Ch. 3 Colonies come of Age

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Transcript Ch. 3 Colonies come of Age

1650 - 1760
Ch. 3 Colonies come of Age
Objective: To analyze the economic,
political and social growth of the 13
colonies and examine how they grew
apart from Britain
3:1 England and its Colonies
Obj: explain their relationship and
• 1. The real purpose of the colonial system
was to enrich Britain.
• 2. Mercantilism•
an economic system in which nations
seek to increase their wealth/power by
obtaining large amounts of gold/silver, and
a favorable balance of trade.
• 3. Parliament- a law-making body
(legislative group)
• 4. Navigation Acts• 5. These Acts effected both Britain and
• 6. Colonial Merchants resented these
• 7. After 1688, Eng. Turned its attention
away from the colonies & toward France..
• 8. Salutary Neglect
-an English policy of relaxing the
enforcement of regulations in its colonies
in return for the colonies’ continued
economic loyalty
• 9. Both Eng. & Colonies benefited from
Salutary Neglect in that:
– Colonies had more freedom
– GB decreased administrative costs
• Write a paragraph, explaining the
relationship between the Colonies and
England. Include how tensions arose
between them.
3:2 Agricultural South
Obj: Describe the slave trade and
the role of slavery in the southern
plantation economy
• 1. Cash crops
• 2. Plantations developed in the South
instead of towns….
due to long, deep rivers allowed
vessels to go directly to NE colonies w/o
city docks/warehouses
• 3. Women played big roles in the
Southern households:
• 4. The common trait between southern &
northern society women…
• 5. True or False:
• Indentured Servants were mostly white
men who had traded a life of prison or
poverty in Europe for a limited term of
servitude in North America.
• 6. Slaves were Africans who were
considered property of others with a life of
intense labor.
• 7. The main reason England colonists
turned to African slaves to fill their
depleted labor force….
thought to be economical in the long
run & better able to handle harsh
»8. Triangular Trade- 3-way
trade process where
merchants carried rum/goods
to Africa, Africa traded
enslaved people for
merchandise shipping them
to West Indies for
sugar/molasses . *This trade
involved the colonies,
W.Indies, Europe, Africa.
• 9. Middle Passage –
The middle leg of the transatlantic
trade triangle carrying slaves.
• 10. VA courts did not consider slave
owners guilty of murder for killing their
slaves during punishment.
Create a picture describing the
Triangle Trade and Middle
3:3 Commercial North
Obj: To explain the diverse society
of the North and tensions that led
to witchcraft trials in Salem
• 1. Types of industries that developed in
the North:
• 2. The major port city of the South=
• Charles Town
• 3. Philadelphia was a sophisticated city:
– 2nd largest city in British Empire (2nd to
– Grid-like street plan
– Parks, police, paved streets, whale-oil lamps
to light walks/streets
• 4. Problems that emerged with high
concentration of people….
• 5. Northern Colonies attracted a variety of
immigrants. 2 main reasons they were
fleeing Europe:
– -economic distress, religious freedom,
opposed war
– (*different groups did not always mix, but it
was the beginning of a creation of a diverse
• 6. Slavery did exist in NE colonies
• 7. Northerners had less an incentive to
turn to slavery than Southerners…..
• 8. Women in Northern Society:
• 9. Underlying causes of the Salem witch
hunts 1692:
• 10. Enlightenment- Intellectual movement
that started in Europe where reason and
individualism became emphasized.
• Ben Franklin- Philadelphia inventor, writer,
political leader
• 11. Great Awakening- Religious revival
movement in Colonies….
• Jonathan Edwards-a preacher in GA 17301740’s
What led to the industry development in
the Northern Colonies?
3:4 French & Indian War
Obj: What was the French & Indian War?
• 1. France’s North American
Empire/colonies differed from British
colonies in that…
• …Fr. More interested in fur trade &
converting natives.
• ..Br. More interested in settlements
• 2. French built Ft. Duquesne (Pitt.) of
which Br. Granted this 200,000 acres to
planters…VA.(Br) Sent militia to evict them
and set up Ft. Necessity (40 mi. away)
• Attacks were beginning of War b/t Br.&Fr.
For control of N. America.
• George Washington joins Br. Army as aide
• 3. William Pitt – new gov’t leader in
• Who with allies of natives began winning
and ending the French & Indian War 1763
• 4. Treaty of Paris – official end to
Fr/Indian war….as a result:
• GB claims all of North America east of
Miss. River (including Florida which Britain
acquired from Spain which was an ally of
• 6. Pontiac – Ottawa leader /chief
-defeated/captured 8 British
forts in Ohio Valley
• 7. Proclamation of 1763 – issued by Br.
Gov’t to avoid further conflicts w/ Natives.
• Banning all settlement West of
• 8. Colonists were afraid Br. troops
stationed in New territories would turn
against them.
• 9. Sugar Act –
– Halved duty on foreign made molasses
– Placed duties on certain imports
– * it stated smugglers would be tried in Eng.
Describe the French and Indian War