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OF THE WEST, 1450 - 1750
An Era of Change
Precursors to Luther
Jan Hus in Holy Roman Empire and Wycliffe in England
 Both attacked aspects of church corruption, wealth, practices
 Both condemned by Church
 Hus executed, but Wycliffe protected by King of England
 Wycliffe had Bible translated into English
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Attacked the sale of indulgences, 1517
Attacked corruption in Catholic Church; called for reform
Argument reproduced with printing presses and widely read
Enthusiastic response from lay Christians, princes, many cities
By mid-16th century, half Germans adopted Lutheranism
Reform spread outside Germany
Protestant movements popular in Swiss cities, Netherlands
Scandinavian kings like movement as it removes Church as a rival
English Reformation sparked by King Henry VIII's desire for divorce
John Calvin, French convert to Protestantism
Organized model Protestant community in Geneva in the 1530s
Calvinist missionaries were successful in France
Institutes of the Christian Religion-laid out Protestantism views
Zwingli leads Calvinist like reformation in Switzerland
John Know leads Presbyterian movement in Scotland
Martin Bucer writes pamphlets, lead to rise of Puritan movement in England
 Church reaction to Luther, Protestants
 Charles V, Church condemn, excommunicate Luther
 King Henry VIII condemns Luther until goes
 Inquisition unleashed against Protestants by
Fernando and Isabel
 The Council of Trent, 1545-1563
 Directed Catholic Reformation
 Attacked corruption
 Reaffirmed tradition, Bible as co-equal
 The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Founded 1540 by Ignatius Loyola
High standards in education
Combat Protestants with logic, faith, hard work
Saved S. Germany, E. Europe from Protestants
Became confessors, advisors to kings
Henry VIII I am, I am
Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon((annulled after over 20 yrs)
Anne Boleyn(Beheaded)
Jane Seymour(died in childbirth)
Anne of Cleaves(annulled)
Catherine Howard(beheaded)
Katherine Parr(widowed)
Age of marriage
Henry 18
Henry 42
Henry 45
Henry 49
Henry 50
Henry 52
 Worldwide missionaries
Catherine of A. 24
Anne Boleyn 33
Jane Seymour 25
Anne of Cleaves 25
Catherine Howard 19
Catherine Parr 31
Mary I
Elizabeth I
Edward VI
Religious wars
 Between Protestants, Catholics during 16TH century
 Wars as much social, political as religious
 Neither side is innocent of conflict
 Civil war in France
 Between Huguenots (French Calvinists), Catholic League
 Monarchy often a pawn of both sides and nobles
 Lasted thirty-six years (1562-1598)
 Ended with new King and Edict of Nantes (rights to
 Spanish Armada
 War between Catholic Spain (Phillip II), Protestant England (Elizabeth I), 1588
 Spill over from conflict in the Netherlands
 Question of heir to English throne: Catholic Scottish Queen or Protestant Elizabeth
 Protestant provinces of the Netherlands revolted against rule of Catholic Spain
 Originally began as a revolt of all Netherlands against Spain
 Eventually split country into Catholic south (Belgium) and Protestant north (Holland)
 The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)
 The most destructive European war up to WWI
 Began as a local conflict in Bohemia; eventually involved most of Europe
 Devastated the Holy Roman Empire (German states): lost one-third population
 Saw independence of Holland, Switzerland from Holy Roman Empire
 Ended with Germany neither holy, nor Roman nor an Empire
 Scottish Presbyterians revolt
 Expel Catholic Queen (Mary) with England’s secret assistance
 Regents raised her son as Presbyterian
Italian city-states
France and England
Flourished with industries and trade
Each with independent administration and army
Levied direct taxes on citizens
More powerful absorbed smallest
Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)
 Fought for control of French lands
 Imposed direct taxes to pay the costs of war
 Central government over feudal nobility
English War of the Roses leads to Tudor Dynasty
Louis XI reduces powers of feudal aristocracy
Spain united
By marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile
Sales tax supported a powerful standing army
Conquered Granada from Muslims
Seized southern Italy in 1494
Sponsored Columbus's quest for western route to China
Competition among European states
Frequent small-scale wars
Encouraged new military and naval technology
Technological innovations strengthened armies
New Monarchs
Taxes, armies as instruments of national monarchies by late fifteenth century
Used feudal powers but added new powers to become dominant in society
France, England and Spain
All three united after long wars
Kings have new, broad powers
Nobles often weakened; new nobles created out of middle classes
Enhanced royal, centralized powers
Wealthy treasuries by direct taxes, fines, and fees
State power enlarged and more centralized
Reformation increased royal power
Kings confiscate wealth, land of the Church
Kings sell off lands to middle class, making them loyal to state
New law courts enhance royal power
Kings tend to function above the law
English Star Chambers – do not require warrants, trials
The Spanish Inquisition, Catholic court of inquiry, founded 1478
Intended to discover secret Muslims and Jews , heretics
 Charles V
 Reigned 1519-1556
 Holy Roman Emperor
Czech lands, Silesia
Hungary, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Croatia
Eastern France
Milan, Northern Italy
Two Sicilies
Spanish American Empire, Philippines
 King of Spain
 Inherited a vast empire of far-flung holdings through marriage
 Unable to establish a unified state
 Disputes with German nobles, France, and Ottoman Empire
 German nobles resented his power and obstructed his every move
 Many nobles became Protestant as it was a tool against emperor
 Even Catholic nobles supported Reformation as it limited his religious influence
 France opposed Charles and supported Protestants, Charles’ enemies
 Charles main enemy was Ottoman Empire
 France, Protestants and Turks allied against Charles
 Charles forces defeat Turks, block moves; unable to take advantage of strength
Constitutional states of England and the Netherlands
Divine Right Monarchs limited by war, nobles, wealthy
 Characterized by
Powers limited by constitutions, bills of right, convention
No one is above the law, property is protected by law
Representative institutions: rights of oversight, taxation, review, veto
 Prominent merchant classes enjoyed unusual prosperity
 Commercial empires overseas with minimal state interference
Dutch constitutional monarchy evolved out of religious wars
England’s road to rights
 Constitutional monarchy in England evolved out of a civil war
 English Glorious Revolution 1688’;beheading of Charles I
 English Bill of Rights 1689
Absolutism in France, Spain, Austria, and Prussia
Based on the theory of the divine right of kings
 Relied often on bureaucrats, professional armies
 Great trappings of power especially palaces, images
 Restricted power of aristocracy, legislatures and church
 Relied on mercantilism to generate taxable wealth
Cardinal Richelieu
 French chief minister 1624-1642
 Architect of French absolutism
Prussia began to rise in late 17th century
 Based on absolutism and army
 Eventually will unite Germany
 King of France
 Called the Sun King
 Planets revolve around the sun
 Sun gives light, warmth of the solar system
 Reigned 1643-1715
 Bureaucracy
 Used middle class for professional bureaucrats
 Established intendants tp carry out wishes
 Model of royal absolutism: the court at Versailles
 Nobles reduced to serving king, state
 Became generals, diplomats, ministers
 Lived at Versailles where king spied on them
 Large professional standing army
 Well trained, well paid, well equipped
 Kept, enforced order
 Mercantilism and Colonies
Minister Colbert was mastermind behind wealth
Promoted economic development: roads, canals
Promoted industry, and exports especially luxuries
Built large French navy and colonies in North America, India
 Rulers in Spain, Austria, Prussia, Russia saw France as model
The Peace of Westphalia (1648)
Ended the Thirty Years' War
Promoted idea of independent sovereign states
Abandoned notion of religion unity
Did not end war between European states
-Seven Years war largest in wake of Peace
of Westphalia (1756)
The balance of power
Diplomacy based on shifting alliances
Religion unimportant to determining alliances
Destroy no nation
Make no permanent enemies
Military development costly and competitive
New armaments (cannons and small arms)
New military tactics
Extremely intricate fortifications
 Nation-State
Ethnic group with common language, culture
Shared history, traditions
Shared institutions (faith, politics)
Occupying a common territory
Ruled by a common government
Government’s job
 Insure domestic tranquility and happiness
 Assumed many of the Church’s old social roles
 Multiple ethnic groups destroy nation-state
 Belief in Nation-state became new popular ideology
 Love of your nation above others is nationalism
 Originated as an elite idea of the aristocracy, educated elite
 Loyalty to state, king more important than loyalty to church, pope
Population growth
American foods improved European nutrition, diets
Increased resistance to epidemics after 1650s
Life spans increased
Infant deaths decrease
Population growth
European population increased from 81 million in 1500 to 180 million in
Rapid growth of major cities: Paris from 130,000 in 1550 to 500,000 in 1650
Cities increasingly important as administrative and commercial centers
 Agriculture changes
 New technologies applied to farming
 Draining swamps, animal breeding
 New tools to increase productivity
 Manufacturing
 Mass produced items common: textiles, metal products
 Capitalism stimulates production as profitable
 New jobs caused people to move into manufacturing from agriculture
 New Social Classes
 Rise of entrepreneurial class with great wealth
 Rise of a technological managerial class
Profits and ethics
Medieval theologians considered profit making to be selfish and sinful
Renaissance merchants supported changes, arts becoming influential in society
Protestant Reformation saw profit, success as signs of God’s Favor
Early capitalism
Led to increased influence for urban middle classes
The Price Revolution
Use of money replaced barter
Imports of gold, silver led to trade imbalances
 Mercantilism demanded payments in gold, silver
 Spain, Portugal did not support manufacturing
 Both countries had to import goods
 Northern Europeans demanded payment in gold, silver
Too much money chasing too few goods
 Inflation resulted
 Peasants, aristocrats
On fixed incomes
Payment in kind economies suffered
 Inflation drove real wages down
The nature of capitalism
Private parties sought to take advantage of free market conditions
Economic decisions by private parties, not by governments or nobility
Forces of supply and demand determined price
New managerial skills and banking arrangements arose
Joint-stock companies
Dutch East Indies, English East/West Indies Companies
Organized commerce on a new scale
Authorized to explore, conquer, colonize distant lands
Rise of Manufacturing
Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
Considered the founding father of capitalism
Society would prosper as individuals pursued their own interests
States were to support private interests, free trade
Rise of urban, rural working class
Population growth
Urbanization increased tensions
Growth increased poverty
Social Tensions
Referred to as proletariat
Paid low wages in horrible conditions
At mercy of price revolutions
Many peasants reduced to paid wages
Peasant revolts especially during Reformation
In France, Germany rose against landlords
Many sought more radical forms of Protestantism
Urban citizens also tended towards Protestantism
Persecution of witches
Elite and Mass Culture
Prior to Reformation, there were two cultures, elite and common
Two rarely intermixed or cooperated
Mass culture such as entertainment
Faith often became elite culture
The nuclear family strengthened by capitalism
Families more independent economically, socially, and emotionally
Love between men and women
Parents and children became more important
Witch-hunts in Europe
Theories, fears of witches intensified in 16th century
Reformation fed hysteria about witches and devil worship
About sixty thousand executed, 95 percent of them women
Commercial, Capitalist Revolution
Women needed often to support family by outside work
Many women merchants very successful
Women assumed new economic roles
Education and Women
Education was one of few avenues open to women
Aristocratic women often educated
Enlightenment saw first major victories for women’s rights
Women ran intellectual salons of France
Many very prominent as philosophes: Madame de Stael
 The re-conception of the universe
 The Ptolemaic universe
 A motionless earth surrounded by nine spheres
 Could not account for observable movement of the planets
 Compatible with Christian conception of creation
 The Copernican universe
 Copernicus suggested sun was center of universe, 1543
 Implied that the earth was just another planet
 On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
 The Scientific Revolution
 Science becomes the new authority and challenges faith for control
 Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) demonstrated planetary orbits elliptical
 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
 With a telescope saw sunspots, moons of Jupiter, mountains of the moon
 Theory of velocity, falling bodies anticipated modern law of inertia
 Tried by Inquisition as his ideas challenged Papal infallibility
 Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1686
 Mathematical explanations of laws govern movements of bodies
 Gravity
Thinkers called philosophes
Sought natural laws that governed human society
Center of Enlightenment was France
Apply reason/science to society, government, law
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Champion of religious liberty and individual freedom
Prolific writer; father of Enlightenment
John Locke
Life, Liberty and Property; 1689 English Bill of Rights
Allowed persons to revolt against an oppressive ruler
Adam Smith: laws of supply and demand determine price
Montesquieu: checks, balances, balanced government
Popular among thinkers of Enlightenment
Accepted existence of a god
Ordered the universe according to rational and natural laws
Impact of Enlightenment
Weakened the influence of organized religion
Encouraged secular values based on reason rather than revelation
Subjected society to rational analysis, promoted progress