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Unit 3: Java Data Types
Math class and String class
The Math Class
• Java has many mathematical constants and
functions available.
• There is a class built into Java called Math that
contains all of these functions.
• This will only cover a part of the Math class.
Complete information on Math can be found in
the Java API documentation.
• Just add this line at the top of your program:
▫ import java.lang.Math;
Mathematical Constants
• The Math class contains mathematical constants
such as pi and e.
• You would be able to access these constants
using the names Math.PI and Math.E.
• The variable names are capitalized because they
are constants.
• You could use the Math class in arithmetic.
▫ area = Math.PI * radius * radius;
• When using pi, the name of the class is used (Math),
followed a dot, followed by the name of the variable
• Although it’s contained in the Math class, we are
able to use it without making use of a method to
obtain it.
• Furthurmore, we don’t create an instance of the
Math class to use it.
• The kind of variable we are using is called a static
variable. This differs from other variables we’ve seen
so far.
• We’ll look further into static variables later on.
Static Variables
• It’s also important to note that the Math class is
used without constructing an instance of it.
• It’s variables are available for use without any
Math objects in existence.
• A class may serve as a model for the creation of
objects, but it may also serve as a container for
useful things.
• The Math class only exists like a container, and
the constants are some of the useful things it
Static Methods
• The Math class also contains higher
mathematical operators, such as trigonometric
• Just like the mathematical constants, we don’t
create an instance of the Math class. It’s just
there, in the box of useful things that is Math.
• Such methods are referred to as static methods.
Using Static Methods
• Recall that the previous model of making
method calls was this:
▫ object.method(paramaters);
• With static methods, there is no object to call the
method on. All info goes through the class to
produce a result. And so, the model is this for
static methods:
▫ returnValue = ClassName.method(parameters);
Using Static Methods
• The static methods in the Math class return a
value, so the variable that the results are stored
into has to agree with the type that the Math
class gives out.
• The following slide contains schematics for some
functions of the Math class.
• Notice that the schematic begins with a
declaration of the type of the return value, and
the parameters are declared with their types
inside the parentheses.
• double exp(double x)
▫ This returns e raised to the x power
• double pow(double x, double y)
▫ This returns x raised to the y power
• double log(double x)
▫ This returns the natural logarithm of x, ln(x)
• double sqrt(double x)
▫ This returns the square root of x.
• double abs(double x)
▫ This returns the absolute value of x, |x|
Highly Mathematical!!
• Assuming that the Math class is available for use
and the rest of the program is in place, here is a
fragment illustrating the use of one of these
▫ double someValue = 3.2;
double resultValue;
resultValue = Math.sqrt(someValue);
• It might be tempting to do this…
▫ resultValue = someValue.sqrt();
• This is wrong for two reasons…
▫ The Math class methods cannot be called on other
objects or variables.
 The thing you want to operate on has to be passed in
as a parameter.
▫ Also, someValue is a variable, not an object, and it
is not possible to call a method on a variable.
The PI life chose me
• Suppose that we wanted to write this famous
equation. The best equation of all time.
▫ 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2
• We could rewrite it in code like this:
▫ area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2.0);
Black Box
• Keep in mind that these methods are black
• We know how we should use them, but we don’t
know how they internally work.
• You can find out the required types of the
parameters and the types of the return variables
in the Java API documentation.
• BUT! You will not find the code for the methods
Java Data Types
String class
String Cheese
• Strings are a sequence of characters treated as a
• They are among the most commonly used data
items, along with simple numeric variables.
• We have already encountered string constants.
• Anything enclosed in double quotes is a string,
so the following is a string constant:
▫ “Hello World”
String class
• There is a String class in Java.
• It is possible to construct instances of this class
and obtain references to them.
• Because strings are so commonly used, and
because the double quotes are so closely
associated with them, there is a special syntax
for constructing strings.
• Here is an example:
▫ String myString = “Hello World!”;
String class
• Note that it is not necessary to make use of the
keyword ‘new’ in order to create an instance of a
• The reference to the string can now be used in
the following way, with the expected results:
▫ System.out.println(myString);
• Once declared, the reference can be re-used like
any other variable. Like so:
▫ myString = “A new string”;
Remember the method models…
• Recall that we saw this model for calling
methods on objects:
▫ object.method(parameters);
• Then we saw this model for static methods:
▫ returnValue = Class.method(parameters);
String methods
• Since String is a class, it has methods associated
with it.
• One such method is length(), which allows you to
find out how many characters a string object
▫ int stringLength;
stringLength = myString.length();
String methods
• This shows that methods called on objects can
also return values.
• In this case, length() depends entirely on the
associated string object when the method is
• No parameters are needed inside the
• This is an example of a method that returns the
contents of some instance variable maintained
inside the object.
String methods
• Of course, method calls on objects that return
values may also take parameters.
• This will be explored further on later.
• So now, the model becomes this:
▫ returnValue = object.method(parameters);
• It’s not immediately apparent, but the String class
has a special characteristic.
• If you examine all of the methods of the class, you’ll
note there are no methods that modifies the string.
• Though you can obtain information about a string
object, can obtain its contents, and assign a new
string to an existing reference, you cannot change
the string itself.
• This is immutability, the inability to alter an
object’s state after it has been initialized.
Character indexing
• In Java, the individual characters in a string can
be identified numerically by their position,
starting at the left beginning with 0.
• This is illustrated below:
▫ String myString = “Hello”;
• The String class has a method that returns a selected
portion of the string. It takes two integer
• The first parameter (start) tells the starting position
of the substring of interest in the string.
• The second parameter (past_end) tells the position
immediately past the last character of interest.
• Model:
▫ otherString = someString.substring(start, past_end);
• String mySubstring;
mySubstring = myString.substring(0, 4);
• Output:
▫ Hell
• Notice that using substring doesn’t trim the
original string. It remains unchanged.
• An entirely new string is created from a part of
the original string (that is, it is copied), and
stored in its own string reference.
• It is also possible to put strings together, in a
process called concatenation.
• In fact, we’ve already seen this.
• When doing output, it was possible to do
something like this:
▫ System.out.println(“Hello” + “ “ + “World”);
▫ Output: Hello World
• It turns out we can use the ‘+’ sign to serve as a
symbol for concatenation.
• String myString1, myString2, myString3, myString4;
myString2 = “Hello”;
myString3 = “ “;
myString4 = “World”;
myString1 = myString2 + myString3 + myString4;
Concatenation with numbers
• It is also possible to mix strings with numerical
▫ System.out.println(“The result is: “ + 27);
Concatenation with numbers
• Of course, it is also possible to do this and get
the same results:
▫ int result = 27;
String myString = “The result is: “;
String anotherString = myString + result;
Concatenation with numbers
• When shown as a parameter to the println()
method, the “+” sign appears to be a punctuation
mark, like a comma.
• However, it is an operator, but with a special
• When used only on numeric types, it does
• When used only on strings, it does
Concatenation with numbers
• When used on a mixture of numbers and strings,
in converts the numeric types to strings and does
• The fact that the same operator does different
things depending on what its operands are is
referred to as overloading.
• This topic will come up again later on.
Concatenation with numbers
• Because the “+” works in this way you can
convert numeric values to strings in general.
• A pair of double quotes with nothing between
them (not even a space) is referred to as the
empty string.
• If you concatenate this with any numeric
variable, the result is a string containing only the
sequence of symbols that represented the value.
▫ String myString = “” + 42;
ConCATenation with numbers
• double myDouble = 3.75;
String myString1 = “” + myDouble;
String myString2 = myString1.substring(2, 3);
System.out.println(“The digit in the 10ths place is: “ + myString2);
• Output:
▫ The digit in the 10ths place is: 7
Converting numbers to strings
• As mentioned earlier, there are classes with the
names Integer and Double.
• Like the Math class, these classes contain useful
• These classes provide another way of converting
▫ import java.lang.Double; //At the top of the code
▫ myString = Double.toString(myDouble);
▫ myString2 = Integer.toString(myInteger);
Converting strings to numbers
• Integer and Double classes also contain methods
that turn the contents of a string to a number.
▫ import java.lang.Integer;
▫ …
▫ String myString = “375”;
int myInteger = Integer.parseInt(myString);
• Similar classes for numeric types other than double
and int exist.
• They all contain similar conversion methods, and
other methods.
• Details can be found in the Java API documentation.
• Questions 19-38 on the assignment sheet.
▫ 19-30: Show the output, just like in the last set of
▫ 31: Short answer
▫ 32: One line of code using the Math class.
▫ 33-37: Several lines of code, making up a complete
▫ 38: Integer parsing