’s Agenda
CS2336: Computer Science II
Parameterized Stack
We implemented stack of Strings
How about the stack of other type of objects!
Do we need to implement a separate stack for each type?
Rewriting code is error-prone
Maintaining cut-and-paste code is error-prone
How about having a stackOfObjects and use casting
Run-time error if the types mismatch
StackOfObj s = new StackOfObj();
Apple a = new Apple();
Orange o = new Orange();
a = (Apple) (s.pop());
Run-time error
CS2336: Computer Science II
Parameterized Stack : Java Generic
No casting needed
Discover mismatches at compile-time instead of
Stack<Apple> s = new Stack<Apple>();
Apple a = new Apple();
Orange o = new Orange();
compile-time error
CS2336: Computer Science II
Generic stack: linked list implementation
Pubic class Stack<Obj>{
private Node first = null;
Public void push(Obj item){
Public Obj pop() {
CS2336: Computer Science II
Generic stack: array implementation
Generic array creation is not allowed in java
We need to use casting ( we call it ugly cast)
Pubic class Stack<Obj>{
private Obj[] stackArray;
Public Stack(int size){
stackArray = (Obj[]) new Object[size];
Public void push(Obj item){
Public Obj pop() {
CS2336: Computer Science II
Allow the user to iterate through any collection
Java provides Iterable interface
Make the data structure like stack implement the
Iterable interface
CS2336: Computer Science II
Iterable interface
It is an interface.
Has a method that returns an Iterator.
Iterator has methods:
Java support elegant client code if we make data
structures Iterable.
“foreach” statement that is so compact
Equivalent code
for (String s: Stack)
Iterator<String> i = stack.iterator();
String s =;
CS2336: Computer Science II
LinkedList Stack
import java.util.Iterator;
pubic class Stack<Obj> implements Iterable<Obj>{
public Iterator<obj> iterator(){
return new ListIterator();
//inner class
private class ListIterator implements Iterable<Obj>{
private Node current = first;
public boolean hasNext(){return current!=null;}
public Obj next(){
Obj item = current.item;
current =;
return item;
CS2336: Computer Science II
Array Stack
import java.util.Iterator;
pubic class Stack<Obj> implements Iterable<Obj>{
public Iterator<obj> iterator(){
return new ReverseArrayItr();
//inner class
private class ReverseArrayItr implements Iterable<Obj>{
private int i = topOfArray;
public boolean hasNext(){return i > 0;
public Obj next()
{return stackArray[--i];
CS2336: Computer Science II
Java Collection Library
List interface
java.util.List is API for sequence of items
List interface also extends Iterable
java.util.ArrayList uses resizable array
java.util.LinkedList uses Linked list
Why not just use the java library ??
The problem is that a lot of operations get added, and API
become bloated. It is not a good idea to have lots of
operations to the same API
We don’t know much about the performance!
CS2336: Computer Science II
Generate random open sites in an N-by-N percolation System
Use an array:
pick (i,j) at random ; if already open, repeat.
Takes linear time o(n)
2. use java.util.Linkedlist
pick an index at random and delete
takes quadratic time (n2)
Reason: Java LinedList implementation take linear time to find an
Don’t use a library until you understand its API.
item within given index. Not constant time like an array.
CS2336: Computer Science II