Chapter 7: Inheritance
Transcript Chapter 7: Inheritance
Abstract Classes
An abstract class is a placeholder in a class hierarchy
that represents a generic concept
An abstract class cannot be instantiated
We use the modifier abstract on the class header to
declare a class as abstract:
public abstract class Whatever
// contents
Abstract Example
A good example is the MovingObject class. MovingObject is just an
abstract or synthetic concept to help us capture commonalities.
To make sure nobody creates an instance of class MovingObject,
we need to declare it abstract.
Question: Is there another way of preventing others from creating
objects of type MovingObject?
Abstract Example
Let’s say you want the MovingObjects to be able to
collide with each other, but cannot define a collide
method since the outcome of collision depends on
specific object
//collide ?
collide(MovingObject mo)
Abstract Classes
An abstract class often contains abstract methods with no
In addition to forcing sub-classes to override to become
concrete classes, it enables one to write polymorphic
An abstract class typically contains non-abstract methods
(with bodies), which can even call abstract methods
(a framework to build on)
A class declared as abstract does not need to contain
abstract methods
Vehicle example
public abstract class Vehicle {
private Position position;
public getPosition() { return position; }
public abstract void start();
public abstract void move();
public abstract void turnLeft();
public abstract void turnRight();
public abstract void stop();
public void goto(Position pos) {
if (position.getX() > pos.getX())
. ……
Abstract Classes
The child of an abstract class must override the abstract
methods of the parent, or it too will be considered
An abstract method cannot be defined as final
(because it must be overridden) or static (because it
has no definition yet)
The use of abstract classes is a design decision – it helps
us establish common elements in a class that is too
general to instantiate
to make sure every MovingObject has a collide() method,
you can declare an abstract MovingObject.collide()
method without an implementation, to be provided by
more specific sub-classes
public class MovingObject {
public abstract void collide (MovingObject other);
A framework for sequential range
Let’s say that we want to search a list of objects to find all
objects having values between start and end objects.
Before starting an implementation, we have to ask the
following questions:
• what do we have to know about our objects? in other words, what
is the proper abstraction we should make of our objects?
• What do we have to know about the list that stores our objects?
the idea is to know as little about our objects as possible
to write more general code, the more we know about our
actors, the more restrictive our methods will get
lets create two classes, Searchable for our objects, List
for our list, that can sub-classed later.
Searchable Class
we don’t have to know the actual value of an object. for
example a method like “public int getValue()” would be
too restrictive, what if our objects are strings?
all we need is to know if an object is greater or less than
another :
public abstract class Searchable {
public boolean isLess(Searchable other);
public boolean isGreater(Searchable other);
Any class that extends Searchable can be used by our
Now lets look at a List class that will contain Searchable
List class
as a part of being as general as possible, we don’t want
to just implement a list class. we want our search method
to work on any structure that has the characteristics of a
list. A specific implementation can inherit from our
abstract List class.
Here are the things we need from a typical list
a method that tells us if we have more elements in the list
a method to get the next element
a method to advance to the following element
a method to go to the first element
note that we don’t care how the elements got inserted
into the list, that is irrelevant to our searching
List abstract class
public abstract class List {
public boolean hasNext();
public Searchable getNext();
public void advance();
public void reset(); // to go to first element
note that a List doesn’t have to know what it contains, we
could change the getNext() to return an Object reference.
the search method
public static ArrayList rangeSearch(List list, Searchable
start, Searchable end) {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
while (list.hasNext()) {
Searchable current = list.getNext();
if (current.isGreater(start) && current.isLess(end))
return result;
could have made it a method of List class
Example usage of search
public class YearAndMonth extends Searchable {
public int year, month;
public boolean isLess(Searchable other) {
YearAndMonth ym = (YearAndMonth) other;
if (ym.year > year)
return true;
else if (ym.year < year)
return false;
if ym.month > month
return true;
return false;
public boolean isGreater(Searchable other) { …. }
A List example
public class VectorList extends List {
private ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
private int next = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return (next < v.size());
public Searchable getNext() {
return v.get(next);
public void advance() {
public void reset() {
next = 0;
Multiple Roles
What if a class can satisfy several abstractions ? For
example a car can be seen/viewed as a
MovingObject(velocity), personal property (date of
purchase, owner name ..), a rental item (cost per day,..),
product (manufacture date, serial number..), a vehicle
(number of seats) ….
In order to inherit implementation, can choose one parent
how can we fit our Car objects into different situations
even though it has only one line of ancestors?
A Java interface is a collection of abstract methods and
An abstract method can be declared using the modifier
abstract, but because all methods in an interface are
abstract, usually it is left off
An interface is used to establish, as a formal contract, a
set of methods that a class will implement
interface is a reserved word
public interface Product
public static final int USA = 1;
public static final int TURKEY = 90;
None of the methods in
an interface are given
public int getCountry();
a definition (body)
public String getSerialId();
public int getManufactureYear();
public void setQualityTester(Employee e);
public String getModel();
A semicolon immediately
follows each method header
An interface cannot be instantiated
Methods in an interface have public visibility by default
A class formally implements an interface by
• stating so in the class header
• providing implementations for each abstract method in the
If a class asserts that it implements an interface, it must
define all methods in the interface
public class Car extends Vehicle implements Product
public String getModel()
// etc.
implements is a
reserved word
Each method listed
in Product is
given a definition
Now an object of type Car can also be regarded as a product:
public void displayProductInfo(Product p) {
Car c = new Car(…);
Product p = c; // nothing happens to the actual object here
Interfaces cannot be instantiated but can be used as parameter and
reference types
A class can implement multiple interfaces
The interfaces are listed in the implements clause
The class must implement all methods in all interfaces
listed in the header
class Car extends Vehicle implements Product,
MovingObject, Property, RentalItem
// all methods of all interfaces
Polymorphism via Interfaces
An interface name can be used as the type of an object
reference variable
Speaker current;
The current reference can be used to point to any
object of any class that implements the Speaker
The version of speak that the following line invokes
depends on the type of object that current is
Polymorphism via Interfaces
Suppose two classes, Philosopher and Dog, both
implement the Speaker interface, providing distinct
versions of the speak method
In the following code, the first call to speak invokes one
version and the second invokes another:
Speaker guest = new Philospher();
guest = new Dog();
Searchable and List
the abstract classes Searchable and List defined earlier
are good candidates for being interfaces.
the name List could be misleading, since our abstraction
doesn’t care about the structure itself, it just cares about
iterating through elements of any structure.
the Searchable name is not very good, too. What about a
method that finds the maximum valued object? It can also
use Searchable objects. What we really care is that the
objects must be compared to each other.
often the logic of isLess() and isGreater() is closely
related, why have two separate methods?
The Java standard class library contains many helpful
The Comparable interface contains an abstract method
called compareTo, which is used to compare two objects
(similar to Searchable)
The String class implements Comparable, giving us
the ability to put strings in lexicographic order
The Iterator interface contains methods that allow the
user to move easily through a collection of objects
(similar to our List interface)
The Comparable Interface
The Comparable interface provides a common
mechanism for comparing one object to another
if (obj1.compareTo(obj2) < 0)
System.out.println (“obj1 is less than obj2”);
The result is negative is obj1 is less that obj2, 0 if they
are equal, and positive if obj1 is greater than obj2
When a programmer writes a class that implements the
Comparable interface, it should follow this intent
It's up to the programmer to determine what makes one
object less than another
The Iterator Interface
The Iterator interface provides a means of moving
through a collection of objects, one at a time
The hasNext method returns a boolean result (true if
there are items left to process)
The next method returns the next object in the iteration
The remove method removes the object most recently
returned by the next method
A class can change its data structures, but as long as it is
accessed by Iterator interface, no problem
Iterator Example
public String toString() {
String report = "";
for (int cd = 0; cd < collection.size (); cd++) {
CD currentcd = (CD) collection.get (cd);
report += currentcd.toString() + "\n";
// or ….
Iterator it = collection.iterator ();
while (it.hasNext ()) {
CD currentcd = (CD) ();
report += currentcd.toString() + "\n";
return report;
Iterator Example
public class Database {
private ArrayList items;
public Database() {
items = new ArrayList();
public void addItem(Item theItem) {
public String toString() {
String result = "";
for(Iterator iter = items.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Item item = (Item);
result += item.toString();
return result;
Flexibility of Interfaces
When your program expects an object of a concrete
class, you can only use types of objects that are
descendants of that concrete class.
If you use interfaces, then regardless of its location in
inheritance hierarchy, any object can be used
Therefore it is more flexible, for a method for example, to
accept an Interface type rather than a concrete type. This
way, it is possible to change underlying object without
changing your code.
Extending Interfaces
An Interface can extend other interfaces.
interface ABC extends A, B, C
Call-back methods
Lets say that your class needs to be notified when
something happens by some other class (like an alarm
clock, barometer, thermometer, a window …)
It is clear that we should have two classes, Let’s say a
thermometer and some other class communicating with
each other.
What should a thermometer class look like?
What does a thermometer need to know about the object
that is going to be “called-back” ?
It makes sense if the thermometer called some method of
that object when the temperature exceeds some given
public class Temperature {
if (currentTemp > limit)
How does a Temperature know which object(s) to notify?
we could get the object from the constructor or via a
method :
public class Temperature {
public Temperature(TemperatureListener tl, int limit)
public addListener(TemperatureListener tl, int limit)
What about TemperatureListener ?
it makes sense to define TemperatureListener to be an
interface, since any type of object should be allowed to
be a listener to be most flexible :
interface TemperatureListener {
void handleTemperature(int currentTemp);
Sorting is the process of arranging a list of items in a
particular order
The sorting process is based on specific value(s)
• sorting a list of test scores in ascending numeric order
• sorting a list of people alphabetically by last name
There are many algorithms, which vary in efficiency,
for sorting a list of items
We will examine two specific algorithms:
• Selection Sort
• Insertion Sort
Selection Sort
The approach of Selection Sort:
• select a value and put it in its final place into the list
• repeat for all other values
In more detail:
• find the smallest value in the list
• switch it with the value in the first position
• find the next smallest value in the list
• switch it with the value in the second position
• repeat until all values are in their proper places
Selection Sort
An example:
smallest is
smallest is
smallest is
smallest is
Each time, the smallest remaining value is found and
exchanged with the element in the "next" position to be
Selection Sort
Given an array numbers of size length,
1 For index = 0 to length - 1 do
1.1 find min, index of smallest element from index to length - 1
1.2 switch elements at locations index and min
expand 1.1
1.1.1 min = index
1.1.2 for scan = index+1 to length do
if (numbers[scan] < numbers[min])
min = scan;
The processing of the selection sort algorithm includes
the swapping of two values
Swapping requires three assignment statements and a
temporary storage location:
temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
Selection Sort on int arrays
public class Sorts {
public static void selectionSort (int[] numbers) {
int min, temp;
for (int index = 0; index < numbers.length-1; index++) {
min = index;
for (int scan = index+1; scan < numbers.length; scan++)
if (numbers[scan] < numbers[min])
min = scan;
// Swap the values
temp = numbers[min];
numbers[min] = numbers[index];
numbers[index] = temp;
Polymorphism in Sorting
Recall that an class that implements the Comparable
interface defines a compareTo method to determine the
relative order of its objects
We can use polymorphism to develop a generic sort for
any set of Comparable objects
The sorting method accepts as a parameter an array of
Comparable objects
That way, one method can be used to sort a group of
People, or Books, or whatever
Selection Sort
The sorting method doesn't "care" what it is sorting, it just
needs to be able to call the compareTo method
That is guaranteed by using Comparable as the
parameter type
Also, this way each class decides for itself what it means
for one object to be less than another
See (page 500)
See (page 501), specifically the
selectionSort method
See (page 503)
Contact[] friends = new Contact[8];
friends[0] = new Contact ("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384");
friends[1] = new Contact ("Sarah", "Barnes", "215-555-3827");
friends[2] = new Contact ("Mark", "Riley", "733-555-2969");
friends[3] = new Contact ("Laura", "Getz", "663-555-3984");
friends[4] = new Contact ("Larry", "Smith", "464-555-3489");
friends[5] = new Contact ("Frank", "Phelps", "322-555-2284");
friends[6] = new Contact ("Mario", "Guzman", "804-555-9066");
friends[7] = new Contact ("Marsha", "Grant", "243-555-2837");
for (Contact friend : friends)
System.out.println (friend);
public class Contact implements Comparable {
private String firstName, lastName, phone;
public Contact (String first, String last, String telephone) { …}
public String toString () {…}
public boolean equals (Object other) {…}
public int compareTo (Object other) {
int result;
String otherFirst = ((Contact)other).getFirstName();
String otherLast = ((Contact)other).getLastName();
if (lastName.equals(otherLast))
result = firstName.compareTo(otherFirst);
result = lastName.compareTo(otherLast);
return result;
public static void selectionSort (Comparable[] list) {
int min;
Comparable temp;
for (int index = 0; index < list.length-1; index++) {
min = index;
for (int scan = index+1; scan < list.length; scan++)
if (list[scan].compareTo(list[min]) < 0)
min = scan;
// Swap the values
temp = list[min];
list[min] = list[index];
list[index] = temp;
Insertion Sort
The approach of Insertion Sort:
• pick any item and insert it into its proper place in a sorted
• repeat until all items have been inserted
In more detail:
• consider the first item to be a sorted sublist (of one item)
• insert the second item into the sorted sublist, shifting the first
item as needed to make room to insert the new addition
• insert the third item into the sorted sublist (of two items),
shifting items as necessary
• repeat until all values are inserted into their proper positions
Insertion Sort
An example:
insert 9:
insert 6:
insert 1:
insert 2:
See (page 501), specifically the
insertionSort method
public static void insertionSort (Comparable[] list) {
for (int index = 1; index < list.length; index++) {
Comparable key = list[index];
int position = index;
// Shift larger values to the right
while (position > 0 && key.compareTo(list[position-1]) < 0) {
list[position] = list[position-1];
list[position] = key;
Comparing Sorts
The Selection and Insertion sort algorithms are similar in
They both have outer loops that scan all elements, and
inner loops that compare the value of the outer loop with
almost all values in the list
Approximately n2 number of comparisons are made to
sort a list of size n
We therefore say that these sorts are of order n2
Other sorts are more efficient: order n log2 n
Polymorphic References
Polymorphism via Inheritance
Polymorphism via Interfaces
Event Processing Revisited
File Choosers and Color Choosers
Searching is the process of finding a target element
within a group of items called the search pool
The target may or may not be in the search pool
We want to perform the search efficiently, minimizing the
number of comparisons
Let's look at two classic searching approaches: linear
search and binary search
As we did with sorting, we'll implement the searches with
polymorphic Comparable parameters
Linear Search
A linear search begins at one end of a list and examines
each element in turn
Eventually, either the item is found or the end of the list is
See (page 508)
See (page 509), specifically the
linearSearch method
Contact test, found;
Contact[] friends = new Contact[8];
friends[0] = new Contact ("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384");
friends[7] = new Contact ("Marsha", "Grant", "243-555-2837");
test = new Contact ("Frank", "Phelps", "");
found = (Contact) Searching.linearSearch(friends, test);
if (found != null)
System.out.println ("Found: " + found);
System.out.println ("The contact was not found.");
System.out.println ();
test = new Contact ("Mario", "Guzman", "");
found = (Contact) Searching.binarySearch(friends, test);
if (found != null)
System.out.println ("Found: " + found);
System.out.println ("The contact was not found.");
public static Comparable linearSearch (Comparable[] list, Comparable target) {
int index = 0;
boolean found = false;
while (!found && index < list.length)
if (list[index].equals(target))
found = true;
if (found)
return list[index];
return null;
Binary Search
A binary search assumes the list of items in the search
pool is sorted
It eliminates a large part of the search pool with a single
A binary search first examines the middle element of the
list -- if it matches the target, the search is over
If it doesn't, only one half of the remaining elements need
be searched
Since they are sorted, the target can only be in one half
of the other
Binary Search
The process continues by comparing the middle element
of the remaining viable candidates
Each comparison eliminates approximately half of the
remaining data
Eventually, the target is found or the data is exhausted
See (page 508)
See (page 509), specifically the
binarySearch method
public static Comparable binarySearch (Comparable[] list, Comparable target) {
int min=0, max=list.length, mid=0;
boolean found = false;
while (!found && min <= max) {
mid = (min+max) / 2;
if (list[mid].equals(target))
found = true;
if (target.compareTo(list[mid]) < 0)
max = mid-1;
min = mid+1;
if (found)
return list[mid];
return null;